Węże do chemikaliów

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Hot Molten Sulphur Dock...
Parker's Series EW460 Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Hot Molten Sulphur Dock Hose provides excellent medium pressure, heavy duty service across multiple bulk loading/unloading applications. The basic hose construction may be modified to customer-specified requirements, including brand, length pattern and built-in coupling configurations. Parker will quickly design and build a custom made product to satisfy specific application requirements and will drop-ship in protective packaging, eliminating the cost of additional handling and the need to compromise on hose performance.
• General Industrial
• Marine
• Tube: Black EPDM for superior hot chemical resistance to 300°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and durability, and a wire helix for full suction capability and a path to conduct a static charge to ground.
• Cover: Black EPDM for abrasion and weathering resistance and durability.
• Couplings: Per customer requirements
- media
• Hot molten sulphur
- usage
• Barges
• Bulk depots/terminals
• Docks
• Marine vessels
• Storage tanks
Industry Standards:
Custom Made Hose Engineering Hot Lines
- Eastern USA
7:00 am—4:30 pm ET
- Western USA
10:00 am—7:00 pm ET -
Wąż hydrauliczny 560TJ TOUGHJACKET™ firmy Parker to wąż z tworzywa termoplastycznego zgodny z wężem 100R1AT cechujący się 100-krotnie większą odpornością na przetarcie niż porównywalne węże oraz zaprojektowany tak, aby ciśnienie powodowało jedynie niewielką zmianę długości (+/-2%). Ta cecha sprawia, że wąż Parflex jest idealnym rozwiązaniem w zastosowaniach, w których węże są nawijane na krążki lub bębny i wymagane są długie odcinki. Ponadto kompaktowy rozmiar ułatwia prowadzenie, co skraca czas instalacji i wymiany. Jest to szczególnie korzystne w przypadku miniładowarek, w których jest mało miejsca na instalacje. Odporne na przetarcie węże TOUGHJACKET™ mają poliuretanową powłokę TOUGHJACKET zapewniającą najlepszą odporność na przetarcie.
• Przemysł
• Sprzęt mobilnyCechy i korzyści
• Dostarczany w długich odcinkach
• Mała zmiana długości pod wpływem ciśnienia
• Odporność na działanie ozonu i promieniowanie UV
• Od 23% do 42% lżejszy niż wąż gumowy 100R1AT
• Mniejsza średnica zewnętrzna niż w przypadku gumowego węża hydraulicznego 100R1AT dla łatwiejszego prowadzenia
• Odporna na przetarcie powłoka TOUGHJACKET — 100-krotnie bardziej odporna niż w przypadku porównywalnych węży
• Doskonała elastyczność
• Bezkonkurencyjny promień gięcia
• Dostępne łączone wykonania wieloprzewodoweZastosowania
• Hydraulika oraz obwody i systemy, dla których wybrano wąż 100R1AT
• Na krążkach i rolkach
• Urządzenia przemysłoweDane techniczne
• Rura: Kopoliester
• Wzmocnienie: Oplot z drutu stalowego o wysokiej wytrzymałości na rozciąganie
• Osłona: Czarna poliuretanowa powłoka bez perforacji TOUGHJACKET
• Średnica wewnętrzna węża to wartość nominalna
• Średnica zewnętrzna węża to wartość maksymalna -
Diagnostic Hose for Small Bore Fluid Transfer - 56DH 6000 PSI
Parflex 56DH diagnostic hose offers the best in class performance by reducing the volume of fluid in the system over -4 rubber hose. This diagnostic hose has a compact O.D., making it the optimal solution for applications where a small diameter hose is desired. It is also a very lightweight hose and, coupled with its good flexibility characteristics, allows for simplified routing and installation in small bore fluid transfer applications. It is often used as a replacement for steel tubing, which is much heavier and stiffer. In addition, it operates in temperatures up to 200°F and at 6,000 psi, withstands a minimum of 200,000 impulse cycles without leakage or malfunction.
• Industrial
• Material Handling
• Mining
• Mobile Equipment
• Lightweight and flexible for easy routing
• Twin or multi-line configurations available to accommodate various application requirements
• Compact O.D. for easier installation in diagnostic equipment and hydraulic and pneumatic systems
• Hydraulic and pneumatic systems where a small diameter hose is desired
• Diagnostic hydraulic lines
• All Mobile and industrial equipment where remote mounting of system pressure is desired
• Construction equipment
• Ag/Turf equipment
• MSHA Compliant Cover
Technical Specifications:
• Hose I.D. is nominal
• Hose O.D. is maximum -
Odporny na przetarcie wąż hydrauliczny ToughJacket 590TJ
Kompaktowy wąż hydrauliczny TOUGHACKET™ 590TJ firmy Parker Parflex to elastyczny wąż z tworzywa termoplastycznego z odporną na przetarcie powłoką TOUGHJACKET. Wąż 590TJ cechuje się niewielką zmianą długości pod wpływem ciśnienia, jest dostarczany w długich odcinkach. Kompaktowy wąż hydrauliczny 590TJ został zaprojektowany tak, aby wytrzymać obciążenia związane z intensywnym użytkowaniem. To optymalne rozwiązanie do dużych instalacji i trudnych warunków pracy, takich jak sprzęt budowlany i rolniczy czy transport. Wąż Parflex 590TJ jest również lekki, co ułatwia jego prowadzenie, oraz wytrzymuje temperatury od -40°F do +250°F.
• Transport płynów
• Przemysł
• Sprzęt mobilny
• TransportCechy i korzyści
• Poliuretanowa powłoka TOUGHJACKET gwarantująca najlepszą odporność na przetarcie
• Mała zmiana długości pod wpływem ciśnienia
• Dostarczany w długich odcinkach
• Mniejsza średnica zewnętrzna niż w przypadku węża gumowego 100R16 dla łatwiejszego prowadzenia
• Od 23% do 42% lżejszy niż wąż gumowy 100R2
• Dostępne konstrukcje dwu- i wieloprzewodoweZastosowania
• Sprzęt budowlany
• Zastosowania, w których węże są nawijane na krążki lub bębny
• Wysięgniki i tory kablowe
• Obrabiarki
• Przekładnie hydrostatyczne
• Śmieciarki
• Maszyny rolniczeCertyfikaty i zgodność:
• Zatwierdzenie MSHA
• Zatwierdzenie ABS — 590TJ-4, 590TJ-6 oraz 590TJ-8Dane techniczne
• Rura: Kopoliester
• Wzmocnienie: Włókno aramidowe, oplot z drutu o wysokiej wytrzymałości na rozciąganie
• Osłona: Czarna poliuretanowa powłoka bez perforacji TOUGHJACKET
• Średnica wewnętrzna węża to wartość nominalna
• Średnica zewnętrzna węża to wartość maksymalna -
High Pressure Hose - 580N/H580N/588N
Parker’s 580N/H580N/588N High Pressure Hose meets SAE 100R8 specifications and, with a lighter weight and smaller O.D. than the 100R2, replaces 100R2 rubber hose wherever greater flexibility, fluid compatibility, and cover durability are required. This high pressure hydraulic hose features a highly developed design, available in twin-line and multi-line constructions, to ensure high performance in hydraulic and pneumatic circuits and systems applications. Offering superior features, such as a reduced weight and improved flexing capabilities, the Parflex 580N/H580N/588N High Pressure Hose combines a variety of advantages to fulfill application requirements in expanding fluid handling and industrial pneumatic markets.
• Fluid Handling
• Industrial
• Mobile Equipment
• Twin and multi-line available to fulfill diverse application requirements
• Lighter weight and smaller O.D. than 100R2 for improved handling and routing
• Replaces 100R2 rubber hose wherever greater flexibility, fluid compatibility, and cover durability are required
• Hydraulic and pneumatic circuits and systems
• Construction Equipment
• Factory Automation
• Machine Tools
• Material Handling Equipment
• Turf Equipment
• Meets/Exceeds SAE 100R8 specifications
• 580N MSHA Approved
• 588N Meets SAE J517 for less than 50 micro-amps leakage under 75,000 volts per foot
Technical Specifications:
• Tube: Nylon (588N has a non-conductive core tube for applications where electric shock is a potential danger for operators)
• Reinforcement: Fiber
• Cover: 580N Black polyurethane, perforated
588N Orange polyurethane, non-perforated
H580N Black polyurethane, non-perforated
• Burst pressures are rated at 73°F (23°C)
• Hose I.D. is nominal
• Hose O.D. is maximum -
Wąż SCR do elektrycznego podgrzewania i przesyłu płynu DEF
Przewody SCR są przeznaczone do podgrzewania i przesyłania płynu DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid, znanego też jako AdBlue) przez układy selektywnej redukcji katalitycznej (SCR) w pojazdach użytkowych. Węże SCR firmy Parker są specjalnie wykonywane z wytłaczaną powłoką na elementach grzejnych unieruchamiającą je dla uzyskania dodatkowej ochrony i długotrwałego, równomiernego ogrzewania. Parker stosuje również proces zalewania, aby dodatkowo zabezpieczyć wszystkie sploty przewodów.
