
RGR Water Hose Assemblies, Series RGR
Parker's Series RGR Water Hose Assemblies provide reliable service across a wide variety of water supply applications. The hose is lightweight for easy handling, and the abrasion and weathering resistant green color blends into grass, ground cover and shrubbery cover. The factory-installed brass couplings provide a secure hose/fitting interface, and the male and female garden hose ends provide easy, quick and secure connections. The hose assembly packaging includes an attractive Parker center disc for store/retail traffic and point of purchase displays.
• Consumer & Retail
• General Industrial
• Lawn & Garden
• Tube: Black EPDM for economical performance to 180°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and kink resistance.
• Cover: Green EPDM for abrasion, heat, and weathering resistance.
• Couplings: Crush resistant nickel-plated brass for corrosion resistance and pleasing aesthetics.
- media
• Water
- usage
• Clean-up
• Wash down
• Commercial
• Residential
• Design Factor: 4:1 -
Wąż SCR do elektrycznego podgrzewania i przesyłu płynu DEF
Przewody SCR są przeznaczone do podgrzewania i przesyłania płynu DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid, znanego też jako AdBlue) przez układy selektywnej redukcji katalitycznej (SCR) w pojazdach użytkowych. Węże SCR firmy Parker są specjalnie wykonywane z wytłaczaną powłoką na elementach grzejnych unieruchamiającą je dla uzyskania dodatkowej ochrony i długotrwałego, równomiernego ogrzewania. Parker stosuje również proces zalewania, aby dodatkowo zabezpieczyć wszystkie sploty przewodów.
W wężu SCR firmy Parker wykorzystuje się elektryczny układ ogrzewania, przy czym zarówno wąż, jak i łączniki są ogrzewane przez te same druty grzejne o ciągłej regulowanej rezystancji. Stworzono je z myślą o maszynach drogowych i terenowych, a jednocześnie pomagają zachować zgodność z normami Tier IV i EPA 10.
• Transport
• Sprzęt mobilny
Cechy i korzyści
• Zastosowanie elektrycznego układu ogrzewania, w którym zarówno wąż, jak i łączniki są ogrzewane przez te same druty grzejne o ciągłej regulowanej rezystancji, w celu zapewnienia stałej wydajności rozmrażania
• Dostępnych wiele opcji, co umożliwia wybranie produktu odpowiedniego do każdego zastosowania
• Odporność na uderzenia i wodę oraz zwiększona wytrzymałość łączników i ich odporność na uderzenia (patrz dostępne certyfikaty IP) dzięki zalewanej powłoce ochronnej
• Wytłaczana powłoka na elementach grzejnych unieruchamiająca je dla uzyskania dodatkowej ochrony i długotrwałego, równomiernego ogrzewania
• Zewnętrzna certyfikacja Parflex Division w zakresie norm ISO 14001 oraz IATF 16949
• Transport płynu DEF
o Sprzęt rolniczy
o Sprzęt budowlany
o Pojazdy drogowe i autobusy
o Samochody ciężarowe
o Stacjonarne agregaty prądotwórcze
o Lokomotywy spalinowe z silnikiem wysokoprężnym
Certyfikaty i zgodność:
• Zewnętrzna certyfikacja Parflex Division w zakresie norm ISO 14001 oraz IATF 16949
• Dostępne certyfikaty IP6X, IPX8 oraz IPX9K
Dane techniczne
• Produkty z rdzeniem nylonowym dostępne ze średnicą wewnętrzną 6 mm
• Produkty z rdzeniem z EPDM o średnicy wewnętrznej 4 mm i 5,5 mm
• Dostępne w wersjach 12 V DC lub 24 V DC -
Flare-Seal® Heavy Wall Convoluted PTFE Hose
Parker Flare-Seal® Heavy Wall Convoluted PTFE Hoses are designed and manufactured to provide the ultimate in high purity, and corrosion/chemical resistance for sanitary applications. The unique benefit offered by a Flare-Seal hose is that the PTFE hose liner actually passes through the inside of the fitting and is then flared over the face of the fitting. This special process eliminates the problem of bacterial entrapment and adds the benefit of unrestricted flow by providing 100% PTFE coverage on all wetted surfaces. Eliminating flow restrictions, this seal is offered with braided convoluted and sanitary or flange fittings. In addition, PTFE has the lowest coefficient of friction of any tube in the market, contributing to increased media flow.
Chemically resistant and durable, Flare-Seal® PTFE Hose can be provided with a stainless steel braid, for high temperature applications, and a polypropylene braid, which features personal handling safety, and other optional braids. Platinum cured silicone and other covers are available upon request. For more information regarding available constructions and specific operating parameters for Flare-Seal® assemblies, please review the literature listed under the Product Support tab.
