Części zamienne do filtrów hydraulicznych
Parker's line of hydraulic filter replacement parts provides uncompromising quality and offers optimal equipment protection to enable enhanced equipment performance. Parkers hydraulic filter replacement parts are supported by the company'

Replacement Elements - Medium Pressure Filter 12CS/50CS Series
Spin-on cans disposed of each year end up landfills, creating a lot of waste. Parker engineers have developed an innovative alternative to the age-old spin-on style can with the Parker 12CS/50CS Coreless Medium Pressure Spin-On Filter Series.
The Parker 12CS/50CS Filter Series design provides all the benefits of high efficiency, long life Microglass filtration. These hydraulic filters feature a reusable bowl and a patented filter element. The element core is permanently attached as part of the filter bowl, and the design also prevents filter operation if the proper element is not in place.
When replaced, the element reduces costs, eliminates hot drain requirements, can be easily incinerated, and is better-suited for most landfills.
Using the patented Parker 12CS and 50CS Series replacement elements guarantees Parker’s quality of filtration, while being environmentally conscious. Using aftermarket filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs, more waste, and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements.
Available in Single and Double lengths and several micron ratings (2, 5, 10, and 20), these patented replacement elements ensure the quality of filtration Parker is known for. For ordering, please refer to the “How to Order” section of the literature or contact a Parker Representative.
Replacement Elements - Low Pressure Filter PT Series
The Parker PT Series Low Pressure Return Line Filters provide an economical alternative for quality tank top mounted filtration. With a filter element assembly designed for direct screw-in mounting and easy removal, the PT Series offers both convenience and value.
Using genuine Parker PT Series replacement elements guarantees Parker’s quality of filtration. Using aftermarket filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements.
Available in Single, Double, and Triple lengths and several micron ratings (2, 5, 10, and 20), these replacement elements ensure the quality of filtration Parker is known for. For ordering, please refer to the “How to Order” section of the literature or contact a Parker Representative.
Please change the Filter Element attributes to:
02QC Quantumfiber, 05QC Quantumfiber, 10QC Quantumfiber, 20QC QuantumfiberPlease change the Final List or Range of Values for Filter Elements to:
Elements available in 2 micron to 20 micron elements utilizing the latest in Quantumfiber technology . -
Replacement Elements - Low Pressure Filter Moduflow™ Plus Series
The patented Parker Moduflow™ Plus Series Low Pressure (In-Line Suction/Return/Duplex) Filter element features a one piece element design with customizable bypass settings. The patented, single-piece design means no loose parts and easier maintenance.
Featuring Microglass III media , the Moduflow™ Plus element is constructed with more pleats to provide 60% more surface area within the same filter housing than many comparable filters - meaning more dirt-holding capacity than many competitors, and less need for replacement.
Using the patented Parker GMF Series replacement elements guarantees Parker’s quality of filtration. Using aftermarket filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements.
Available in multiple mounting styles, Single and Double lengths, and several micron ratings (2, 5, 10, and 20), these patented replacement elements ensure the quality of filtration Parker is known for. For ordering, please refer to the "How to Order" section of the literature or contact a Parker Representative. -
Replacement Elements - High Pressure Filter WPF Series
Parker’s World Pressure Filter (WPF) Series offers an innovative alternative to conventional high pressure and reverse flow filters. The WPF design incorporates all the benefits of Wireglass media along with a unique reverse flow and bypass valve arrangement.
There is no better high pressure filter available today for durability and performance. The reduction of your operating costs is our primary concern, and we are committed to contributing towards your success.
Using the genuine Parker World Pressure Filter (WPF) Series replacement elements guarantees Parker’s quality of filtration. Using aftermarket filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements.
Available in several micron ratings (2, 5, and 10), these patented replacement elements ensure the quality of filtration Parker is known for. For ordering, please refer to the “How to Order” section of the literature or contact a Parker Representative.
Replacement Elements - High Pressure Filter 100P Series
The Parker 100P Series is a compact, cost effective, high pressure filter designed with the latest filtration technology.
Using the Parker 100P Series replacement elements guarantees Parker's quality of filtration, directly impacting the fluid cleanliness levels. Using aftermarket filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements.