W wężu SCR firmy Parker wykorzystuje się elektryczny układ ogrzewania, przy czym zarówno wąż, jak i łączniki są ogrzewane przez te same druty grzejne o ciągłej regulowanej rezystancji. Stworzono je z myślą o maszynach drogowych i terenowych, a jednocześnie pomagają zachować zgodność z normami Tier IV i EPA 10.
• Transport
• Sprzęt mobilny
Cechy i korzyści
• Zastosowanie elektrycznego układu ogrzewania, w którym zarówno wąż, jak i łączniki są ogrzewane przez te same druty grzejne o ciągłej regulowanej rezystancji, w celu zapewnienia stałej wydajności rozmrażania
• Dostępnych wiele opcji, co umożliwia wybranie produktu odpowiedniego do każdego zastosowania
• Odporność na uderzenia i wodę oraz zwiększona wytrzymałość łączników i ich odporność na uderzenia (patrz dostępne certyfikaty IP) dzięki zalewanej powłoce ochronnej
• Wytłaczana powłoka na elementach grzejnych unieruchamiająca je dla uzyskania dodatkowej ochrony i długotrwałego, równomiernego ogrzewania
• Zewnętrzna certyfikacja Parflex Division w zakresie norm ISO 14001 oraz IATF 16949
• Transport płynu DEF
o Sprzęt rolniczy
o Sprzęt budowlany
o Pojazdy drogowe i autobusy
o Samochody ciężarowe
o Stacjonarne agregaty prądotwórcze
o Lokomotywy spalinowe z silnikiem wysokoprężnym
Certyfikaty i zgodność:
• Zewnętrzna certyfikacja Parflex Division w zakresie norm ISO 14001 oraz IATF 16949
• Dostępne certyfikaty IP6X, IPX8 oraz IPX9K
Dane techniczne
• Produkty z rdzeniem nylonowym dostępne ze średnicą wewnętrzną 6 mm
• Produkty z rdzeniem z EPDM o średnicy wewnętrznej 4 mm i 5,5 mm
• Dostępne w wersjach 12 V DC lub 24 V DC -
Flare-Seal® Heavy Wall Convoluted PTFE Hose
Parker Flare-Seal® Heavy Wall Convoluted PTFE Hoses are designed and manufactured to provide the ultimate in high purity, and corrosion/chemical resistance for sanitary applications. The unique benefit offered by a Flare-Seal hose is that the PTFE hose liner actually passes through the inside of the fitting and is then flared over the face of the fitting. This special process eliminates the problem of bacterial entrapment and adds the benefit of unrestricted flow by providing 100% PTFE coverage on all wetted surfaces. Eliminating flow restrictions, this seal is offered with braided convoluted and sanitary or flange fittings. In addition, PTFE has the lowest coefficient of friction of any tube in the market, contributing to increased media flow.
Chemically resistant and durable, Flare-Seal® PTFE Hose can be provided with a stainless steel braid, for high temperature applications, and a polypropylene braid, which features personal handling safety, and other optional braids. Platinum cured silicone and other covers are available upon request. For more information regarding available constructions and specific operating parameters for Flare-Seal® assemblies, please review the literature listed under the Product Support tab.
• Fluid Handling
• Industrial
• Paint
• Flare Seal fitting features continuous PTFE through fitting, allowing no area for bacterial entrapment and uninterrupted flow
• Increased flow
• Seamless inner-core
• Excellent chemical compatibility
• Non-adhesive and easy to Clean
• Open pitch
• Handles vacuum applications at elevated temperatures
• Excellent chemical compatibility to allow for successful transfer of chemicals and other fluids
• Sanitary transfer
• Chemical or solvent transfer
• Paint
• Pharmaceutical
• Food & Beverage
• Semiconductor
• FDA 21 CFR 177.1550
• USP Class VI
• ISO 10993 Sections 5, 6, 10, 11
Technical Specifications:
• Factory-made assemblies only
• Not suggested for steam-cold water cycling applications
• Hose dimensions are nominal
• Working and burst pressures rated at 73°F (23°C)
• Uses PAGE fittings
• Cannot be used with 90 or 91N Series fittings
• Vacuum wire recommended for 2-1/2, 3 and 4 inch -
PTFE High Pressure Hydraulic Hose Assemblies
Parker's PTFE High Pressure Hydraulic Hose Assemblies have excellent chemical compatibility, resist moisture, and handle working pressures as high as 5,500 psi while maintaining peak flow rates. The assemblies have a static dissipating liner to provide a path of continuity to the end fittings for applications where flow-induced electrostatic charges could occur and potentially damage the hose assembly and surrounding environment. The 944B and 955B high psi assemblies are manufactured with a heavy wall of PTFE that has excellent compatibility with a variety of media, including corrosive chemicals such as acids and newer hydraulic fluids. They also meet qualifications and expectations that are often required for successful operation in general hydraulics, compressed air/gases and chemical transfer applications.
The 304 stainless steel wire braid minimizes volumetric expansion in hydraulic service and the assemblies feature low friction, which minimizes pressure drops and deposits as well. Review the literature listed under the Product Support tab for more information regarding Parflex PTFE High Pressure Hydraulic Hose assemblies.
• Fluid Handling
• Industrial
• Transportation
• Military
• High temperature hydraulic hose
• Excellent chemical compatibility for reliable transfer of chemicals
• Resists moisture for added protection
• Low friction minimizes pressure drops and deposits
• Hoses are braided which allows for better flexibility and a tighter bend radius in the finished hose while maintaining high continuous working pressures
• Reinforcement with 304 Stainless Steel wire braid minimizes volumetric expansion in hydraulic service applications
• High temperature hydraulic applications
• Chemical transfer
• Compressed air/gases
• Ground support
• Paint striping (943B)
• 943B meets/exceeds SAE 100R7 and SAE 100R17
Technical Specifications:
• Tube: Black static-dissipative core
• Working and burst pressures rated at 73°F (23°C)
• Factory-made assemblies only
• Reinforcement: 304 Stainless Steel braid
• 950B and 955B have a reinforcement of multiple high density braids of 304 Stainless Steel
• 950B and 955B use 95 Series fittings
• 943B, 944B and 955B - Not suggested for steam-cold water cycling applications
• 943B and 944B use 94 Series fittings
• Hose I.D. is nominal -
Parker Hydraulic Hose – 520N/528N
Parker's 520N/528N Thermoplastic Hydraulic Hose is a high pressure hose that meets SAE 100R8 specifications and, with a lighter weight and smaller O.D. than the 100R2. It replaces 100R2 rubber hose wherever greater flexibility, fluid compatibility, and cover durability are required. This flexible hose features a highly developed design, available in twin-line and multi-line constructions, to ensure high performance in hydraulic and pneumatic circuits and systems applications. Offering superior features, such as a reduced weight and improved flexing capabilities, the Parflex 520N/528N High Pressure Hose combines a variety of advantages to fulfill application requirements in expanding fluid handling and industrial pneumatic markets.