• Fluid Handling
• Industrial
• Paint
• Flare Seal fitting features continuous PTFE through fitting, allowing no area for bacterial entrapment and uninterrupted flow
• Increased flow
• Seamless inner-core
• Excellent chemical compatibility
• Non-adhesive and easy to Clean
• Open pitch
• Handles vacuum applications at elevated temperatures
• Excellent chemical compatibility to allow for successful transfer of chemicals and other fluids
• Sanitary transfer
• Chemical or solvent transfer
• Paint
• Pharmaceutical
• Food & Beverage
• Semiconductor
• FDA 21 CFR 177.1550
• USP Class VI
• ISO 10993 Sections 5, 6, 10, 11
Technical Specifications:
• Factory-made assemblies only
• Not suggested for steam-cold water cycling applications
• Hose dimensions are nominal
• Working and burst pressures rated at 73°F (23°C)
• Uses PAGE fittings
• Cannot be used with 90 or 91N Series fittings
• Vacuum wire recommended for 2-1/2, 3 and 4 inch -
PTFE High Pressure Hydraulic Hose Assemblies
Parker's PTFE High Pressure Hydraulic Hose Assemblies have excellent chemical compatibility, resist moisture, and handle working pressures as high as 5,500 psi while maintaining peak flow rates. The assemblies have a static dissipating liner to provide a path of continuity to the end fittings for applications where flow-induced electrostatic charges could occur and potentially damage the hose assembly and surrounding environment. The 944B and 955B high psi assemblies are manufactured with a heavy wall of PTFE that has excellent compatibility with a variety of media, including corrosive chemicals such as acids and newer hydraulic fluids. They also meet qualifications and expectations that are often required for successful operation in general hydraulics, compressed air/gases and chemical transfer applications.
The 304 stainless steel wire braid minimizes volumetric expansion in hydraulic service and the assemblies feature low friction, which minimizes pressure drops and deposits as well. Review the literature listed under the Product Support tab for more information regarding Parflex PTFE High Pressure Hydraulic Hose assemblies.
• Fluid Handling
• Industrial
• Transportation
• Military
• High temperature hydraulic hose
• Excellent chemical compatibility for reliable transfer of chemicals
• Resists moisture for added protection
• Low friction minimizes pressure drops and deposits
• Hoses are braided which allows for better flexibility and a tighter bend radius in the finished hose while maintaining high continuous working pressures
• Reinforcement with 304 Stainless Steel wire braid minimizes volumetric expansion in hydraulic service applications
• High temperature hydraulic applications
• Chemical transfer
• Compressed air/gases
• Ground support
• Paint striping (943B)
• 943B meets/exceeds SAE 100R7 and SAE 100R17
Technical Specifications:
• Tube: Black static-dissipative core
• Working and burst pressures rated at 73°F (23°C)
• Factory-made assemblies only
• Reinforcement: 304 Stainless Steel braid
• 950B and 955B have a reinforcement of multiple high density braids of 304 Stainless Steel
• 950B and 955B use 95 Series fittings
• 943B, 944B and 955B - Not suggested for steam-cold water cycling applications
• 943B and 944B use 94 Series fittings
• Hose I.D. is nominal -
Heavy Wall Convoluted PTFE Hose with 316 Stainless Steel Braid...
SCWV/SCBV Heavy Wall Convoluted PTFE Hoses feature a heavier wall core tube (up to33% more PTFE) than SCW/SCB hoses, allowing them to handle vacuum applications at elevated temperatures. They feature a stainless steel braid reinforcement for increased durability, exceptional chemical compatibility, and an open pitch design for additional kink resistance and reduced permeation. Unlike metal hose, which is susceptible to stress and cracking in flexing applications, Parker’s SCWV/SCBV reveals no signs of stress cracking, even after 1 million cycles of flex testing.
SCWV/SCBV hoses are manufactured from virgin convoluted PTFE tubing in a FDA compliant natural or non-FDA compliant black static-dissipative style. For more information regarding specific operating parameters and technical specifications, refer to the literature listed on the Product Support tab.