Available in Single and Double lengths and several micron ratings (2, 5, 10, and 20), these replacement elements ensure the quality of filtration Parker is known for. For ordering, please refer to the “How to Order” section of the literature or contact a Parker Representative. -
Replacement Elements - High Pressure Inline Filter 50P Series
The Parker 50P High Pressure Filter Series allows for each filter to be customized, closely matching any specific system needs. Choose the options which best fit your application. No need to waste money on features you don't need!
The Parker 50P Series High Pressure Filters are base mounted, which provides several possible advantages. The bowl up mounting makes servicing the elements quick and easy. Simply remove the top cover to access the element. A drain port is provided to allow the oil to be removed from filter prior to element servicing. This design reduces the possibility of oil spillage and injury to maintenance personnel.
The Parker 50P Series has optional manifold porting for space saving design that reduces the number of fittings and potential leak points. The porting is also designed to match the installation of many other manufacturers.
The 50PR was designed specifically for hydrostatic transmission loops because of its capability to handle reverse flow. Closed circuit HST's frequently reverse direction causing flow to reverse in the fluid lines. Pressure filters installed between pump and motor must be able to handle reverse flow without having contaminant washed off of the elements and back into the system. Parkers internal check valve design minimizes additional pressure loss and eliminates the cost associated with external valves and fittings.
Using genuine Parker 50P High Pressure Filter Series replacement elements guarantees Parker's quality of filtration. Using aftermarket filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements.
Available in Single, Double, and Triple lengths and several micron ratings (2, 5, 10, and 20), these replacement elements ensure the quality of filtration Parker is known for. For ordering, please refer to the “How to Order” section of the literature or contact a Parker Representative. -
Replacement Elements - Medium Pressure Inline Duplex Filter...
The Parker MPD Series Filters are an outstanding choice for today’s demanding hydraulic control and circulating oil systems. The MPD’s innovative modular design, rugged ductile iron construction and coreless element technology, combined with many other features, provide solutions across a broad range of industrial applications.
The Modular design provides user flexibility for simplex or duplex applications. Incorporating side chambers as simplex filters along with duplex installations provide common elements across the circuit design.
Construction features like full ported transfer valve with neutral center flow capability offer tremendous benefit in cold start conditions. Standard features like pressure sensing taps, vents, drains and internal pressure equalization make this product incomparable in industry.
Using genuine Parker MPD Medium Pressure Filter Series replacement elements guarantees Parker’s quality of filtration. Using aftermarket filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements.
Available in Single and Double lengths and several micron ratings (2, 5, 10, and 20), these replacement elements ensure the quality of filtration Parker is known for. For ordering, please refer to the “How to Order” section of the literature or contact a Parker Representative. -
Wymienne wkłady filtracyjne do średniociśnieniowych filtrów...
Wkłady wymienne serii GMF zapewniają niezawodną i ekonomiczną filtrację oleju hydraulicznego w linii w kompaktowej obudowie. Wkłady te, dostępne w konfiguracjach o pojedynczej lub podwójnej długości, o dokładności od 2 do 20 mikronów, zapewniają skuteczną ochronę przed wnikaniem zanieczyszczeń do układów hydraulicznych, które mogą prowadzić do zwiększonego zużycia maszyny, skrócenia okresów międzykonserwacyjnych i kosztownych przestojów. Idealnie nadają się do zastosowania w ciężkim sprzęcie narażonym na trudne warunki pracy, w tym w żurawiach pokładowych i samojezdnych, prasach hydraulicznych, koparkach, kombajnach, urządzeniach wiertniczych, forwarderach i morskich układach sterowniczych.
Wkłady wymienne serii GMF mają unikatową, opatentowaną, przyjazną dla środowiska konstrukcję, która umożliwia integrację zaworu obejściowego i rdzenia wkładu jako części wielokrotnego użytku w obudowie filtra. Skutkuje to zmniejszeniem ilości odpadów (nawet o 50%) i obniżeniem kosztów utylizacji. Ponadto seria GMF ma specjalny system blokowania, który zapewnia utrzymanie wkładu w obudowie podczas serwisowania, co daje niezwykle kompaktowe rozwiązanie filtracyjne z bardzo małym prześwitem między obudową a wkładem.