• Machine Tool
• Industrial
• Industrial Pneumatic
• Construction
• Mobile Equipment
• Lighter and smaller O.D. than 100R2 for ease of assembly
• Fast response
• Working pressure up to 5,000 psi
• Hydraulic and pneumatic circuits and systems
• Ideal in hot water applications
• Material Handling Equipment
• Machine tool
• Construction Equipment
• Meets/exceeds SAE 100R8
• 520N MSHA accepted
• 528N meets SAE J517 for less than 50 micro-amps leakage under 75,000 volts per foot
Technical Specifications:
• Tube: Nylon
• Reinforcement: Aramid fiber
• 520N Cover: Black, Polyurethane – perforated
• 528N Cover: Orange (non-conductive), Polyurethane – non-perforated
• Burst pressures rated at 73°F /23°C
• Uses 55 or 56 Series fittings – dependent on the size
• Twin and multi-line designs available
• Hose I.D. is nominal -
Chemical Resistant Heavy Wall PTFE Smoothbore Hose - 929/929B
Parker’s 929/929B Heavy Wall Smoothbore PTFE Hose features improved kink resistance and enhanced resistance to gas permeation over 919/919B hose due to an increased wall thickness. These PTFE hoses have exceptional chemical compatibility and handle temperatures as high as +450°F. They are used in numerous applications including but not limited to chemical transfer lines, high temperature general hydraulics, and coolant lines. The PTFE core tube resists moisture and offers the lowest coefficient of friction of any known plastic, therefore minimizing pressure drops and deposits.
PTFE hoses are less susceptible to cracking from stress or flexing than metal hoses. The 929 hose meets SAE 100R14A and is constructed of a natural FDA compliant PTFE tube while 929B hose meets SAE 100R14B and is manufactured with a black static-dissipating PTFE core tube. Parker 919B should be used when conveying non-conducting fluids such as oils, paints, fuels, or steam.
• Fluid Handling
• Medical
• Oilfield Service
• Transportation
• Military
• Tight bend radius for easy handling and smooth operation
• Increased kink resistance
• Enhanced resistance to gas permeation due to increased PTFE wall thickness (.040”)
• Chemical transfer lines
• General hydraulics
• Compressed air/gases
• Adhesive dispensing
• Coolant lines
• Medical gases
• Meets/Exceeds SAE 100R14A - 929
• Meets/Exceeds SAE 100R14B - 929B
• FDA CFR 177.1550 (Natural tube)
Technical Specifications:
• Tube: 929 - Natural FDA Compliant PTFE
929B - Black Static-Dissipative PTFE
• Reinforcement: 304 Stainless Steel braid
• Use hose type 929B with static-dissipative core tube when conveying non-conducting fluids such as oils, paints, fuels, steam, etc.
• Minimum burst pressure is 4x maximum working pressure at 73°F (23°C)
• Uses 91N Series fittings
• Hose I.D. is nominal
• Hose O.D. is maximum -
Static Dissipative Smoothbore PTFE Hose with Silicone Jacket -...
Parker's 929BJ Smoothbore Heavy Wall PTFE Hose features a specially designed brown silicone jacket to provide a clean, smooth cover to protect the stainless steel wire reinforcement against wear, fraying and contaminants. The hose is constructed of a static-dissipative PTFE core tube, reinforced with a 304 stainless steel braid, and protected with an extruded silicone cover for added durability.
929BJ assemblies are used in numerous applications including but not limited to chemical transfer lines, high temperature general hydraulics, and coolant lines.
• Fluid Handling
• Compressed Gas
• Transportation
• Military
• Silicone cover protects the stainless steel wire reinforcement against wear and fraying
• Silicone cover provides clean, smooth cover and prevents contaminants from accumulating in braid
• Tight bend radius
• Improved kink resistance over .030” wall PTFE hose
• Enhanced resistance to gas permeation due to increased PTFE wall thickness
• Steam cleanable
• Vacuum lines for high temperature autoclaves
• General hydraulics
• Compressed air/gases
Technical Specifications:
• Tube: Black static-dissipative PTFE
• Reinforcement: 304 Stainless Steel braid
• Cover: Silicone cover
• Cover must be skived prior to fitting attachment
• Minimum burst pressure is 4x maximum working pressure at 73°F (23°F)
• Use with 91N Series Fittings
• Hose I.D. is nominal -
Convoluted PTFE Hose with 316 Stainless Steel Braid - SCW/SCB
Parker SCW and SCB Convoluted PTFE hoses 316SS braid are seamless, low profiled, convolutions that withstand extreme flexing for fluid handling, chemical transfer, paint and semiconductor applications. The cutting-edge, highly developed design offers exceptional corrosion resistance and high temperature tolerance for added protection under numerous operating conditions. In addition, the FDA compliant core tube of SCW is manufactured with a smooth, rounded, helical-shaped convolution, allowing the hose to be self-draining and easy to clean. The durable 316 Stainless Steel reinforcement for SCB and SCW leads to a long life expectancy and makes the hose less susceptible to cracking from stress or flexing, in comparison to metal hoses or other fluoropolymer hoses, when used within designated operating parameters. Download the literature on the Product Support tab for more information.
• Fluid Handling
• Paint
• Semiconductor
• Chemical
• Food & Beverage
• High temperature hose
• Excellent corrosion resistance
• Seamless
• Low profile
• Self-draining
• Withstands extreme flexing
• Environmentally safe; low effusion
• Long life expectancy
• Fluid handling
• Chemical transfer
• Paint
• Semiconductor
• FDA 21 CFR 177.1550
• USP Class VI
• ISO 10993 Sections 5, 6, 10, 11
Technical Specifications:
• Tube: SCW - Natural FDA Compliant PTFE
SCB - Black Static-Dissipative PTFE
• Reinforcement: 316 Stainless Steel braid
• Not suggested for steam-cold water cycling applications
• See pg. A-21 in the Catalog 4660 for part numbering system
• Working and burst pressures rated at 73°F (23°C)
• Hose dimensions are nominal
• Used with PAGE fittings and crimp collar SC300 only
• Cannot be used with 90, 91N or 93N Series fittings -
Heavy Wall Convoluted PTFE Hose with 316 Stainless Steel Braid...
SCWV/SCBV Heavy Wall Convoluted PTFE Hoses feature a heavier wall core tube (up to33% more PTFE) than SCW/SCB hoses, allowing them to handle vacuum applications at elevated temperatures. They feature a stainless steel braid reinforcement for increased durability, exceptional chemical compatibility, and an open pitch design for additional kink resistance and reduced permeation. Unlike metal hose, which is susceptible to stress and cracking in flexing applications, Parker’s SCWV/SCBV reveals no signs of stress cracking, even after 1 million cycles of flex testing.
SCWV/SCBV hoses are manufactured from virgin convoluted PTFE tubing in a FDA compliant natural or non-FDA compliant black static-dissipative style. For more information regarding specific operating parameters and technical specifications, refer to the literature listed on the Product Support tab.
• Fluid Handling
• Industrial
• Paint
• Semiconductor
• Food & Beverage
• High temperature hose
• Thick wall core tube has up to 33% more PTFE to handle vacuum applications at elevated temperatures
• Open pitch design for additional kink resistance and reduced permeation
• Excellent chemical compatibility
• Easy cleaning
• Non-adhesive
• Fluid handling
• Chemical transfer
• Paint
• Semiconductor
• FDA 21 CFR 177.1550
• USP Class VI
• ISO 10993 Sections 5, 6, 10, 11
Technical Specifications:
• Tube: SCWV - Heavy Wall Natural FDA Compliant PTFE
SCBV - Heavy Wall Black Static-dissipative PTFE
• Reinforcement: 316 Stainless Steel braid
• Factory-made assemblies only
• Not suggested for steam-cold water cycling applications
• See Catalog 4660 for part numbering system
• Used with PAGE fittings and crimp collar SC300 only
• Vacuum wire recommended for 2-1/2, 3 and 4 inch in high temperature / high vacuum applications -
Smooth Bore Stainless Steel Braided PTFE Hose - STW/STB...
Parker's STW/STB “True-Bore” Hose differs from other smoothbore PTFE hoses because these hoses have a larger inside diameter to speed up the flow of the media through the tube. For example, an S30-6 PTFE hose has a nominal inside diameter of 5/16 whereas STW-6 “True Bore” hose has a nominal inside diameter of 3/8. The increased I.D. speeds up the flow of the media traveling through the tube and, in some cases, allows the hose to carry up to 15% more flow.
STW/STB “True-Bore” Smooth Bore Stainless Steel Braided PTFE Hose maintains excellent chemical compatibility, resists moisture and is capable of withstanding high temperatures up to 450°F/260°C. It exhibits high performance in applications that involve fluid handling, chemical transfer, food and beverage, paint, pharmaceutical and cosmetics.
