Akcesoria do układów przygotowania powietrza

Parker oferuje akcesoria do rozmaitych układów przygotowania powietrza, w tym zawory kulowe i kurkowe, zawory zwrotne, bezpieczne pneumatyczne dysze pistoletowe, odpowietrzniki oraz bogaty asortyment sprzęgów, złącz, kształtek i łączników,

Akcesoria do układów przygotowania powietrza - PaksD
  • Level Switches- level measurement (JB, JC7, JD, JF, JRS Series)
    A level switch is a device used to detect the level of substances such as liquid, chemical solvent, powders, lumps within tanks, silos, and hoppers. In addition, a level switch prevents overfilling of tanks and silos and ensures tanks do not run too low, possibly interrupting production.

    JB Series - Features :
    • A compact type product that can be easily maintained and repaired in small spaces
    • Optimum for controlling powders and fine particles such as flour, wheat, sugar, and plastic materials
    • Highly sensitive with buil-in springs that can be adjusted to four levels

    JC7 Series - Features :
    • Detection of the heights of stored goods
    • Made with alumimum cases, these types can be installed and used outdorrs
    • Customizatin with a various length of shaft

    JD Series - Features :
    • Easy handling and wiring
    • Since the structure is simple, troubles occur rarely and maintenance is easy

    JRS Series - Features :
    • Detection balls and detection rods are completely enclosed and thus the products are not affected by pressure, vacuum, or gases
    • The lead switch is enclosed in glass tube containing inert gas and thus the products operate safely in combustible gases

    JF Series - Features :
    • Used in small spaces and low flow rate tanks
    • Applicable to water cooler/heater, coffee vending machines, medical appliances