Wkład filtracyjny z włókna szklanego zapewnia maksymalną skuteczność filtra w długim okresie eksploatacji. Dostępnych jest wiele rozmiarów obudów filtra w zależności od przepływu nominalnego i typu przyłącza. Wkłady są zgodne z szeroką gamą płynów hydraulicznych, w tym:• mineralnymi olejami hydraulicznymi H do klasy HLPD (DIN 51524);
• płynami eksploatacyjnymi DIN ISO 2943;
• płynami smarowymi ISO 6743, APJ, DIN 51517, ACEA, ASTM;
• olejami roślinnymi;
• wodnymi roztworami glikolu 60/40;
• na zamówienie — z płynami zawierającymi estry fosforanowe klasy przemysłowej;
• nieagresywnymi olejami syntetycznymi;
• nieagresywnymi olejami biodegradowalnymi (HETG, HEPG i HEES zgodnie z VDMA 24568).Dodatkowe informacje na temat wyboru odpowiedniego wkładu wymiennego serii GMF można znaleźć w broszurze serii GMF w zakładce „Wsparcie produktu".
• Rolnictwo
• Budownictwo
• Przemysł naftowy i gazowy
• Przemysł morski
• Górnictwo
• LeśnictwoZastosowania:
• Żurawie pokładowe i samochodowe
• Sprzęt gaśniczy
• Forwardery
• Prasy hydrauliczne
• Morskie układy sterownicze
• Zasilacze
• Śmieciarki, wozidła i wózki widłowe
• Koparki
• Kombajny
• Belownice do odpadów
• Wózki kontenerowe
• Ładowarki kołowe
• Sprzęt wiertniczy
• Zasilacze przemysłowe
• Turbiny wiatroweZalety:
• Zapobieganie zanieczyszczeniu oraz wnikaniu brudu, piasku, pyłu, metalu itp. do układów hydraulicznych.
• Wydłużenie czasu między wymaganymi konserwacjami, obniżenie kosztów eksploatacji oraz wydłużenie ogólnego okresu użytkowania sprzętu/maszyny.
• Opatentowana, przyjazna dla środowiska konstrukcja umożliwia integrację zaworu obejściowego i rdzenia wkładu jako części wielokrotnego użytku w obudowie filtra. Skutkuje to zmniejszeniem ilości odpadów (nawet o 50%) i obniżeniem kosztów utylizacji.
• Wkład filtracyjny pozostaje wewnątrz obudowy filtra podczas wymiany, oszczędzając ponad 500 mm przestrzeni w porównaniu z tradycyjnymi filtrami średniociśnieniowymi.
• Specjalny system blokowania zapewnia, że wkład pozostaje w obudowie podczas serwisowania, oferując kompaktowe rozwiązanie filtrujące z bardzo małym prześwitem obudowa/wkład.Cechy:
• Natężenie przepływu do 600 l/min (158 gal/min).
• Maksymalne dopuszczalne ciśnienie robocze: 70 barów (1015 psi).
• Dostępne konfiguracje o pojedynczej lub podwójnej długości.
• Wkład filtracyjny z włókna szklanego zapewnia maksymalną skuteczność filtra w długim okresie eksploatacji.
• Dostępne są różne dokładności wkładów, w tym 2, 5, 10 i 20 mikronów. -
Replacement Elements - BGT Series
The high quality replacement elements of the BGT filter series are available in a wide variety of sizes and with several filter materials and micron ratings.
These replacement elements ensure the quality of filtration Parker is known for.
Fluid passes through the elements in an inside-to-outside direction, collecting particles inside the filter cartridge. This eliminates reinjection of contaminant during element change. Clean fluid then returns to the reservoir.
The BGT series filters are available with Magnetic pre-filtration. The magnet column removes ferrous particles, even during times of bypass, and extends the life of the filter element.
Using genuine Parker replacement elements guarantees Parker's quality of filtration. Using after market filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements. -
Replacement Elements - IN-AGB Series
The high quality replacement elements of the IN-AGB filter series are available in a wide variety of sizes and with several filter materials and micron ratings.
These replacement elements ensure the quality of filtration Parker is known for.
Fluid passes through the elements in an inside-to-outside direction, collecting particles inside the filter cartridge. This eliminates reinjection of contaminant during element change. Clean fluid then returns to the reservoir.
The IN-AGB series filters are available with Magnetic pre-filtration. The magnet column removes ferrous particles, even during times of bypass, and extends the life of the filter element.