• Fluid Handling
• Industrial
• Pharmaceutical
• Food & Beverage
• Increased I.D. speeds up the flow of the media traveling through the tube and, in some cases, allows the hose to carry up to 15% more flow
• Handles temperatures up to 450°F/260°C
• Excellent chemical compatibility
• Resists moisture
• Low friction minimizes pressure drops and deposits
• Transfer of fluids and harsh chemicals, sanitizers or pesticides
• Chemical transfer
• Paint
• Pharma dispensers
• Cosmetics
• FDA 21 CFR 177.1550
• USP Class VI
• ISO 10993 Sections 5, 6, 10, 11
Technical Specifications:
• Tube: STW - Natural FDA Compliant PTFE
STB - Black Static-Dissipative PTFE
• Reinforcement: 304 Stainless Steel Braid
• “Z” indicates double braid
• Working and burst pressures rated at 73°F (23°C)
• Uses PAGE Fittings and crimp collar ST300 only
• Cannot be used with 90 or 91N Series fittings
• Hose I.D. is nominal
• Hose O.D. is maximum -
Convoluted PTFE Hose - 939/939B
The Parker 939/939B series convoluted PTFE hoses feature superior flexibility and kink resistance for successful operation in chemical transfer, high temperature hydraulics, and hose applications that require tight routings. In addition, the flexible capabilities of the hose allow for an improved bend radius than a 919/919B hose for simplified routing and installation. This hose series is offered with a natural, FDA compliant core tube (939) or with a static dissipative core tube (939B) for applications where electrostatic charges could occur during media transfer.
Both are reinforced with a 304 Stainless Steel braid for a durable, flexible, kink-resistant solution in numerous fluid handling, transportation and military market applications.
• Fluid Handling
• Transportation
• Military
• Industrial
• Excellent flexibility
• Kink resistance for simplified routing and installation
• Great chemical compatibility
• High temperature capability
• Chemical transfer
• General hydraulics
• Hose applications requiring tight routings
• High temperature media transfer
• FDA CFR 177.1550 (939 only)
Technical Specifications:
• Use hose type 939B with static-dissipative core tube when conveying non-conducting fluids such as oils, paints, fuels, steam, etc.
• Not suggested for steam-cold water cycling applications
• Hose I.D. is nominal
• Hose O.D. is maximum -
SOFT-FLEX™ Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Dispenser Hose, Series...
Parker's Series 7116M Soft-Flex Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Dispenser Hose provides excellent service in supplying DEF rom dispensing units to equipment, storage tanks and vehicles. The specially formulated hose tube is corrosion resistant to limit the possibility of contamination and diminished performance of on-board selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems of heavy duty vehicles. The hose cover resists abrasion and weathering. Series 7116M is qualified with corrosion resistant stainless steel permanent crimp couplings for a clean, safe and secure connection.
• Agriculture
• Construction
• General Industrial
• Transportation
• Tube: Black peroxide cured EPDM for corrosion resistant compatibility to 212°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for flexibility and strength.
• Cover: Black EPDM for abrasion and weathering resistance.
- media
• Urea
- usage
• Dispensers
• In-plant tank transfer
• Storage tank transfer
• Design Factor: 4:1
• Do not use for oil or fuel service.
• To avoid DEF contamination, use only hose designed for the application, and stainless steel couplings to fabricate hose assemblies.
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines. -
Paint Fluid Hose, Series 7108
Parker's Series 7108 provides excellent service across a wide variety of chemical media used in paint transfer and air powered paint spray systems. The hose tube will not leach into and contaminate the product being conveyed and resists mild chemicals, oil and weathering to provide maximum performance. Series 7108 is qualified with permanent crimp couplings for a safe and secure connection.
• Construction
• General Industrial
• Manufacturing
• Tube: Translucent nylon for chemical resistance to 200°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple aramid plies for strength and durability.
• Cover: Black chloroprene for abrasion and oil and resistance.
• Couplings: Qualified with steel crimp couplings for a durable, safe and secure connection.
• Mild chemicals
• Lacquers
• Paints & paint thinners
• Solvents
• Air powered paint systems
• In-plant and tank transfer
• Mixing operations
•Click here to access CrimpSource® for current crimp specifications.
• Click here to link to Hose & Chemical Guides.
• Do not use in high pressure paint spray applications requiring a statically conductive hose. -
NEXSPRAY™ PVC/Urethane Spray Hose, Series 202
Parker's Series 202 Nexspray PVC/Urethane Spray Hose provides excellent performance across multiple commercial landscaping and lawn and garden spray applications. The hose is available in long continuous lengths for efficient inventory management and maximum utility, and the high pressure capacity allows the spray to reach remote areas. The distinctive yellow longitudinally ribbed cover is quickly identified, reduces drag for easy handling and is resistant to abrasion and weathering for maximum performance.
• Agriculture
• General Industrial
• Lawn & Garden
• Tube: Black PVC/urethane for compatibility with diluted hydrocarbons to 150°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and durability.
• Cover: Yellow PVC for resistance to abrasion, cuts, gouging, scuffs and weathering.
• Couplings: Steel crimp couplings for a durable, safe and secure connection.
- media
• Herbicides
• Pesticides
• Water
- usage
• Commercial lawn & garden equipment
• Sprayer systems
• Contractors
• Golf courses
• Greenhouses
• Public parks
• Working pressures are at +68°F (+20°C). Higher temperatures reduce the available working pressure.
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines. -
NEXVA™ EVA Clear General Service Hose, Series 450
Parker's Series 450 Nexva EVA Clear General Service Hose provides versatile medium pressure service across multiple chemical-handling applications. The clear, smooth tube allows unimpeded flow and easy and quick observation of the transfer process. The tubing is resistant to abrasion and weathering for maximum performance.Markets:• Agriculture• General Industrial• Lawn & GardenFeatures/Benefits:• Tube: Clear EVA for sanitary processing to 140°F.• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and durability.• Cover: Clear PVC for easy visual observation, and abrasion and weathering resistance.Applications:- media• Abrasives• Anhydrous ammonia• Herbicides• Insecticides• Mild chemicals• Water- usage• Drain lines• Ammonia applicators• Seeders• LaboratoriesIndustry Standards:• RoHSSafety/Technical:• Does not meet ARPM IP-14.• Do not use for high pressure anhydrous ammonia delivery/transfer service.Warnings:• Working pressures are at +68°F (+20°C). Higher temperatures reduce the available working pressure.• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines. -
BLUE THUNDER® Large Diameter UHMWPE Corrugated Chemical...
Parker's Series 7373T Blue Thunder UHMWPE Corrugated Chemical Suction Hose provides excellent service across a wide variety of chemical media in high pressure and high temperature applications. The hose will not contaminate the product being conveyed, and is crush resistant, durable, flexible and easy to handle. The distinctive blue cover is easily identified and resists abrasion, chemicals and weathering for maximum performance. Series 7373T is qualified with permanent crimp couplings for a safe and secure connection and provides robust service in challenging applications.
• General Industrial
• Oil & Gas
• Transportation
• Tube: Translucent ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene UHMWPE for chemical resistance to 250°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and durability, and a dual wire helix for full suction capability and a path to conduct a static charge to ground.
• Cover: Blue EPDM for abrasion and chemical resistance.
• Couplings: Qualified with steel crimp couplings for a durable, safe and secure connection.
• Lengths: Available in optional 200-foot lengths for maximum efficiency of inventory.
• Acids
• Chemicals
• Solvents
• Bulk depots/terminals
• Delivery
• In-plant transfer
• Storage tank transfer
• Oilfield
• Refineries
• Transport
• Click here to access CrimpSource® for current crimp specifications.
• Click here to link to Hose & Chemical Guides. -
NEXSPRAY™ PVC/Urethane Spray Hose, Series 203
Parker's Series 203 Nexspray PVC/Urethane Spray Hose provides excellent performance across multiple commercial landscaping and lawn and garden spray applications. The hose is available in long continuous lengths for efficient inventory management and maximum utility, and the high pressure capacity allows the spray to reach remote areas. The distinctive green longitudinally ribbed cover blends in with greenery, reduces drag for easy handling and is resistant to abrasion and weathering for maximum performance.