• Fluid Handling
• Industrial
• Paint
• Semiconductor
• Food & Beverage
• High temperature hose
• Thick wall core tube has up to 33% more PTFE to handle vacuum applications at elevated temperatures
• Open pitch design for additional kink resistance and reduced permeation
• Excellent chemical compatibility
• Easy cleaning
• Non-adhesive
• Fluid handling
• Chemical transfer
• Paint
• Semiconductor
• FDA 21 CFR 177.1550
• USP Class VI
• ISO 10993 Sections 5, 6, 10, 11
Technical Specifications:
• Tube: SCWV - Heavy Wall Natural FDA Compliant PTFE
SCBV - Heavy Wall Black Static-dissipative PTFE
• Reinforcement: 316 Stainless Steel braid
• Factory-made assemblies only
• Not suggested for steam-cold water cycling applications
• See Catalog 4660 for part numbering system
• Used with PAGE fittings and crimp collar SC300 only
• Vacuum wire recommended for 2-1/2, 3 and 4 inch in high temperature / high vacuum applications -
Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7232
Parker's Series 7232 Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose Factory Assemblies provide excellent service across a wide variety of industrial and commercial LPG/propane delivery and supply applications. The flexible industrial rubber hose provides a safe vibration-dampening connector between metal piping on vehicles, and maximum bulk loading performance. Series 7232 hose assemblies resist stiffening and cracking provide robust service in challenging applications.
• Agriculture
• Construction
• General Industrial
• Transportation
• Tube: Black nitrile for excellent fuel gas resistance to 140°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and durability.
• Cover: Perforated black chloroprene for abrasion, oil and weathering resistance.
• Couplings: Qualified with steel crimp couplings for a durable, safe and secure connection.
• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.
• Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)
• Propane
• Bulk loading/unloading
• Commercial and residential heating
• Delivery trucks
• In-plant tank transfer
Industry Standards:
• CAN/CGA-8.1-M86 Type I
• UL21
• UL
• Design Factor: 5:1
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines.
• LPG:
-Series 7232 hose assemblies installed on on-road vehicles must meet Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements. Factory assemblies (3/4" and larger) are pressure tested, one of the fittings is etched with a unique DOT certification number, and a document incorporating the identical certification number accompanies each shipment. Metal DOT identification bands are also attached at an additional charge per customer request. Contact Parker.
Anhydrous Ammonia:
-Do not use Series 7232 with anhydrous ammonia.
• CNG:
-Do not use Series 7232 for CNG engine applications in on-road vehicles, or for high pressure CNG dispenser/transfer applications (typically 2900 psi or greater). In other applications—where CNG is regulated to pressures within the rating of Series 7232—apply the guidelines for natural gas applications stated above. Always review and adhere to all applicable government and industry regulations and standards prior to installing this hose in a CNG or natural gas application.
• Natural Gas:
-Do not use Series 7232 for natural gas service where fixed/rigid pipe is more appropriate due to reduced permeation and overall strength and durability. Use rigid pipe, non-permeable tubing or hose with barrier constructions to convey natural gas whenever possible.
-The molecules of natural gas are small, enhancing their ability to permeate through standard rubber hose constructions. The permeation process is more rapid as the working pressure increases, and natural gas accumulates with potentially dangerous consequences. Series 7232 may be used for natural gas service, but ONLY under ALL of the following conditions:
-The application must be in a well-ventilated environment: Outdoors, or indoors with significant continuous air movement. -
Contractor’s Water Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7055
Parker's Series 7055 Contractor's Water Hose Factory Assemblies provide reliable service across a wide variety of general service water applications. The hose resists abrasion and weathering for maximum performance. Series 7055 hose assemblies incorporate brass crimp couplings for a lightweight, secure connection.
• Construction
• General Industrial
• Tube: Black EPDM for economical service to 180°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and durability.
• Cover: Black chloroprene for abrasion, oil and weathering resistance.
• Couplings: Brass male garden hose thread x female garden hose thread for quick and easy connections.
• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.
• Water
• Clean-up
• Hydration
• Washdown
• Cement trucks
• Design Factor: 4:1
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines.
• Do not use with potable water. -
X-TREME™ Low Temperature Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose Factory...
Parker's Series 7132XTC Low Temperature Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose Factory Assemblies provide excellent service across a wide variety of low temperature industrial and commercial LPG/propane delivery and supply applications. The industrial rubber hose resists stiffening and cracking and stays flexible to -65°F for ease of handling, and is available in long continuous lengths for remote delivery/transfer applications. Series 7132XTC hose assemblies provide robust service in challenging cold weather applications.
• Agriculture
• Construction
• General Industrial
• Transportation
• Tube: Black nitrile for excellent fuel gas resistance to 140°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and durability.
• Cover: Black chloroprene for abrasion, oil and weathering resistance.
• Couplings: Qualified with steel crimp couplings for a durable, safe and secure connection.
• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.
- media
• Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)
• Propane
- usage
• Delivery trucks
• In-plant processing/transfer
Industry Standards:
• CAN/CGA-8.1-M86 Type I
• UL21
• Design Factor: 5:1
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines.