Using genuine Parker replacement elements guarantees Parker's quality of filtration. Using after market filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements. -
Replacement Elements - 100P Series
Items marked with an asterisk * in the drop-down menus are standard choices.
The Parker Filtration 100P Series High Pressure Filters are designed to meet the growing demand for high-pressure filters with a flow rate capacity of up to 1000 l/min at 414 bar working pressure.
The filter media used in the elements is high quality Microglass III glass fibre.
The multi-layer design of the filter media ensures a high efficiency and a high dirt holding capacity.
Wire mesh supporting the media prevents pleat bunching from occurring, keeping performance at a consistent high level.
When changing the element, only the end cap of the bowl needs to be removed (instead of the whole heavy bowl).
Using genuine Parker replacement elements guarantees Parker's quality of filtration. Using after market filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements. -
Replacement Elements - TTF Series
The high quality replacement elements of the TTF filter series are available in a wide variety of sizes and with several filter materials and micron ratings.
These replacement elements ensure the quality of filtration Parker is known for.
Fluid passes through the elements in an inside-to-outside direction, collecting particles inside the filter cartridge. This eliminates reinjection of contaminant during element change. Clean fluid then returns to the reservoir.
The TTF series filters are available with Magnetic pre-filtration. The magnet column removes ferrous particles, even during times of bypass, and extends the life of the filter element.
Using genuine Parker replacement elements guarantees Parker's quality of filtration. Using aftermarket filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements. -
Replacement Elements - STF Series
The high quality replacement elements of the STF filter series are available in a wide variety of sizes and with several filter materials and micron ratings.
These replacement elements ensure the quality of filtration Parker is known for.
Fluid passes through the elements in an inside-to-outside direction, collecting particles inside the filter cartridge. This eliminates reinjection of contaminant during element change. Clean fluid then returns to the reservoir.
The STF series filters are available with Magnetic pre-filtration. The magnet column removes ferrous particles, even during times of bypass, and extends the life of the filter element.
Using genuine Parker replacement elements guarantees Parker's quality of filtration. Using aftermarket filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements. -
Replacement Elements - PT Series
Items marked with an asterisk * in the drop-down menus are standard choices.
The PT tank top mounted filter series offers an economical solution for quality tank top mounted filtration, covering a flow rate up to 400 l/min.
With its unique design the PT filter element simply threads into the filter head.
This also offers the opportunity to use just the filter element as screw-in style element for co-polymer reservoirs.
The disposable filter element is a single-piece cartridge construction, which incorporates the nylon cover and integral 1.7 bar bypass valve.
The PT series elements have an In to Out flow design that avoids re-contamination of the hydraulic system.
Available with Microglass media in 2, 5, 10 and 20 microns the PT elements provide premium particle removal efficiency.
Using genuine Parker replacement elements guarantees Parker's quality of filtration. Using after market filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements. -
Replacement Elements - 12CS Series
The 12CS filters series offers the smart alternative to conventional spin-on cans.
Parker engineers have developed an innovative alternative to the age old spin-on style can. This new ECO design provides all of the benefits of high efficiency, long life Ecoglass filtration, without the environmental impact.
The new environmentally friendly 12CS hydraulic filters feature a reusable bowl that is is permanently attached as part of the filter bowl and a quality filter element constructed primarily of nylon and fibreglass.
That way the environmental friendly design of the 12CS replacements elements reduces the environmental waste over 50%.
The construction of the replaceable coreless Ecoglass element in a re-usable bowl facilitates easy element removal and disposal. -
Replacement Elements - CN Series
Items marked with an asterisk * in the drop-down menus are standard choices.
The 15/40/80CN Series is a range of medium pressure filters offering an economical 'multipurpose' filter solution.
CN series filters can are offered with two types of element:
• The conventional element, making use of the Microglass media and in some sizes also available with ParGel Water removal media.
• The Ecoglass element, a environmentally friendly design without metal inner core. The Eco elements are used in versions of the CN filter with an Eco inner core fixed permanently inside the bowl of the filter. Having no metal content in the element reduces the overall weight with 50% and makes it possible to dispose of the used element in a environmentally friendly way by incineration, also lowering disposal costs.
Using genuine Parker replacement elements guarantees Parker's quality of filtration. Using after market filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements. -
Replacement Elements - ETF Series
Utilizing a re-inforced co-polymer head the ETF Series offers a range of economic return line filters that are used and have been proven in many hydraulic filtration applications.