• Agriculture
• General Industrial
• Lawn & Garden
• Tube: Black PVC/urethane for compatibility with diluted hydrocarbons to 150°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and durability.
• Cover: Green PVC for resistance to abrasion, cuts, gouging, scuffs and weathering.
• Couplings: Steel crimp couplings for a durable, safe and secure connection.
- media
• Herbicides
• Pesticides
• Water
- usage
• Commercial lawn & garden equipment
• Sprayer systems
• Contractors
• Golf courses
• Greenhouses
• Public parks
• Working pressures are at +68°F (+20°C). Higher temperatures reduce the available working pressure.
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines. -
Large Diameter FEP Chemical Suction Hose, Series SW373
Parker's Series SW373 Large Diameter FEP Chemical Suction Hose provides ultimate service across a wide variety of chemical media in high pressure and high temperature applications. The hose will not contaminate the product being conveyed, and is crush resistant and durable. The distinctive yellow cover is easily identified and resists abrasion, chemicals and weathering for maximum performance. Series SW373 is qualified with permanent crimp couplings for a safe and secure connection and provides robust service in challenging applications.
• Food & Beverage
• General Industrial
• Oil & Gas
• Transportation
• Tube: White fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) for ultimate chemical resistance to 300°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies with dual wire helix for a path to conduct a static charge to ground.
• Cover: Yellow EPDM for abrasion and ultimate chemical resistance.
• Couplings: Qualified with crimp couplings for a durable, safe and secure connection.
- media
• Acids
• Beverages/food/potable water/sanitary products
• Chemicals
• Solvents
- usage
• Bulk loading/unloading
• In-plant processing/transfer
• Transport trucks
- setting
• Depots
• Refineries
Industry Standards:
• 3-A
• Click here to access CrimpSource® for current crimp specifications.
• Click here to link to Hose & Chemical Guides. -
Fast Response Constant Pressure Hose – 575X/575XN Series
Parflex 575X Fast Response Constant Pressure Hoses are designed for applications that involve offshore drilling and require fast and accurate response time. The 575X is capable of operating at a 5,000 psi constant pressure. It is MSHA accepted and exhibits rapid response even over long lengths, making it the optimal solution for marine and oilfield service market applications.
• Oil & Gas
• Marine
• Industrial
• Fast response even over longer lengths
• Reduced weight without compromising performance
• Resistant to pin hole leaks
•5000 psi constant working pressure
• Applications requiring fast and accurate response time
• Oilfield service
• Offshore drilling
• MSHA Accepted
Technical Specifications:
• Tube: Nylon
• Reinforcement: Fiber
• Cover: Black polyurethane except 1/2" size. 575XN-8 has a Black Nylon cover. Non-perforated cover.
• Working pressures rated at 73°F (23°C)
• Hose I.D. is nominal
• Hose O.D. is maximum -
Acid & Chemicals Transfer Hose - Poliax D SM EN 12115
Poliax D SM EN 12115 is a hose suitable for suction and delivery of aggressive chemicals and acids without risk of leaching or contamination of the fluid conveyed. The robust construction either protects the media from external agents and the operators, environment from the hazardous fluids conveyed thanks to materials resistant to mechanical and environmental stress. The main mission of this hose is to serve and to protect. Parker has designed Poliax D with the best materials and technology, but we recommend you always to follow our safety guide and to refer to our Chemical guide to determine compatibility with specific fluids. Because we do care about you and your business.
• Processing
• Transportation
• Industrial
• Antistatic properties make it admissible in ATEX areas
• Nitrosamine free compounds to protect the natural environment and the quality of life
• Flame resistant cover suitable for hazardous fluid transfer
• Design Factor 4:1 enhances safety for operators and equipment
• In-Plant
• Storage
• Tank transfer
• Acid, chemicals, solvents
• Vacuum -
Acid & Chemicals Transfer Hose - Poliax D EN 12115
Poliax D EN 12115 is suitable for delivery of aggressive chemicals and acids without risk of leaching or contamination of the fluid conveyed. The robust construction either protects the media from external agents and the operators, environment from the hazardous fluids conveyed thanks to materials resistant to mechanical and environmental stress. The main mission of this hose is to serve and to protect. Parker has designed Poliax D with the best materials and technology, but we recommend you always to follow our safety guide and to refer to our Chemical guide to determine compatibility with specific fluids. Because we do care about you and your business.
• Processing
• Transportation
• Industrial
• Antistatic properties make it admissible in ATEX areas
• Nitrosamine free compounds to protect the natural environment and the quality of life
• Flame resistant cover suitable for hazardous fluid transfer
• Design Factor 4:1 enhances safety for operators and equipment
• In-Plant
• Storage
• Tank transfer
• Acid, chemicals, solvents -
Multipurpose Transfer Hose - Aperfrut 20 - 40 - 80
Aperfrut is designed to offer the utmost versatility a PVC hose can achieve. The premium quality material is resistant to abrasion, weathering and a wide range of fluids. The Aperfrut line includes 3 different levels of working pressure: 20, 40 and 80 to embrace light, medium and heavy duty applications. The resistance to compressor oil-mist makes it particularly appreciated and successful for spraying operations in agriculture.
• Agriculture
• Industrial
• Vocational
• Colored cover to distinguish the 3 different working pressure levels
• Multiple fluids compatibility for various industrial applications
• Design Factor 3:1 for 20 and 40 bar and 2,5:1 for 80 barenhances safety for users and operators
• Herbicides, pesticides, fungicide, mild chemicals
• Air and water -
Wąż przesyłowy do kwasów i chemikaliów — Poliax UPE CON SM EN...
Wąż Poliax UPE CON SM OND EN 12115 wyposażony w rurkę z UPE jest przystosowany do 98% najczęściej stosowanych w przemyśle kwasów, zasad, chemikaliów i rozpuszczalników o bardzo agresywnym i niebezpiecznym składzie. Warstwa UPE jest niezawodna i trwała, co minimalizuje ryzyko wymywania lub zanieczyszczenia. Solidna konstrukcja w połączeniu z najwyższej jakości materiałami to odpowiedź na najtrudniejsze wyzwania, jakie można napotkać w pracy. Dodatkowym atutem tego węża, o jaki zadbała firma Parker, jest zgodność z produktami spożywczymi, farmaceutycznymi i sanitarnymi zgodnie z wymaganiami FDA i UE, co rozszerza możliwości stosowania tego wyrobu. Firma Parker zaprojektowała wąż Poliax UPE z wykorzystaniem najlepszych materiałów i technologii, zawsze jednak zalecamy przestrzeganie naszych przewodników dotyczących bezpieczeństwa i chemikaliów, które pozwolą dokonać najlepszego wyboru.
• Przetwarzanie
• Transport
• Przemysł
• Właściwości antystatyczne, dzięki którym wyrób ten jest dopuszczony do użytku w obszarach zagrożonych wybuchem
• Ognioodporna powłoka odpowiednia do transportu niebezpiecznych mediów
• Współczynnik konstrukcyjny 4:1 zwiększający bezpieczeństwo operatorów i sprzętu
• Maszyny przemysłowe
• Magazynowanie i tłoczenie między zbiornikami
• Zakłady malarskie
• Kwasy, chemikalia, rozpuszczalniki
• Podciśnienie -
Wąż przesyłowy do kwasów i chemikaliów — Poliax UPE CON SM OND...
Wąż Poliax UPE CON SM OND EN 12115 dzięki rurce z UPE jest przystosowany do 98% spośród najczęściej stosowanych w przemyśle kwasów, zasad, chemikaliów i rozpuszczalników o bardzo agresywnym i niebezpiecznym składzie. Badania dowodzą niezawodności i trwałości warstwy UPE, co minimalizuje ryzyko wymywania lub zanieczyszczenia. Solidna konstrukcja w połączeniu z najwyższej jakości materiałami to skuteczna odpowiedź na najtrudniejsze wyzwania, jakie można napotkać w pracy. Dodatkowym atutem tego węża, o jaki zadbała firma Parker, jest zgodność z produktami spożywczymi, farmaceutycznymi i sanitarnymi zgodnie z wymaganiami FDA i UE, co rozszerza możliwości stosowania tego wyrobu w miejscu instalacji. Firma Parker zaprojektowała wąż Poliax UPE przy użyciu najlepszych materiałów i technologii. Zalecamy jednak, aby zawsze postępować zgodnie z naszym przewodnikiem na temat bezpieczeństwa oraz skorzystać z naszego przewodnika dotyczącego substancji chemicznych w celu określenia zgodności z określonymi mediami. Wynika to z naszej troski o klienta i jego działalność.