• LPG:
-Series 7132XTC hose assemblies installed on on-road vehicles must meet Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements. Factory assemblies (3/4" and larger) are pressure tested, one of the fittings is etched with a unique DOT certification number, and a document incorporating the identical certification number accompanies each shipment. Metal DOT identification bands are also attached at an additional charge per customer request. Contact Parker.
Anhydrous Ammonia:
-Do not use Series 7132XTC with anhydrous ammonia.
• CNG:
-Do not use Series 7132XTC for CNG engine applications in on-road vehicles, or for high pressure CNG dispenser/transfer applications (typically 2900 psi or greater). In other applications—where CNG is regulated to pressures within the rating of Series 7132XTC—apply the guidelines for natural gas applications stated above. Always review and adhere to all applicable government and industry regulations and standards prior to installing this hose in a CNG or natural gas application.
• Natural Gas:
-Do not use hose for natural gas service where fixed/rigid pipe is more appropriate due to reduced permeation and overall strength and durability. Use rigid pipe, non-permeable tubing or hose with barrier constructions to convey natural gas whenever possible.
-The molecules of natural gas are small, enhancing their ability to permeate through standard rubber hose constructions. The permeation process is more rapid as the working pressure increases, and natural gas accumulates with potentially dangerous consequences. Series 7132XTC may be used for natural gas service, but ONLY under ALL of the following conditions:
-The application must be in a well-ventilated environment: Outdoors, or indoors with significant continuous air movement. -
Jackhammer Air Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7081
Parker's Series 7081 Jackhammer Air Hose Factory Assemblies provide excellent service for jackhammer hose applications. The hose tube is compatible with light oil mists for tool lubrication. The red cover allows easy identification and resists abrasion and weathering. Series 7081 hose assemblies incorporate crimp couplings for durability and security, with universal end styles for quick connection/disconnection.
• Construction
• General Industrial
• Tube: Black EPDM for versatile and economical service to 212°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and kink resistance.
• Cover: Red EPDM for abrasion and weathering resistance.
• Couplings: Steel crimp male universal x male universal for a durable, safe and secure connection.
• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.
• Air
• Air compressors
• Pneumatic tools, including those subject to light oil mists for lubrication.
• Design Factor: 4:1
• Do not use with oil or refined fuel.
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines. -
Softwall Farm Pump Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7174
Parker's Series 7174 Softwall Farm Pump Hose Factory Assemblies provide reliable service across a wide variety of low volume agricultural applications. The hose resists abrasion, oil and weathering for maximum performance. Series 7174 hose assemblies incorporate brass non-sparking permanent crimp couplings for a safe and secure connection.Markets:• AgricultureFeatures/Benefits:• Tube: Black nitrile for fuel compatibility to 180°F.• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and durability.• Cover: Black chloroprene for abrasion, oil and weathering resistance.• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.Applications:-media• Refined fuels• Biodiesel (to B20 in dedicated service)• Diesel• Ethanol• Gasoline• Oil-usage• Hand pumps• Skid tanks• Storage tanksSafety/Technical:• Design Factor: 4:1• Not UL listedWarnings:• Do not use with powered pumps.• Do not use Parker farm pump hose for aircraft fueling applications. Use only API/NFPA qualified hose for aircraft fueling applications. Use only UL330 listed hose for service station applications.• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines. -
GST® II Service Station Air Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7092
Parker's Series 7092 GST II Service Station Air Hose Factory Assemblies provide excellent service for multiple air hose applications. The cover resists abrasion and weathering for maximum performance in high traffic, consumer-oriented applications. Series 7092 hose assemblies incorporate lightweight brass crimp couplings for a secure hose/fitting interface and maximum performance.
• General Industrial
• Tube: Black EPDM for versatile and economical service to 212°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and kink resistance.
• Cover: Red EPDM for abrasion and weathering resistance.
• Couplings: Brass male rigid NPT thread x male rigid NPT thread for quick and easy connections.
• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.
• Air
• Air compressors
• Air dispensers
• Shop service
• Design Factor: 4:1
• Do not use with oil or refined fuel. -
HURRICANE™ Pressure Washer Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7258
Parker's Series 7258 Hurricane Pressure Washer Hose Factory Assemblies provide excellent service across a wide variety of applications. The hose is durable, crush resistant and kink resistant for easy handling and long service life. The optional blue cover is easy to identify, and both colors resist abrasion, oil and weathering to provide maximum performance. Series 7258 hose assemblies are versatile products for many common high pressure industrial applications.