The ETF Series elements have an In to Out flow design that avoids re-contamination of the hydraulic system.
Available with Microglass media in 2, 5, 10 and 20 microns the ETF elements provide premium particle removal efficiency.
Using genuine Parker replacement elements guarantees Parker's quality of filtration. Using after market filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements. -
Replacement Elements - ATZ Series
Items marked with an asterisk * in the drop-down menus are standard choices.
The ATZ Series is a compact and robust cast aluminium tank-wall mounted suction filter, located below tank oil level.
This submersible suction line filter offers maximum protection for the hydraulic system pump.
When removing the element, the check valve closes automatically, eliminating any chance of oil leakage.
ATZ replacement elements are available with a variety of high quality filter media packs and a choice in micron ratings typically used for suction filter applications.
Using genuine Parker replacement elements guarantees Parker’s quality of filtration. Using after market filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements. -
Replacement Elements - SR Series
The high quality replacement elements of the SR filter series are available in 3 micron ratings.
These replacement elements have a patented design that safeguards the use of genuine parts and guarantees quality of filtration Parker is known for.
Having no metal content in the Low Environmental Impact Filter element reduces the overall weight with 50% and makes it possible to dispose of the used element in a environmentally friendly way by incineration, also lowering disposal costs.
Using genuine Parker replacement elements guarantees Parker’s quality of filtration. Using after market filter elements with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements. -
Replacement Elements - Tanktopper Series
Items marked with an asterisk * in the drop-down menus are standard choices.
Having an integrated air breather and optional dipstick the Parker Filtration Tanktopper Series Tank top Mounted Return Line Filters offers an all-in-one total filtration solution.
Tanktopper replacement elements always come with an air breather element.
That way both the oil- and the air filter element can be replaced during the service event, improving system protection.
Tanktopper replacement elements are available with a variety of high quality filter media packs and a wide choice in micron ratings.
The LEIF Ecoglass element versions with reusable metal sleeve have a patented design that safeguards the use of genuine parts and guarantees quality of filtration.
Fluid passes through the elements in an inside-to-outside direction, collecting particles inside the filter cartridge. This eliminates re-injection of contaminant during element change. Clean fluid then returns to the reservoir.
Using genuine Parker replacement elements guarantees Parker’s quality of filtration. Using after market filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements. -
Replacement Elements - 45M Series
Items marked with an asterisk * in the drop-down menus are standard choices.
The 45M Series utilises a cast iron head and steel bowl design and can be specified with Microglass or Ecoglass filter media.
Filter bowl is designed for rapid element replacement.
45M series filters can are offered with two types of element:
• The conventional element, making use of the Microglass media and in some sizes also available with ParGel Water Removal media.
• The Ecoglass element, an environmentally friendly design without metal content. This Eco element is fitted on a re-usable metal inner core.
Having no metal content in the element reduces the overall weight with 50% and makes it possible to dispose of the used element in a environmentally friendly way by incineration, also lowering disposal costs.
Using genuine Parker replacement elements guarantees Parker’s quality of filtration. Using after market filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements. -
Wymienne wkłady filtracyjne do wysokociśnieniowych filtrów...
Wkłady wymienne serii EPF przeznaczone są do użytku z wysokociśnieniowymi, montowanymi w linii filtrami oleju hydraulicznego. Te wkłady, dostępne w konfiguracjach o pojedynczej lub podwójnej długości i dokładności filtracji do 2 mikronów, pomagają chronić krytyczne elementy silnika, takie jak zawory, łożyska, cylindry i pompy, przed przedostawaniem się zanieczyszczeń, które mogłyby przyspieszyć zużycie maszyny, skrócić okresy między konserwacjami, wydłużyć przestoje i podwyższyć koszty. Wkłady te nadają się do użytku w systemach narażonych na bardzo trudne środowiska, w tym w budownictwie, przemyśle naftowym i gazowym, rolnictwie i górnictwie.