• Przetwarzanie
• Transport
• Przemysł
• Pofałdowana powłoka zapewniająca wyjątkową elastyczność i odporność na zginanie oraz sprawiająca, że do zgięcia potrzebna jest minimalna siła
• Właściwości antystatyczne, dzięki którym wyrób ten jest dopuszczony do użytku w obszarach zagrożonych wybuchem
• Ognioodporna powłoka odpowiednia do transportu niebezpiecznych mediów
• Współczynnik konstrukcyjny 4:1 zwiększający bezpieczeństwo operatorów i sprzętu
• Maszyny przemysłowe
• Magazynowanie i tłoczenie między zbiornikami
• Zakłady malarskie
• Kwasy, chemikalia, rozpuszczalniki
• Podciśnienie -
SOFT-FLEX™ Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Dispenser Hose Factory...
Parker's Series 7116M Soft-Flex Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Dispenser Hose Factory Assemblies provide excellent service in supplying DEF rom dispensing units to equipment, storage tanks and vehicles. The specially formulated hose tube is corrosion resistant to limit the possibility of contamination and diminished performance of on-board selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems of heavy duty vehicles. The hose cover resists abrasion and weathering. Series 7116M hose assemblies incorporate corrosion resistant stainless steel permanent crimp couplings for a clean, safe and secure connection.
• Agriculture
• Construction
• General Industrial
• Transportation
• Tube: Black peroxide cured EPDM for corrosion resistant compatibility to 212°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for flexibility and strength.
• Cover: Black EPDM for abrasion and weathering resistance.
• Couplings: Stainless steel crimp for a durable, safe and secure connection.
• Stock: Available in popular hose assembly configurations for quick delivery and order fulfillment.
• Urea
• Dispensers
• In-plant tank transfer
• Storage tank transfer
• Design Factor: 4:1
• Do not use for oil or fuel service.
• To avoid DEF contamination, use only hose designed for the application, and stainless steel couplings to fabricate hose assemblies.
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines. -
Wąż do roztworu mocznika w pojazdach — Carboblue N/L 10-20
Carboblue N/L 10-20 to wąż przeznaczony do dozowania lub transportu dodatków zawierających 32% wodnego roztworu mocznika (AUS 32). Może być stosowany w układach selektywnej redukcji katalitycznej (SCR) w takich pojazdach jak autobusy, ciężarówki i pojazdy terenowe z silnikami wysokoprężnymi.
Wszechstronne testy naszych materiałów opracowanych specjalnie do tego produktu dowiodły nieobecności cząstek stałych i substancji w moczniku. Ma to fundamentalne znaczenie dla zagwarantowania sprawności i wydajności układu SCR.
• Transport
• Budownictwo
• Rolnictwo
Cechy i korzyści
• Wykonany ze specjalnych materiałów, które pozwalają uniknąć zanieczyszczenia mocznika
• Materiały niezawierające nitrozoamin bezpieczne dla środowiska naturalnego i jakości życia
• Współczynnik konstrukcyjny 3:1 zwiększa bezpieczeństwo operatorów i sprzętu
• Materiały odporne na obciążenia mechaniczne i środowiskowe
• Transport mocznika
• Dozowanie -
Acid & Chemicals Transfer Hose - Poliax F EN 12115
Poliax F EN 12115 is a hose manufactured with high quality elastomers providing excellent chemical and mechanical properties resulting ideal for the suction and delivery of a wide range of highly aggressive chemicals and solvents at low and high temperatures. Additionally, it is compliant to food, pharmaceutical and sanitary materials in accordance to FDA and EU specs extending the possibility of use in field. But what makes this hose unique and different from the others you can find on the market place is the full electrical conductivity (type Ω/T according to EN 12115, R<1MΩ and R<1GΩ through the wall) a very appreciated feature in the industry. Parker has designed Poliax F with the best materials and technology, but we recommend you always to follow our safety guide and to refer to our chemical guide to determine compatibility with specific fluids. Because we do care about you and your business.
• Processing
• Transportation
• Industrial
• Full conductive properties make it admissible in ATEX areas
• Flame resistant cover suitable for hazardous fluid transfer
• Design Factor 4:1 enhances safety for operators and equipment
• In-Plant
• Storage and tank transfer
• Acid, chemicals, solvents
• Vacuum -
Acid & Chemicals Transfer hose - Series 7108
Parker's Series 7108 provides excellent service across a wide variety of chemical media used in paint transfer and air powered paint spray systems. The hose tube will not leach into and contaminate the product being conveyed and resists mild chemicals, oil and weathering to provide maximum performance. Series 7108 is qualified with Parker permanent crimp couplings Series 43 for a safe and secure connection. Do not use in high pressure paint spray applications requiring a statically conductive hose.
• Construction
• General Industrial
• Manufacturing
• Tube: Translucent nylon for chemical resistance to 93°C
• Reinforcement: Multiple aramid plies for strength and durability
• Black chloroprene cover for abrasion and oil resistance.
• Qualified with steel crimp couplings for a durable, safe and secure connection
• Design Factor 4:1 enhances safety for operators and equipment
• Mild chemicals
• Lacquers
• Paints & paint thinners
• Solvents
• Air powered paint systems
• In-plant and tank transfer
• Mixing operations -
Acid & Chemicals Transfer Hose - Poliax Pharma
Poliax Pharma is an X-treme hose designed to handle pharmaceutical and cosmetic materials in high-temperature applications and can be used as the flexible connection between pipes or fixed equipment. The premium materials have been tested in conformity with the toughtest pharmaceutical industry standards where it is mandatory to have a high-performance, tasteless and odorless hose that can be sterilized in an autoclave. Not only the materials used for Poliax Pharma represent the excellance, but also state of the art technology for the manufacturing process with the platinum-catalyzed cure system to offer our customers a perfect solution. Studied for pharmaceutical and cosmetic products it is also suitable for food or chemicals whenever an extra care should be required.
• Life Sience
• Processing
• Food & Beverage
• Colorless (translucent) construction enables a visual inspection of the material passage
• It can be truly sterilized to ensure purity of product being manufactured or processed
• Extreemely stable at elevated temperature to protect
• Low permeation to reduce or eliminate emission and odor
• Design Factor 3:1 enhances safety for equipment and operators
• Pharmaceutical labs
• In-plant
• Medicinal ingredients
• Cosmetic ingredients
• Vacuum -
WILDCATTER® Oilfield High Pressure Chemical Hose, Series 7374
Parker's Series 7374 Wildcatter Oilfield High Pressure Chemical Hose provides excellent service across multiple drill site chemical applications. The hose will not contaminate the product being conveyed, and is crush resistant and durable. The distinctive blue cover is easily identified and resists abrasion, chemicals and weathering for maximum performance. Series 7374 is qualified with permanent crimp couplings for a safe and secure connection and provides robust service in challenging applications.
The Wildcatter trade name indicates the product is designed and manufactured for premium service in oilfield applications. However, Wildcatter products may be used in other industries, markets and applications where the product meets the required performance criteria.
• Industrial
• Oil & Gas
• Tube: Translucent ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) for exceptional chemical resistance to 250°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and durability, and a dual wire helix for full suction capability and a path to conduct a static charge to ground.
• Cover: Blue EPDM for abrasion and weathering resistance and durability.
• Lengths: Available in optional 200-foot continuous lengths through 4" ID for maximum inventory versatility and minimum scrap.
• Couplings: Qualified with steel crimp couplings for a durable, safe and secure connection.
- media
• Acids
• Chemicals
• Slurries
• Solvents
- usage
• Oilfield blender service equipment
• Oilfield OEM aftermarket/replacement
• Design Factor: 4:1
• It is the responsibility of the user to determine if the hose is suitable for the application. Most chemical resistance guides are based on temperatures of 70°F (21°C). Elevated temperatures can change the chemical resistance ratings. Many chemicals will become more aggressive as temperatures increase, reducing the ability of hose materials to withstand them. Contact Parker for chemical compatibility data at elevated temperatures. If no data exists, users are required to perform compatibility testing at the desired temperature.