• Construction
• General Industrial
• Tube: Black chloroprene for heat resistance to 250°F.
• Reinforcement: One wire braid for extreme strength and a slim profile.
• Cover: Black or blue chloroprene for abrasion, oil, weathering resistance.
• Couplings: Steel crimp male rigid x male swivel for a durable, safe and secure connection.
• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.
• Hot water
• Mild chemicals
• Commercial and industrial pressure washer systems
• Manufacturing and processing plants
• Refineries
• Shipyards
• Design Factor: 4:1
• Do not use for carpet cleaning or steam service.
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines. -
SIAMEEZ® Grade T Twin Line Welding Hose Factory Assemblies,...
Parker's Series 7109 Siameez Grade T Twin Line Welding Hose Factory Assemblies provide excellent service across a wide variety of industrial and commercial applications. The chemically bonded dual hoses provide easier hose management and handling than independent single lines. The color coding allows easy identification for quick and accurate installation, and the cover resists abrasion, flame, oil and weathering to provide maximum performance. Series 7109 hose assemblies incorporate brass non-sparking permanent crimp couplings for a safe and secure connection.
• Construction
• General Industrial
• Oil & Gas
• Tube: Black chloroprene for flame and oil resistance, and compatibility with multiple fuel gases.
• Tube: Non-blooming to minimize the migration of combustible plasticizers and waxes to the surface of the hoses.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and kink resistance.
• Cover: Chloroprene for abrasion, flame, oil and weathering resistance.
• Cover Colors: Green (oxygen) and red (fuel gas)
• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.
• Industrial oxygen
• Welding fuel gas (including acetylene)
• Bending
• Brazing
• Cutting
• Fabricating
• Gouging
• Joining
• Piercing
• Preheating
• Post-heating
• Severing
• Soldering
• Straightening
• Surfacing
• Trimming
• Auto body shops
• Craft shops
• Garages
• Mines
• Oilfield
• Plumber shops
• Railyards
• Salvage
• Scrapyards
• Shipyards
• Steel mills
Industry Standards:
• CGA E-1
• Design Factor: 4:1
• Do not attempt to re-couple, repair or splice hose assemblies; replace all assemblies that show signs of abrading, abuse, age, damage or fatigue. Refer to ARPM IP-7, Specifications for Rubber Welding Hose and Hose Technical Bulletin 11-5, Guide for Use, Maintenance and Inspection of Welding Hose. Refer to CGA Safety Bulletin SB-11, Use of Rubber Welding Hose. -
Premium Contractor’s Water Hose Factory Assemblies, Series PR
Parker's Series PR Premium Contractor's Water Hose Factory Assemblies provide reliable service across a wide variety of general service water applications. The hose resists abrasion and weathering for maximum performance. The factory-installed nickel plated brass couplings provide a secure hose/fitting interface, and the male and female garden hose ends provide easy, quick and secure connections. The hose assembly packaging includes an attractive Parker center disc for store/retail traffic and point of purchase displays.
• Construction
• General Industrial
• Tube: Black EPDM for economical service to 180°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and durability.
• Cover: Black EPDM for abrasion and weathering resistance.
• Couplings: Nickel-plated brass male garden hose thread x female garden hose thread for quick and easy connections.
• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.
• Water
• Clean-up
• Hydration
• Washdown
• Cement mixer trucks
• Design Factor: 4:1
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines.
• Do not use with potable water. -
SOFT-FLEX™ 2000 Softwall Gasoline Dispenser Hose Factory...
Parker's Series 7114 Soft-Flex 2000 Softwall Gasoline Dispenser Hose Factory Assemblies provide excellent service across a wide variety of industrial and commercial curb pump applications. The non-marking hose cover does not deface the finish of vehicles and resists abrasion, oil and weathering for maximum performance. Series 7114 hose assemblies provide robust service in consumer-oriented applications.Markets:• General Industrial• Oil & GasFeatures/Benefits:• Tube: Black nitrile for fuel compatibility to 180°F.• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and durability, and static wire for a path to conduct an electrical charge to ground.• Cover: Black CPE for abrasion, oil and weathering resistance.• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.Applications:-media• Refined fuels• Diesel• Ethanol• Gasoline• Oil-usage• Curb pumps• Gasoline dispensers• In-plant/tank transfer• Car rental facilities• Convenience stores• Garages• Service stationsIndustry Standards:• NFPA 30A• UL30N4• UL330/ULCSafety/Technical:• Design Factor: 5:1• Not UL listed for E85 serviceWarnings:• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines.• Do not use Parker gasoline dispenser hose for aircraft fueling applications. Use only API/NFPA qualified hose for aircraft fueling applications. -
FLEX-EVER™ 2000 Hardwall Gasoline Dispenser Hose Factory...