Wkłady wymienne serii EPF mają opatentowaną, przyjazną dla środowiska konstrukcję, która umożliwia integrację zaworu bypas i rdzenia wkładu jako części wielokrotnego użytku w obudowie filtra. Zapewnia to zmniejszenie ilości odpadów (nawet o 50%) i obniżenie kosztów utylizacji. Seria EPF idealnie nadaje się do włączenia filtrów do systemów rozdzielczych bez potrzeby wykonywania dodatkowych otworów na instalacje zaworów bypas.
Dostępne są rozmaite opcje materiałów filtracyjnych w zależności od specyficznych wymagań systemów klientów, w tym Microglass (QI), Microglass o wysokiej wytrzymałości (QIH) oraz Microglass do przepływu wstecznego (QIR). Dostępnych jest również wiele rozmiarów obudów filtra w zależności od przepływu nominalnego i typu przyłącza.
Wkłady wymienne filtrów serii EPF są kompatybilne z szeroką gamą płynów hydraulicznych, w tym:
• Mineralnymi olejami hydraulicznymi H do klasy HLPD (DIN51524).
• Płynami eksploatacyjnymi DIN ISO 2943.
• Płynami smarowymi ISO6743, APJ, DIN 51517, ACEA, ASTM.
• Olejami roślinnymi.
• Wodnymi roztworami glikolu 60/40.
• Na zamówienie — z płynami zawierającymi estry fosforanowe klasy przemysłowej.
• Nieagresywnymi olejami syntetycznymi.
• Nieagresywnymi olejami biodegradowalnymi (HETG, HEPG i HEES zgodnie z VDMA 24568).Aby uzyskać dodatkowe informacje na temat wyboru odpowiedniego wkładu wymiennego serii EPF, należy zapoznać się z broszurą serii EPF w zakładce „Wsparcie produktu".
• Rolnictwo
• Budownictwo
• Przemysł naftowy i gazowy
• Przemysł morski
• Górnictwo
• Transport materiałówZastosowania:
• Żurawie pokładowe i samochodowe
• Sprzęt gaśniczy
• Forwardery
• Prasy hydrauliczne
• Okrętowe układy sterownicze
• Zasilacze
• Koparki
• Kombajny
• Belownice do odpadów
• Wózki kontenerowe
• Ładowarki kołowe
• Sprzęt wiertniczy
• Zasilacze przemysłowe
• Turbiny wiatroweKorzyści:
• Zapobieganie zanieczyszczeniu oraz wnikaniu brudu, piasku, pyłu, metalu itp. do obwodów hydraulicznych.
• Wydłużenie czasu między wymaganymi konserwacjami, obniżenie kosztów operacyjnych oraz wydłużenie ogólnego okresu użytkowania sprzętu/maszyny.
• Opatentowana, przyjazna dla środowiska konstrukcja umożliwia integrację zaworu obejściowego i rdzenia wkładu jako części wielokrotnego użytku w obudowie filtra. Skutkuje to zmniejszeniem ilości odpadów (nawet o 50%) i obniżeniem kosztów utylizacji.
• Wkład filtracyjny pozostaje wewnątrz obudowy filtra podczas wymiany, oszczędzając ponad 500 mm przestrzeni w porównaniu z tradycyjnymi filtrami wysokociśnieniowymi.Cechy:
• Natężenie przepływu do 700 l/min (185 GPM).
• Maksymalne dopuszczalne ciśnienie robocze: 6500 psi (450 bar).
• Dostępne konfiguracje o podwójnej lub pojedynczej długości.
• Dostępne rozmaite typy materiałów filtracyjnych, w tym Microglass, Microglass o dużej wytrzymałości oraz Microglass do przepływu wstecznego. -
Replacement Elements - Maxiflow Series
Maxiflow filters are ideally suited to full flow and bypass circuit installations where the need for high quality filter media is recommended.
Optional indicators provide direct information as to when the spin-on canisters require replacement.
The Maxiflow spin-on canisters are manufactured with high quality filter media, recommended for effective protection of system components, improving system productivity and profitability.
Using genuine Parker replacement elements guarantees Parker’s quality of filtration. Using after market filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements. -
Replacement Elements - 22PD-32PD Series
Items marked with an asterisk * in the drop-down menus are standard choices.
The Parker Filtration 22PD/32PD Series High Pressure Duplex Filters utilise a duplex design containing a changeover valve with integrated balancing valve and vent ports.
This design offers continuous operation during element change.
High quality Glassfibre filtration media is applied in the replacement elements as standard.