• At operating temperatures of 125°F and above, only permanently attached couplings should be installed. At any operating temperature, couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to the NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines.
• Do not use with internally expanded couplings. Refer to chemical hoses that incorporate a MXLPE tube.
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines. -
Cropflex Extremely Flexible Medium Duty Hose,Series CFX
This hose extremely flexible in cold temperatures, a medium duty hose suitable for suction and low pressure delivery. Parker’s unique PVC compound formulation provides superior resistance to mild chemicals and petroleum based products. Black UV stabilised.It is designed to maintain flexibility at –10ºC for ease of handling. Suitable for use on agricultural and chemical spraying equipment, suction and discharge on environmental waste collection tankers and in water transfer applications.
•Waste collection
•Excellent cold weather flexibility
•Good crush resistance
•Black UV stabilized
•Chemical and petrol resistant
•High vacuum rating
•Australian made
•Crop spray
•Horticultural equiptment
•Waste collection tankers
•Chemical spraying
•Water supply -
Chemair Airline Premium lightweight flexible Airline,Series CAC
Premium lightweight flexible airline hose. The added benefit of a chemical resistant tube makes it suitable for low pressure agriculture spray applications. Conforms to AS/NZS 2554 class B requirements.Chem-Air combines the features and benefits of an extremely flexible air hose, kink resistance and a pesticide/weedicide chemical resistant tube.The combined features of Chem-Air will provide benefits to the stockist and user alike. With the potential for reduced inventory and multiple use,it is ideally suited to many industrial and agricultural applications.
• Agricultural
• Industrial
• Construction
• Commercial
• High tensile synthetic reinforcing
• Soft black chemical resistant virgin PVC tube
• Soft blue virgin PVC cover
• Excellent flexibility even at cold temperatures
• Excellent kink resistance
• UV stabilised
• Meets AS/NZS 2554 Class B specifications
• Highly visible blue cover
• Custom lengths available
• Australian Made
• Golf courses
• Bowling Greens
• Dairy washdown applications
• Abbittoir washdown
• Parks and Gardens -
Spraychem Spraying Hose, Series SPW
Parker Spraychem hose is specifically designed for use in pest control and agriculture chemical spray applications. It’s red UV resistant cover offers remarkable performance in Australia’s harsh environment.With all its excellent features, the Parker Spraychem hose meets your requirement in Agricultural applications, and provides you good flexibility.Its lightweight construction makes it suitable for most spraying applications, where flexibility and ease of handling is essential.
•Good flexibility
•Smooth red cover
•Special blend of stabilisers provides superior UV resistance.
•Suitable for most spraying applications
•Australian made
•Pest spray
•Horticultural equipment -
Pesticide/Weedcide High Pressure Spray Hose,Series HPW
The Parker Pesticide/Weedicide Hose is a black covered, heavy duty, highpressure spray hose that is suitable for most agricultural spray or domestic pesticide spray applications in the Australian and New Zealand market. High working pressure of 495 PSI .With all its excellent features,the Pesticide/Weedicide Hose meets your requirement in Agricultural and industrial applications, and provides you excellent flexibility.
•Excellent flexibility
•Smooth black cover
•Special blend of stabilisers provides
•Superior UV resistance
•Excellent chemical resistance
•High working pressures
•Australian made
•Pest Spray
•Horticultural Equipment -
Parflex 563TJ ToughJacket™ Hose
563TJ ToughJacket™ hydraulic hose features the best low length change under pressure (+/- 1%), excellent flexibility and is available in a bonded twin-line design to reduce movement of the hose, prevent tangling and create a compact system for easy installation. Like other Parflex hoses, ToughJacket™ hoses have an inherently clean core tube that reduces the chance for pin-hole leaks and an exceptionally resilient polyurethane cover. When bonded, these hydraulic hose assemblies simplify the installation process, allow for a smooth operation, and improve the overall strength and stability of the hose to eliminate many of the problems that lead to hose failure.
• Mobile Equipment
• Agricultural Equipment
• Construction Equipment
• Transportation
• Low length change under pressure (+/- 1%)
• 2%-5% smaller O.D. than comparable hose
• 23%-42% lighter than comparable rubber hose
• 3,000 psi constant pressure
• TOUGHJACKET™, abrasion resistant cover
• Excellent flexibility
• Consistent long-lengths
• Twin-line or multi-line bonded configurations available
• Medium pressure hydraulic applications
• Use for industrial medium pressure hydraulic applications with petroleum, water base and synthetic hydraulic fluids, gases and some solvents and chemical solutions
• Meets/Exceeds SAE 100R17
• MSHA Accepted except
Technical Specifications:
• Tube: Copolyester
• Reinforcement: High tensile steel wire braid
• Cover: Black, Polyurethane TOUGHJACKET™, non-perforated cover
• Hose I.D. is nominal
• Hose O.D. is maximum -
Parflex 594TJ ToughJacket™ Hose
594TJ ToughJacket™ hose is a 4,000 psi constant pressure hydraulic hose used in applications for the construction industry, especially for those working with telescoping boom
applications requiring a durable and light weight bonded assembly solution. When bonded, these thermoplastic hose assemblies simplify the installation process, allow for smooth operation, and improve the overall strength and stability of the hose to eliminate many of the problems that lead to hose failure.
• Mobile Equipment
• Agricultural Equipment
• Construction Equipment
• Transportation
• Low length change under pressure makes it an ideal solution for boom or cable track applications where long lengths are required
• Consistent long lengths
• Lighter weight than comparable 100R19 hose
• 4,000 psi constant pressure
• Excellent flexibility
• Superior bend radius
• TOUGHJACKET™ Polyurethane cover for best abrasion resistance
• Available in twin-line or multi-line bonded with up to 10 configurations
• Medium pressure hydraulic applications
• Use for industrial medium pressure hydraulic applications with petroleum, water base and synthetic hydraulic fluids, gases and some solvents and chemical solutions
• Meets/Exceeds SAE 100R19
• MSHA Accepted except
Technical Specifications:
• Tube: Copolyester
• Reinforcement: High tensile steel wire braid
• Cover: Black, Polyurethane TOUGHJACKET™
• Hose I.D. is nominal
• Hose O.D. is maximum -
Wąż PTFE Smoothbore odporny na chemikalia — 919/919B/919J/919U
Odporne na chemikalia węże PTFE Smoothbore firmy Parker cechują się wyjątkową kompatybilnością chemiczną i odpornością na temperaturę do +450°F. Zespoły 919/919B są wykorzystywane w różnych aplikacjach, między innymi w przewodach przesyłowych chemikaliów, wysokotemperaturowych instalacjach hydraulicznych ogólnego zastosowania oraz przewodach płynu chłodzącego. Rurka wewnętrzna z PTFE jest odporna na wilgoć i oferuje najniższy współczynnik tarcia spośród wszystkich znanych tworzyw sztucznych, minimalizując w ten sposób spadki ciśnienia i osady. Węże z PTFE są mniej podatne na pękanie pod wpływem naprężeń lub zginania niż węże metalowe. Wąż 919 spełnia wymagania normy SAE 100R14A i jest wykonany z rurki z naturalnego PTFE spełniającej wymagania FDA, a wąż 919B z czarną rurką wewnętrzną PTFE zapobiegającą gromadzeniu elektryczności statycznej spełnia wymagania normy SAE 100R14B. Węża 919B firmy Parker nie należy używać do przesyłu płynów nieprzewodzących, takich jak oleje, farby, paliwa lub para. Wąż PTFE 919J firmy Parker ma silikonowy płaszcz z wytłaczanego silikonu w celu zapewnienia czystej i gładkiej powłoki, a wąż 919U ma poliuretanowy płaszcz odporny na uszkodzenia i przetarcia, który chroni wzmocnienia z drutu ze stali nierdzewnej przed zużyciem, strzępieniem i zanieczyszczeniami. Oba te węże są wykonane z rurki wewnętrznej z naturalnego PTFE spełniającego wymagania FDA wzmocnionej oplotem ze stali nierdzewnej 304. Płaszcz poliuretanowy węży 919U zmniejsza zakres minimalnej i maksymalnej temperatury (od -40°F do +275°F). Płaszcz silikonowy węża PTFE 919J zmniejsza tylko minimalną temperaturę roboczą (od -40°F do +450°).Rynki:
• Transport płynów
• Przemysł medyczny
• Wydobycie ropy naftowej
• Transport
• Technika wojskowa
• Sprężony gazCechy i korzyści
• Doskonała kompatybilność chemiczna zapewnia skuteczny przesył chemikaliów między liniami
• Odporność na ekstremalne temperatury od -100°F do +450°F
• Odporność na wilgoć
• Niskie tarcie minimalizuje spadki ciśnienia i osady
• Możliwość czyszczenia parą
• Silikonowa powłoka zapewnia czystą oraz odporną na uszkodzenia i przetarcie poliuretanową powłokę chroniącą wzmocnienie z drutu ze stali nierdzewnej przed zużyciem, strzępieniem i zanieczyszczeniamiZastosowania
• Przewody przesyłowe substancji chemicznych
• Instalacje hydrauliczne ogólnego zastosowania
• Sprężone powietrze / gazy
• Dozowanie klejów
• Przewody płynu chłodzącego
• Gazy medyczneCertyfikacje/zgodność
• Spełnia/przekracza wymagania normy SAE 100R14A — 919/919J
• Spełnia/przekracza wymagania normy SAE 100R14B — 919B
• Spełnia/przekracza wymagania normy SAE 100R14A z wyjątkiem zakresu temperatur od -40°F do +275°F — 919U
• FDA CFR 177.1550 (naturalna rurka)Dane techniczne
• Rura: 919/919J/919U — naturalny PTFE spełniający wymagania FDA 919B — czarny PTFE zapobiegający gromadzeniu elektryczności statycznej
• Wzmocnienie: Oplot ze stali nierdzewnej 304
• Wąż typu 919B z rurką wewnętrzną zapobiegającą gromadzeniu elektryczności statycznej jest przeznaczony do przesyłu płynów nieprzewodzących, takich jak oleje, farby, paliwa, para itp.