Parker's Series 7280 Flex-Ever 2000 Hardwall Gasoline Dispenser Hose Factory Assemblies provide excellent service across a wide variety of industrial and commercial curb pump applications. The robust construction reduces meter creep for accurate consumption data, provides excellent crush resistance and kink resistance, and full suction capability for maximum performance. The non-marking hose cover does not deface the finish of vehicles and resists abrasion, oil and weathering. Series 7280 hose assemblies provide robust service in consumer-oriented applications.
• General Industrial
• Oil & Gas
• Tube: Black nitrile for fuel compatibility to 180°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile braids for kink resistance, and dual wire helix for a path to conduct an electrical charge to ground.
• Cover: Black CPE for abrasion, oil and weathering resistance.
• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.
• Refined fuels
• Biodiesel (to B20 in dedicated service)
• Diesel
• Ethanol
• Gasoline
• Oil
• Curb pumps
• Gasoline dispensers
• In-plant/tank transfer
• Car rental facilities
• Convenience stores
• Garages
• Service stations
Industry Standards:
• NFPA 30A
• UL30N4
• UL330/ULC
• Design Factor: 4:1
• Not UL listed for E85 service
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines.
• Do not use Parker gasoline dispenser hose for aircraft fueling applications. Use only API/NFPA qualified hose for aircraft fueling applications. -
FLEX-EVER™ Barrier Hardwall Gasoline Dispenser Hose Factory...
Parker's Series 7282 Hardwall Barrier Gasoline Dispenser Hose Factory Hose Assemblies provide excellent service across a wide variety of industrial and commercial curb pump applications. The robust construction reduces meter creep for accurate consumption data and provides excellent crush resistance, kink resistance and full suction capability for maximum performance. The internal barrier minimizes vapor permeation to maintain air quality, and the non-marking hose cover does not deface the finish of vehicles. Series 7282 hose assemblies provide robust service in consumer-oriented applications.
• General Industrial
• Oil & Gas
• Tube: Black nitrile with THV barrier for control of vapor permeation and fuel compatibility to 180°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile braids for kink resistance, and dual wire helix for a path to conduct an electrical charge to ground.
• Cover: Black CPE for abrasion, oil and weathering resistance.
• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.
• Refined fuels
• Biodiesel (to B5 in dedicated and non-dedicated service)
• Diesel
• Ethanol (to E10)
• Gasoline
• Oil
• Curb pumps
• Gasoline dispensers
• In-plant/tank transfer
• Car rental facilities
• Convenience stores
• Garages
• Service stations
Industry Standards:
• UL330/CAN ULC-S612
• Design Factor: 4:1
• Not UL listed for E85 service
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines.
• Do not use Parker gasoline dispenser hose for aircraft fueling applications. Use only API/NFPA qualified hose for aircraft fueling applications. -
SOFT-FLEX™ Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Dispenser Hose Factory...
Parker's Series 7116M Soft-Flex Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Dispenser Hose Factory Assemblies provide excellent service in supplying DEF rom dispensing units to equipment, storage tanks and vehicles. The specially formulated hose tube is corrosion resistant to limit the possibility of contamination and diminished performance of on-board selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems of heavy duty vehicles. The hose cover resists abrasion and weathering. Series 7116M hose assemblies incorporate corrosion resistant stainless steel permanent crimp couplings for a clean, safe and secure connection.
• Agriculture
• Construction
• General Industrial
• Transportation
• Tube: Black peroxide cured EPDM for corrosion resistant compatibility to 212°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for flexibility and strength.
• Cover: Black EPDM for abrasion and weathering resistance.
• Couplings: Stainless steel crimp for a durable, safe and secure connection.
• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.
• Urea
• Dispensers
• In-plant tank transfer
• Storage tank transfer
• Design Factor: 4:1
• Do not use for oil or fuel service.
• To avoid DEF contamination, use only hose designed for the application, and stainless steel couplings to fabricate hose assemblies.
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines. -
Sledgehammer Air Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7082/7083
Parker's Series 7082/7083 Sledgehammer Air Hose Factory Assemblies provide excellent service for sledgehammer hose applications. The hose tube is compatible with light oil mists for tool lubrication. The red/yellow covers allow easy identification and resist abrasion and weathering. Series 7082/7083 hose assemblies incorporate crimp couplings for durability and security, with universal end styles for quick connection/disconnection.
• Construction
• General Industrial
• Tube: Black EPDM for versatile and economical service to 212°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and kink resistance.
