Węże do pary
Węże Parker do transportu pary wodnej zapewniają bezpieczną eksploatację w wysokotemperaturowych układach czyszczenia instalacji/rafineriach, w wagonach, zbiornikach, a także pozwalają utrzymać wydajność roboczą urządzeń technologicznych. W

DRAGON BREATH® II Barber Pole Steam Hose, Series 7285
Parker's Series 7285 Dragon Breath II Barber Pole Steam Hose provides excellent service across a wide variety of steam applications. The hose is durable, crush resistant and kink resistant for easy handling and long service life, and the distinctive black/red cover is easily identified from any angle and great distances. The rugged cover also resists abrasion, heat and weathering to provide maximum performance. Series 7285 is qualified with economical non-skive permanent crimp couplings for a quick, safe and secure connection.
• General Industrial
• Manufacturing
• Oil & Gas
• Tube: Black chlorobutyl for superior heat resistance and long service life to 406°F /450°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple wire braids for extreme strength and durability.
• Cover: Black/red spiral EPDM for abrasion and weathering resistance; perforated for steam service.
• Couplings: Qualified with steel crimp couplings for a durable, safe and secure connection.
- media
• Hot water
• Saturated steam (to 250 psi @ 406°F max)
• Superheated steam (to 250 psi @ 450°F max)
- usage
• Cleaning storage tanks/vessels
• Cleaning manufacturing equipment
• Cleaning and heating processing equipment
• Manufacturing and processing plants
• Refineries
• Design Factor: 20:1
• Click here to link to CrimpSource® for current crimp specifications.
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines
• Failure to properly inspect, maintain, test and use steam hose assemblies may result in property damage, personal injury or death. Refer to ARPM publication IP-11-1, "Guide for Use, Testing and Inspection of Steam Hose."
• Water changes to hot water and phases of steam when subjected to heat and pressure. The greater the pressure, the higher the temperature required to achieve and maintain a steam phase. If steam escapes, dangerous quantities of heat may be released very suddenly. Exposure to hot water, low pressure steam and high pressure steam may cause severe scalding or fatal burns.
• Use only hoses designated for steam service for steam applications.
• Prior to use with detergents or rust inhibitors, refer to the chemical guide in this catalog or contact Parker.
• Drain steam hose after each use to reduce the possibility of hose popcorning while in service. -
DRAGON BREATH® Premium Compact Steam Hose, Series 7286C
Parker's Series 7286C Dragon Breath Premium Compact Steam Hose provides excellent service across a wide variety of steam applications. The hose incorporates a slim profile for easy handling and installation, and is durable, crush resistant and kink resistant for a long service life. The rugged cover also resists abrasion, heat and weathering to provide superior performance. Series 7286C is qualified with non-skive permanent crimp couplings eliminating the need for bulky, heavy clamps and providing a safe and secure connection.
• General Industrial
• Manufacturing
• Oil & Gas
• Tube: Black chlorobutyl for superior heat resistance and long service life to 406°F /450°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple wire braids for extreme strength and durability.
• Cover: Black chlorobutyl for abrasion and weathering resistance; perforated for steam service.
• Couplings: Qualified with steel crimp couplings for a durable, safe and secure connection.
- media
• Hot water
• Saturated steam (to 250 psi @ 406°F max)
• Superheated steam (to 250 psi @ 450°F max)
- usage
• Cleaning storage tanks/vessels
• Cleaning manufacturing equipment
• Cleaning and heating processing equipment
• Manufacturing and processing plants
• Refineries
DRAGON BREATH® 250 Oil Resistant Steam Hose, Series 7288
Parker's Series 7288 Dragon Breath Oil Resistant Steam Hose provides excellent service across a wide variety of steam applications. The hose is durable, crush resistant and kink resistant for easy handling and long service life, and the rugged cover resists abrasion, heat and weathering to provide maximum performance, especially in applications where the hose may be subject to oil mist, spray or pooling. Series 7288 is qualified with permanent crimp couplings, eliminating the need for bulky, heavy clamps and providing a safe and secure connection.
• General Industrial
• Manufacturing
• Oil & Gas
• Tube: Black EPDM for exceptional heat resistance and long service life to 406°F /450°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple wire braids for extreme strength and durability.
• Cover: Red chloroprene for abrasion, oil and weathering resistance; perforated for steam service.
• Couplings: Qualified with steel crimp couplings for a durable, safe and secure connection.