Beside the normal elements, also High Strength (high collapse pressure) elements are available for situations where high differential pressure over the element can occur, for example when no bypass pressure valve is mounted.
Using genuine Parker replacement elements guarantees Parker’s quality of filtration. Using after market filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements. -
Reservoir Breather / Air Filter Replacement Elements – ABL Series
Contaminated air filter media is often classified as chemical waste, resulting in high disposal costs for end users when changing out elements. Recognizing the need for an eco-friendly solution that protects the environment and lowers cost of ownership for users, Parker developed the ABL Series air filter / reservoir breather and associated replacement elements. ABL Series replacement elements contain no metal parts and feature a totally disposable media pack, which reduces chemical waste. Depending on the circumstances, disposal and processing costs can be reduced by 50%, enabling users to realize lower cost of ownership. ABL Series filter replacement elements utilize high-efficiency glass fiber media (3 micron abs for air) with high dirt-holding capacity. The elements provide excellent protection against airborne contaminants entering hydraulic reservoirs, which can damage critical system components, including pumps and cylinders, resulting in costly downtime.The elements are available in two sizes: the ABL1 for airflows up to 1000 L/min (264 GPM) and the ABL2 for airflows up to 2000 L/min (528 GPM). ABL Series breathers / air filters are ideally suited for end users who are seeking high performance, while minimizing the environmental footprint of their machinery. Typical applications include saw mills, agricultural machines, articulated dump trucks, forestry equipment, wheeled loaders, lubricated systems, excavators, industrial power units, and mobile cranes. Markets:• Agriculture• Construction • Oil and Gas• Marine• Mining• ForestryApplications:• Deck and mobile cranes• Firefighting equipment• Forwarders• Hydraulic presses• Marine steering units• Power packs• Waste management, dump and fork lift trucks• Excavators• Harvesters• Waste balers• Reach stackers• Wheeled loaders• Drilling equipment• Industrial power unitsBenefits:• Prevents contamination and ingress of dirt, sand, dust, metal, etc. into hydraulic circuits• Lengthens time in between required maintenance intervals, reduces operating costs, and extends overall equipment/machine operational life• Eco-friendly, replaceable element reduces disposal costs by up to 50% when compared to conventional filters with non-reusable elements• No tools required for element change-outs Features:• High-efficiency glass fiber media (3 micron abs for air) with high dirt-holding capacity• Two sizes available: the ABL1 for air flows up to 1000 L/min (264 GPM) and the ABL2 for airflows up to 2000 L/min (528 GPM) -
Reservoir Breather / Air Filter Replacement Elements – EAB Series
Contaminated air filter media is often classified as chemical waste, resulting in high disposal costs for end users when changing out elements. Recognizing the need for an eco-friendly solution that protects the environment and lowers cost of ownership for users, Parker developed the EAB Series air filter / reservoir breather and associated replacement elements. EAB Series replacement elements contain no metal parts and therefore can be crushed and/or burned. Only the contaminated filter media has to be disposed of, which keeps the weight of chemical waste relatively low. Depending on the circumstances, disposal and processing costs can be reduced by 50%, enabling users to realize lower cost of ownership. EAB Series filter replacement elements come available with three different filtration media options, including polyester (2 micron absolute), polyester with water-resistant layer (1.5 micron absolute), and glass fiber media (1 micron absolute). The elements are uniquely designed to achieve a low pressure drop and high dirt holding capacity in systems with airflows up to 1500 L/min (396 GPM), making them suitable for use in a wide range of hydraulic system applications, including saw mills, agricultural machines, articulated dump trucks, forestry equipment, wheeled loaders, lubricated systems, excavators, industrial power units, and mobile cranes. Markets:• Agriculture• Construction • Oil and Gas• Marine• Mining• ForestryApplications:• Deck and mobile cranes• Firefighting equipment• Forwarders• Hydraulic presses• Marine steering units• Power packs• Waste management, dump and fork lift trucks• Excavators• Harvesters• Waste balers• Reach stackers• Wheeled loaders• Drilling equipment• Industrial power unitsBenefits:• Prevents contamination and ingress of dirt, sand, dust, metal, etc. into hydraulic circuits• Lengthens time in between required maintenance intervals, reduces operating costs, and extends overall equipment/machine operational life• Eco-friendly, replaceable elements reduce disposal costs by up to 50% when compared to conventional filters with non-reusable elements • No tools required for element change-outs Features:• Capable of airflows up to 1500 L/min (396 GPM), • Operating temperature range: -20 to +80°C (-4 to +175°F)• Three filter media options: polyester (2 micron absolute), polyester with water-resistant layer (1.5 micron absolute), and glass fiber media (1 micron absolute). -
Replacement Elements - Low Pressure Filter GLF Series
The Parker GLF Series Low Pressure Return Line Filters provide an economical alternative for quality tank top mounted filtration. With a patented filter element assembly designed for direct screw-in mounting and easy removal, the PT Series offers both convenience and value.