• Cover: Red or yellow EPDM for abrasion and weathering resistance.
• Couplings: Steel crimp male universal x male universal for a durable, safe and secure connection.
• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.
• Air
• Air compressors
• Pneumatic tools, including those subject to light oil mists for lubrication.
• Design Factor: 4:1
• Do not use with oil or refined fuel.
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines. -
SIAMEEZ® Grade R Twin Line Welding Hose Factory Assemblies,...
Parker's Series 7126 Siameez Grade R Twin Line Welding Hose Factory Assemblies provide excellent service across a wide variety of industrial and commercial applications. The chemically bonded dual hoses provide easier hose management and handling than independent single lines. The cover resists abrasion and weathering to provide maximum performance, and is the hose provides versatile service for many common acetylene-based industrial welding applications. Series 7126 hose assemblies incorporate brass non-sparking permanent crimp couplings for a safe and secure connection.
• Construction
• General Industrial
• Oil & Gas
• Tube: Black EPDM for acetylene/oxygen compatibility.
• Tube: Non-blooming to minimize the migration of combustible plasticizers and waxes to the surface of the hoses.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and kink resistance.
• Cover: EPDM for abrasion and weathering resistance.
• Cover Colors: Green (oxygen) and red (fuel gas, acetylene only)
• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.
• Fuel gas (acetylene only)
• Oxygen
• Bending
• Brazing
• Cutting
• Fabricating
• Gouging
• Joining
• Piercing
• Preheating
• Post-heating
• Severing
• Soldering
• Straightening
• Surfacing
• Trimming
• Auto body shops
• Craft shops
• Garages
• Mines
• Oilfield
• Plumber shops
• Railyards
• Salvage
• Scrapyards
• Shipyards
• Steel mills
Industry Standards:
• Design Factor: 4:1
• Do not use with any fuel gas other than acetylene.
• Do not attempt to re-couple, repair or splice hose assemblies; replace all assemblies that show signs of abrading, abuse, age, damage or fatigue. Refer to ARPM IP-7, Specifications for Rubber Welding Hose and Hose Technical Bulletin 11-5, Guide for Use, Maintenance and Inspection of Welding Hose. Refer to CGA Safety Bulletin SB-11, Use of Rubber Welding Hose. -
Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7132
Parker's Series 7132 Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG Hose Factory Assemblies provide excellent service across a wide variety of industrial and commercial LPG/propane delivery and supply applications. The industrial rubber hose resists stiffening and cracking and stays flexible to -40°F for ease of handling, and is available in long continuous lengths for remote delivery/transfer applications. Series 7132 hose assemblies provide robust service in challenging applications.
• Agriculture
• Construction
• General Industrial
• Transportation
• Tube: Black nitrile for excellent fuel gas resistance to 140°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and durability.
• Cover: Black chloroprene for abrasion, oil and weathering resistance.
• Couplings: Qualified with steel crimp couplings for a durable, safe and secure connection.
• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.
• Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)
• Propane
• Delivery trucks
• In-plant processing/transfer
Industry Standards:
• CAN/CGA-8.1-M86 Type I
• UL21
• Design Factor: 5:1
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines.
• LPG:
-Series 7132 hose assemblies installed on on-road vehicles must meet Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements. Factory assemblies (3/4" and larger) are pressure tested, one of the fittings is etched with a unique DOT certification number, and a document incorporating the identical certification number accompanies each shipment. Metal DOT identification bands are also attached at an additional charge per customer request. Contact Parker.
Anhydrous Ammonia:
-Do not use Series 7132 with anhydrous ammonia.
• CNG:
-Do not use Series 7132 for CNG engine applications in on-road vehicles, or for high pressure CNG dispenser/transfer applications (typically 2900 psi or greater). In other applications—where CNG is regulated to pressures within the rating of Series 7132—apply the guidelines for natural gas applications stated above. Always review and adhere to all applicable government and industry regulations and standards prior to installing this hose in a CNG or natural gas application.
• Natural Gas:
-Do not use hose for natural gas service where fixed/rigid pipe is more appropriate due to reduced permeation and overall strength and durability. Use rigid pipe, non-permeable tubing or hose with barrier constructions to convey natural gas whenever possible.
-The molecules of natural gas are small, enhancing their ability to permeate through standard rubber hose constructions. The permeation process is more rapid as the working pressure increases, and natural gas accumulates with potentially dangerous consequences. Series 7132 may be used for natural gas service, but ONLY under ALL of the following conditions:
-The application must be in a well-ventilated environment: Outdoors, or indoors with significant continuous air movement. -
Farm Pump/Gravity Tank Fuel Hose Factory Assemblies - Series 7175
Parker's Series 7175 Softwall Farm Pump Hose Factory Assemblies provide reliable service across a wide variety of low volume agricultural applications. The hose resists abrasion, oil and weathering for maximum performance. Series 7175 hose assemblies incorporate brass crimp couplings for a lightweight, safe and secure connection.