- media
• Hot water
• Saturated steam (to 250 psi @ 406°F max)
• Superheated steam (to 250 psi @ 450°F max)
- usage
• Cleaning containment tanks/vessels
• Cleaning manufacturing equipment
• Cleaning and heating processing equipment
- setting
• Manufacturing and processing plants
• Refineries
Wąż przesyłowy do gorącej wody i pary — Thermopress 10
Wąż Thermopress 10 to niezawodne rozwiązanie do krytycznych zastosowań, takich jak podłączanie kotłów do urządzeń klimatyzacyjnych i systemów czyszczenia gorącą wodą. Z myślą o poszanowaniu środowiska naturalnego, utrzymaniu jakości życia i łatwej utylizacji po użyciu opracowano specjalne materiały niezawierające nitrozoamin.
• Przemysł
• Ogrzewanie, wentylacja i klimatyzacja (HVAC)
Cechy i korzyści
• Solidna konstrukcja zapewniająca niezawodność i długi okres użytkowania
• Materiały o wysokiej odporności na czynniki środowiskowe zapewniające trwałość
• Duże długości w opakowaniach przy małych rozmiarach w celu zmniejszenia częstotliwości zamówień
• Współczynnik konstrukcyjny 4:1 zwiększający bezpieczeństwo operatorów i sprzętu
• Gorąca woda
• Para
• Nieagresywne gorące ciecze -
Wąż przesyłowy do gorącej wody i pary — Vigor 2 EN ISO 6134...
Vigor 2 EN ISO 6134 typ 2/A to wąż przeznaczony do długotrwałej pracy z parą, czyli w zastosowaniach stawiających jedne z najwyższych wymagań wobec węży. W takich układach cykliczne zmiany temperatury i wilgotności są szkodliwe dla mieszanek gumowych od zewnątrz, jak i od środka wyrobu. Konstrukcja węża zawiera rurkę z EPDM — odporną na ciepło i uszkodzenie wewnętrznej struktury (popcorning) — oraz powłokę odporną na przetarcie, pękanie, twardnienie i działanie ozonu. Zwykle wąż ten jest używany do czyszczenia zbiorników i sprzętu produkcyjnego oraz do ogrzewania urządzeń technologicznych w rafineriach i zakładach przemysłowych za pomocą pary i gorącej wody.
• Przemysł
• Przetwarzanie
• Przemysł petrochemiczny
• Stocznie
Cechy i korzyści
• Perforowana powłoka zapobiegająca powstawaniu pęknięć (zjawisku popcorningu) i niebezpiecznych pęcherzy pary
• Czarna lub czerwona powłoka umożliwiająca oznaczenie kolorami
• Współczynnik konstrukcyjny 10:1 zwiększający bezpieczeństwo operatorów i sprzętu
• Para przegrzana i nasycona
• Gorąca woda
• Czyszczenie
• Ogrzewanie
• Układy sterylizacyjne -
Hot Water & Steam Transfer Hose - Calore Plus
Calore plus is suitable for delivery of hot non-aggressive liquids and steam (intermittent service) up to 140 °C (+248 °F). The premium grade compounds used for the cover and inner tube, together with a braided textile reinforcement and a peroxidic curing, result in a optimal and reliable solution to be adopted for all those applications where endurance and sturdiness are the primary condition. The special formulated cover of this hose allows use in continuous contact with oils - but not in submersible application - and guarantee a perfect adhesion with the inner tube that instead is handling non-oily fluids. With Calore Plus you can capture those markets/applications that a standard hot water hoses cannot cover and where a steam hose with steel reinforcement is too expensive.
• Industrial
• Processing
• MSHA flame resistant cover compound for a safer use
• Oil and grease resistant cover ideal for use in industrial machinery
• Dual cover color for visual coding and identification
• Design Factor 3:1 enhances safety for operators and equipment
• Intermittent service in satured steam application maximum WP 6.0 bar with Design Factor 10:1
• Hot water, coolant, non aggressive hot liquids
• Cooling and heating -
Steam hose meets IS 10655:1999 type 2 Series – SH1PM
Thermic steam hose meets IS 10655:1999 type 2 / BS 5342. The EPDM hose with 10 bar working pressure and up to 184 deg C., industry standard hose manufactured to strict international quality specifications in order to provide consistency of performance and to meet global industry standards.
•Industrial steam applications.
•Machine tools.
•The hose is with 1 wire braiding & EPDM tube & cover.
•Has good resistance to steam and water handling.
•Steam applications.
•Water applications. -
Steam hose meets IS 10655:1999 type 3 Series – SH2PM
Thermic steam hose meets IS 10655:1999 type 2 / BS 5342. The EPDM hose with 16 bar working pressure and up to 205 deg C., hose manufactured to strict international quality specifications in order to provide consistency of performance and to meet global industry standards.