• Ciśnienie rozrywające wynosi czterokrotność maks. ciśnienia roboczego w temperaturze 73°F (23°C).
• Wykorzystuje łączniki serii 91N
• Średnica wewnętrzna węża to wartość nominalna
• Średnica zewnętrzna węża to wartość maksymalna
• Powłoka 919J: wytłaczany silikon
• Powłoka 919U: poliuretan
• Powłokę należy usunąć przed zamocowaniem łącznika
• Inne kolory dostępne na zamówienie -
Seamless Convoluted PTFE with Nomex® Braid - NCW/NCB
Parker Nomex braided hose assemblies offer superior flexibility, allowing them to route through tight areas and eliminate RFI issues seen in many applications having stainless steel reinforcements. They are also less susceptible to cracking from stress or flexing than metal hose assemblies. For abrasion resistance, a polyester monofilament scuff sleeve can be added.
A Nomex braided hose is extremely light weight and about 40% lighter than a typical stainless steel braided hose. With nearly the same temperature resistance, up to 400°F, Nomex is a much cooler reinforcement allowing operators to handle hoses without the risk of a burn. These hoses are sold as factory-made assemblies only and it is available with a static dissipative core tube.
• Pharmaceutical
• Food & Beverage
• Cosmetics
• Industrial
• Very light weight
• Superior flexibility
• Kink and vacuum resistant
• Eliminates RFI issues
• Available with a static dissipative core tube
Conforms to:
• FDA 21 CFR 177.1550
• USP Class VI
• ISO 10993 Sections 5, 6, 10, 11
• Fluid handinling
• Chemical transfer
• Paint
Technical Specifications:
• Tube: Natural Convoluted PTFE
• Reinforcement: Nomex
• Available with a static dissipative core tube (NCB)
• Used with PAGE Series fittings
Nomex® is a registered trademark of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. -
Parker's Titanflex Modified XLPE Chemical Suction Hose provides superior service across a wide variety of chemical media in high pressure and high temperature applications. The lightweight hose provides full suction capability, superior kink resistance and minimal force-to-bend for easy operator handling. The hose will not contaminate the product being conveyed, and is crush resistant and durable. The cover resists abrasion, chemicals and weathering for maximum performance. Titanflex Chemical Hose is qualified with permanent crimp couplings for a safe and secure connection and provides robust service in challenging applications.
• General Industrial
• Oil & Gas
• Transportation
• Tube: Tan modified cross-linked polyethylene (MXLPE) for chemical resistance to 250°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and durability, and a dual wire helix for full suction capability and a path to conduct a static charge to ground.
• Cover: Black or green EPDM for abrasion and chemical resistance.
• Couplings: Qualified with steel crimp couplings for a durable, safe and secure connection.
• Acids
• Chemicals
• Solvents
• Bulk depots and storage facilities
• In-plant transfer
• Refineries
• Transport tank trucks
• Design Factor: 4:1
• Refer to CrimpSource® for current crimp specifications.
• Selection of a hose for any chemical application is a challenging and complex process. Media temperature is a crucial aspect of the selection procedure. Being unaware of, misunderstanding or overlooking this issue may lead to an incorrect/inaccurate hose selection and misapplication.
• The data tables published in the Parker Industrial Hose Chemical Guides are based on tests and believed to be reliable—but the data should be used ONLY as a guide. The compatibility ratings for rubber/non-PVC materials apply to media at 70°F (21°C). However, chemicals may become increasingly aggressive as their temperatures progress above that level. Chemicals at elevated temperatures may reach or exceed the performance capacity of a hose, even if that hose rating exceeds 70°F (21°C).
• Contact us for chemical compatibility data at elevated temperatures. If no data exists, it is the user's responsibility to determine hose/chemical/ temperature compatibility. All critical applications should be tested.
• At operating temperatures of 125°F and above, only permanently attached couplings should be installed. At any operating temperature, couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to the NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines.
• Do not use with internally expanded couplings. Refer to chemical hoses that incorporate a MXLPE tube. -
Parker's Wildcatter UHMWPE Corrugated Chemical Suction Hose provides superior service across a wide variety of chemical media in high pressure and high temperature applications. The hose provides full suction capability, superior kink resistance and minimal force-to-bend for easy operator handling. The hose will not contaminate the product being conveyed, and is crush resistant and durable. The blue or geen cover is easily identified and resists abrasion, chemicals and weathering for maximum performance. Wildcatter Chemical Hose is qualified with permanent crimp couplings for a safe and secure connection and provides robust service in challenging applications.
The Wildcatter trade name indicates the product is designed and manufactured for premium service in oilfield applications. However, Wildcatter products may be used in other industries, markets and applications where the product meets the required performance criteria.
• General Industrial
• Oilfield
• Oil & Gas
• Transportation
• Tube: Translucent ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene UHMWPE for chemical resistance to 180°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple textile plies for strength and durability, and a dual wire helix for full suction capability and a path to conduct a static charge to ground.
• Cover: Blue or green EPDM for abrasion and chemical resistance.
• Couplings: Qualified with steel crimp couplings for a durable, safe and secure connection.
• Acids
• Chemicals
• Solvents
• Oilfield equipment and service trucks
• Bulk depots and storage facilities
• In-plant transfer
• Refineries
• Transport tank trucks
• Design Factor: 4:1
• Refer to CrimpSource® for current crimp specifications.
• Selection of a hose for any chemical application is a challenging and complex process. Media temperature is a crucial aspect of the selection procedure. Being unaware of, misunderstanding or overlooking this issue may lead to an incorrect/inaccurate hose selection and misapplication.
• The data tables published in the Parker Industrial Hose Chemical Guides are based on tests and believed to be reliable—but the data should be used ONLY as a guide. The compatibility ratings for rubber/non-PVC materials apply to media at 70°F (21°C). However, chemicals may become increasingly aggressive as their temperatures progress above that level. Chemicals at elevated temperatures may reach or exceed the performance capacity of a hose, even if that hose rating exceeds 70°F (21°C).
• Contact us for chemical compatibility data at elevated temperatures. If no data exists, it is the user's responsibility to determine hose/chemical/ temperature compatibility. All critical applications should be tested.
• At operating temperatures of 125°F and above, only permanently attached couplings should be installed. At any operating temperature, couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to the NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines.
• Do not use with internally expanded couplings. Refer to chemical hoses that incorporate a MXLPE tube.