• Agriculture
• General Industrial
• Tube: Black nitrile for fuel compatibility to 180°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and durability, and a static wire for a path to conduct an electrical charge to ground.
• Cover: Black chloroprene for abrasion, oil and weathering resistance.
• Couplings: Brass male rigid NPT thread x male rigid NPT thread for quick and easy connections.
• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.
• Refined fuels
• Biodiesel (to B20 in dedicated service)
• Diesel
• Ethanol
• Gasoline
• Oil
• Hand pumps
• Powered dispensers/pumps
• Skid tanks
• Storage tanks
• Design Factor: 4:1
• Not UL listed
• Do not use Parker farm pump hose for aircraft fueling applications. Use only API/NFPA qualified hose for aircraft fueling applications. Use only UL330 listed hose for service station applications.
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines. -
Premium Hot Water Hose Factory Assemblies, Series HWR
Parker's Series HWR Premium Hot Water Hose Factory Assemblies provide reliable service across a wide variety of general service water applications. The hose resists abrasion and weathering for maximum performance. The factory-installed nickel plated brass couplings provide a secure hose/fitting interface, and the male and female garden hose ends provide easy, quick and secure connections. The hose assembly packaging includes an attractive Parker center disc for store/retail traffic and point of purchase displays.
• General Industrial
• Tube: Black EPDM for economical service to 212°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and durability.
• Cover: Red EPDM for abrasion and weathering resistance.
• Couplings: Nickel-plated brass male garden hose thread x female garden hose thread for quick and easy connections.
• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.
• Water
• Clean-up
• Washdown
• Design Factor: 4:1
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines.
• Do not use with potable water. -
Seamless Convoluted PTFE with Nomex® Braid - NCW/NCB
Parker Nomex braided hose assemblies offer superior flexibility, allowing them to route through tight areas and eliminate RFI issues seen in many applications having stainless steel reinforcements. They are also less susceptible to cracking from stress or flexing than metal hose assemblies. For abrasion resistance, a polyester monofilament scuff sleeve can be added.
A Nomex braided hose is extremely light weight and about 40% lighter than a typical stainless steel braided hose. With nearly the same temperature resistance, up to 400°F, Nomex is a much cooler reinforcement allowing operators to handle hoses without the risk of a burn. These hoses are sold as factory-made assemblies only and it is available with a static dissipative core tube.
• Pharmaceutical
• Food & Beverage
• Cosmetics
• Industrial
• Very light weight
• Superior flexibility
• Kink and vacuum resistant
• Eliminates RFI issues
• Available with a static dissipative core tube
Conforms to:
• FDA 21 CFR 177.1550
• USP Class VI
• ISO 10993 Sections 5, 6, 10, 11
• Fluid handinling
• Chemical transfer
• Paint
Technical Specifications:
• Tube: Natural Convoluted PTFE
• Reinforcement: Nomex
• Available with a static dissipative core tube (NCB)
• Used with PAGE Series fittings
Nomex® is a registered trademark of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. -
Parker's Series 7084 Twinhammer Dual Air/Water Jackhammer Factory Hose Assemblies are designed as an integral component of a silica dust suppression system to help meet the OSHA Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) Standard. It is easy to handle and maneuver in application, and perfect for use with industrial air compressors and jackhammers.The air hose inner tube is compatible with light oil mists for tool lubrication. The color-coded hose covers allow easy identification and resist abrasion and weathering. Series 7084 hose assemblies incorporate crimp couplings for durability and security, with universal end styles for quick connection/disconnection.Markets:• ConstructionFeatures/Benefits:• Tube: Black EPDM for versatile and economical service to 212°F.• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and kink resistance.• Cover: Blue (water hose) or red (air hose) EPDM for abrasion and weathering resistance.• Air Hose Couplings: Steel crimp male universal x male universal for a durable, safe and secure connection.• Water Hose Couplings: Brass crimp rigid male pipe x rigid male pipe for a safe and secure rust resistant connection.• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.Applications:• Air• Water• Air compressor/water pump hose connections in jackammer dust suppression systems• Air operated jackhammers incorporating a water connectionSafety/Technical:• Note: Universal fittings have a maximum working pressure of 150 psi. Do not operate this hose assembly/system at pressures greater than 150 psi.