•Industrial steam applications.
•Machine tools.
•The hose is with 2 wire braiding & EPDM tube & cover.
•Has good resistance to HP steam and hot water handling.
•HP Steam lines applications.
•Hot water applications. -
Parker's Steam-Lance Compact Steam Hose provides excellent service across a wide variety of steam applications. The hose incorporates a slim profile for easy handling and installation, and is durable, crush resistant and kink resistant for a long service life. The rugged cover also resists abrasion, heat/cold temperature fluctuations and weathering to provide superior performance. Steam-Lance Compact Steam Hose is qualified with economical non-skive permanent crimp couplings for a quick, streamlined, safe and secure connection.
• General Industrial
• Manufacturing
• Oil & Gas
• Tube: Black EPDM for heat resistance and long service life to 406°F /450°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple wire braids for extreme strength and durability.
• Cover: Black or red EPDM for abrasion and weathering resistance; perforated for steam service.
• Couplings: Qualified with steel crimp couplings for a durable, safe and secure connection.
• Hot water
• Saturated steam (to 261 psi @ 406°F max)
• Superheated steam (to 250 psi @ 450°F max)
• Cleaning storage tanks/vessels
• Cleaning manufacturing equipment
• Cleaning and heating processing equipment
• Manufacturing and processing plants
• Oilfield
• Refineries
Industry Standards
• ISO 6134 Type 2
• Design Factor: 20:1
• Refer to CrimpSource® for current crimp specifications.
• Failure to properly inspect, maintain, test and use steam hose assemblies may result in property damage, personal injury or death. Refer to ARPM publication IP-11-1, "Guide for Use, Testing and Inspection of Steam Hose."
• Water changes to hot water and phases of steam when subjected to heat and pressure. The greater the pressure, the higher the temperature required to achieve and maintain a steam phase. If steam escapes, dangerous quantities of heat may be released very suddenly. Exposure to hot water, low pressure steam and high pressure steam may cause severe scalding or fatal burns.
• Use only hoses designated for steam service for steam applications.
• Prior to use with detergents or rust inhibitors, contact us for chemical guide information.
• Drain steam hose after each use to reduce the possibility of hose popcorning while in service.
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines. -
Parker's Steam-Lance 250 Steam Hose provides excellent service across a wide variety of steam applications. The hose is durable, crush resistant and kink resistant for easy handling and long service life. The rugged cover resists abrasion, heat/cold temperature fluctuations and weathering to provide maximum performance. Steam-Lance 250 Steam Hose is qualified with economical permanent crimp couplings for a quick, streamlined, safe and secure connection.
• General Industrial
• Manufacturing
• Oil & Gas
• Tube: Black EPDM for heat resistance and long service life to 406°F /450°F.
• Reinforcement: Multiple wire braids for extreme strength and durability.
• Cover: Black or red EPDM for abrasion and weathering resistance; perforated for steam service.
• Couplings: Qualified with steel crimp couplings for a durable, safe and secure connection.
• Hot water
• Saturated steam (to 261 psi @ 406°F max)
• Superheated steam (to 250 psi @ 450°F max)
• Cleaning storage tanks/vessels
• Cleaning manufacturing equipment
• Cleaning and heating processing equipment
• Manufacturing and processing plants
• Oilfield
• Refineries
Industry Standards
• ISO 6134 Type 2
• Design Factor: 10:1 (20:1 for 1/2", 3/4" and 1" sizes)
• Refer to CrimpSource® for current crimp specifications.
• Failure to properly inspect, maintain, test and use steam hose assemblies may result in property damage, personal injury or death. Refer to ARPM publication IP-11-1, "Guide for Use, Testing and Inspection of Steam Hose."
• Water changes to hot water and phases of steam when subjected to heat and pressure. The greater the pressure, the higher the temperature required to achieve and maintain a steam phase. If steam escapes, dangerous quantities of heat may be released very suddenly. Exposure to hot water, low pressure steam and high pressure steam may cause severe scalding or fatal burns.
• Use only hoses designated for steam service for steam applications.
• Prior to use with detergents or rust inhibitors, refer to the chemical guide link in the Support Tab, or contact us.
• Drain steam hose after each use to reduce the possibility of hose popcorning while in service.
• Couplings attached with bands or clamps may reduce the working pressure of the hose assembly to less than the maximum rated working pressure of the hose. Refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly Guidelines.