Using genuine Parker GLF Series replacement elements guarantees Parker's quality of filtration. Using aftermarket filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements.
Available in Single and Double lengths and several micron ratings (2, 5, 10, and 20), these replacement elements ensure the quality of filtration Parker is known for. For ordering, please refer to the “How to Order” section of the literature or contact a Parker Representative. -
Hastings - Hydraulic Filter Parts and Accessories
Genuine replacement parts and accessories are offered for your Hastings hydraulic filter.
Hastings heavy-duty filters are designed to meet or exceed OE performance. They provide the protection your equipment needs for optimal performance and to maintain warranty coverage.
•Durable construction to withstand the harshest working conditions
•Fluid power
•Oil and gas
•Compressor -
Replacement Elements - Medium Pressure Filter 15/40/80 CN Series
The Parker CN Series is a compact, cost effective, medium pressure filter designed with Microglass filtration technology. CN Series replacement elements feature coreless construction. The design reduces solid waste and minimizes disposal costs for industry.
Using Parker CN Series replacement elements guarantees Parker’s quality of filtration, directly impacting the fluid cleanliness levels. Using aftermarket filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements.
Available in Single, Double and Triple lengths (40 CN only) and several micron ratings (2, 5, 10, and 20), these replacement elements ensure the quality of filtration Parker is known for. For ordering, please refer to the “How to Order” section of the literature or contact a Parker Representative. -
Replacement Elements - Low Pressure Filter 12AT/50AT/80AT/80UT...
Using Parker 12AT/50AT/80AT/80UT Series replacement spin-on cans guarantees Parker’s quality of filtration. Using aftermarket filters with unknown media quality may save initial cost, but can increase overall costs by requiring more element change outs, more waste, and potentially causing system downtime. Protect your investment by always buying genuine Parker replacement elements.
Available in single and double lengths with several micron ratings (3,10, 20, 25) and media options (Microglass & Cellulose), these replacement spin-on cans ensure the quality of filtration Parker is known for. For ordering, please refer to the “How to Order” section of the literature or contact a Parker Representative. -
Replacement Parts - Adaptors
Parker tank top adaptor kits are available in a variety of styles and mounting configurations to ensure the right breather solution can be applied to your hydraulic system. -
Duplex Hydraulic Filter Replacement Elements - DF25 Series
The DF25 is a duplex filter suitable for continuous operation. Both the selecting valve end positions are secured with a locking mechanism. Sturdy cast iron housing with a pressure rating of 40 bar. The DF25 has drain plugs at the bottom and air vent plugs at the top. Element change from the top provides for a clean and tidy service. There is an integrated connection for a differential pressure indicator. The filter has threaded connection ports and the flange can also be used for side-block mounting. Behind the flange there are plugged alternative connection ports: The IN-port on the left side and the OUT-port at the top.
• Diesel engine fuel systems
• Industrial lube oil systems
• Industrial medium pressure hydraulic systems -
Switches, Gauges and Indicators
Parker’s Hydraulic and Fuel Filtration Division offers a broad range of gauges, switches, and indicators across multiple filter product series. Differential pressure increases as a hydraulic filter element captures harmful contamination from system fluid. Filter elements must be replaced once the specified differential pressure is reached. Parker’s indicators signal when a filter element must be replaced to ensure system cleanliness and protect system critical assets.
Indicator Types: Pressure Gauge, Vacuum Gauge, Pressure Switch, Visual, Electrical/Visual, Electrical Reed Switch, Analog 4-20mA
Applicable Filter Series: 12AT, 50AT, 80AT, 80UT, Moduflow Plus ILP DILP, PT, GLF, BGT17, 15P, 30P, 50P, WPF