Czujniki do zastosowań mobilnych

Parker controllers provide up to sixteen axes of coordinated motion control for complete electromechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic motion systems. Products include stand alone multi-axis motion controllers, integrated control and drive pac

Czujniki do zastosowań mobilnych - PaksD
  • Czujniki ciśnienia — IQAN-SP
    IQAN-SP firmy Parker to gama przetworników ciśnienia do zastosowań hydrauliki mobilnej. Przetwornik IQAN-SP ma wytrzymałą konstrukcję ze stali nierdzewnej. W jego komorze czujnikowej zastosowano technologię cienkowarstwową bez wewnętrznych pierścieni O-ring i medium. Odporność na wysokie ciśnienie sprawia, że czujnik jest bardzo trwały oraz wytrzymały na wibracje.

    Przetworniki są dostępne dla dwóch zakresów ciśnień: 35 barów (500 psi) i 500 barów (7250 psi). Zakres sygnału, wynoszący 0,5–4,5 V DC na całą skalę czujnika, idealnie nadaje się do sprzętu mobilnego.

    IQAN-SP jest dostępny w 2 konfiguracjach montażowych:
    • Złącze z gwintem G1/4 BSPP ze zintegrowanym konektorem AMP/Tyco (Bosch Jetronic)
    • Złącze z gwintem 9/16-18 UNC (6 SAE) z konektorem Deutsch DT podłączonym do krótkiego kabla

    To sprawia, że IQAN-SP idealnie nadaje się do sprzętu budowlanego i innych zastosowań mobilnych na całym świecie.

    • Sprzęt budowlany
    • Maszyny leśne
    • Maszyny rolnicze
    • Sprzęt do transportu materiałów
    • Górnictwo

    Cechy i korzyści:
    • Korpus ze stali nierdzewnej zapewnia wytrzymałość.
    • 2 zakresy ciśnień do monitorowania funkcji realizowanych przy wysokich lub niskich ciśnieniach.
    • Różne opcje montażu umożliwiają użytkowanie w dowolnym regionie.
    • Sygnał wyjściowy dostosowany do urządzeń mobilnych.

    • Śmieciarki
    • Opryskiwacze upraw
    • Wózki widłowe i podnośniki teleskopowe
    • Narzędzia do prac zrębowych i forwardery
    • Wiertnice skalne
  • IQAN-ST temperature sensors
    The IQAN-ST temperature transducers belong to the family of IQAN accessories developed to complement IQAN control systems. IQAN-ST is a range of temperature transducers for mobile hydraulic applications.
    These transducers have a temperature range of -50 to +150 degrees celsius. The signal range is between 0.25 - 4.75 VDC over the full scale of the sensor. The IQAN-ST comes in 3 configurations:
    • G1/4 BSPP threaded interface with integral AMP/Tyco (Bosch Jetronic) connector
    • 9/16-18 UNC (6 SAE) threaded interface with Deutsch DT connector attached to a short cable
    • M10 threaded interface with integral AMP/Tyco (Bosch Jetronic) connector

  • Analog Lever Distance Sensor
    The ADS series is a lever actuated linear sensor designed for mobile and other applications. The sensors are analog output, non-contacting ferrous sensors that have a linear range of one inch or approximately 35 degrees of motion. To make the sensor suitable for mobile and industrial equipment, we have focused upon such properties as reliability and ease of installation.

    The sensors are utilize Hall Effect technolgy for trouble free operation. They are built in a single package and have a large lever arm and large mounting holes to reduce alignment issues. The sensors are very robust and able to withstand rugged applications The potted design combined with the sealed connector give the electronics for the RS sensor IP66 protection for outdoor applications. The mechanical features offered provide for easy installation and removal, even in field conditions.
  • TGSS True Ground Speed Sensors
    The True Ground Speed Sensor (TGSS) belongs to the Parker family of accessories provided to complement electronic control systems. The sensor determines true ground speed using Doppler beam technology and reports the information using a frequency signal. The TGSS is intended for vehicle and other applications with a steady voltage of less than or equal to 16 Vdc. The general market versions of the sensor have a short cable with either an attached AMP Superseal or a Deutsch DT series connector.

    The TGSS has an ABS plastic construction for sturdiness and corrosion resistance. The sensor uses planar antenna, Doppler effect technology for trouble free operation. A microwave signal transmitted out of the sensor is reflected off the target and received by the sensor. The ground speed is calculated by measuring the change in frequency. The sensor can be specified with one of 2 microwave carrier frequencies, either the standard frequency, or one suitable for the United Kingdom.

    The TGSS mounts to a bracket on the underside of the vehicle where the sensor may be pointed in either the forward or reverse direction. Built to meet stringent SAE J1455/EP455 environmental standards, the sensor is very robust and able to withstand rugged applications.
  • SCP compact pressure sensors
    The SCP pressure sensor belongs to the Parker family of accessories provided to complement electronic control systems. The SCP sensor family is a range of 0-5 V pressure transmitters for mobile hydraulic applications.

    These transmitters are currently available in three standard pressure ranges:
    • 35 bar (507 psi)
    • 250 bar (3625 psi)
    • 500 bar (7250 psi).

    The sensors feature compact construction, high linearity and excellent electromagnetic interference resistance.

    The interface type of the SCP is a SAE 6 (9/16”-18UNF) thread with O-ring seal. The connector is a sealed, Deutsch DT type and is integrated into the sensor body. Other configurations are possible.

    The sensor is well protected for exposed outdoor applications. The SCP is easy to install and remove, even in field conditions.
  • Rotary Control
    The RF series is a family of rotary controls for mobile and other applications. The outputs are proportional , non-contacting solid state electronics that have an angular range up to 360 degrees. To make the controls suitable for mobile and industrial equipment operators, we have focused upon such properties as reliability and ease of installation.

    The controls are utilize Hall Effect technolgy for trouble free operation commonly found in standard potentiometers as a result of dither and wear. They are built in a single package to reduce rotary alignment issues and variations in signals caused by vibration and axial variations. The controls are very robust and able to withstand rugged applications The potted design combined with the sealed connector give the electronics for the RF control IP66 protection for outdoor applications. The mechanical features offered provide for easy installation and removal, even in field conditions.
  • Rotary Position Sensor
    The RS series is a family of rotary position sensors for mobile and other applications. The sensors are analog output , non-contacting ferrous sensors that have an angular range up to 360 degrees. To make the sensors suitable for mobile and industrial equipment, we have focused upon such properties as reliability and ease of installation.

    The sensors are utilize Hall Effect technolgy for trouble free operation. They are built in a single package to reduce rotary alignment issues and variations in signals caused by vibration and axial variations. The sensors are very robust and able to withstand rugged applications The potted design combined with the sealed connector give the electronics for the RS sensor IP66 protection for outdoor applications. The mechanical features offered provide for easy installation and removal, even in field conditions.
  • Angle Tilt Sensor
    The ATS series is a family of angle/tilt sensors for mobile and other applications. The sensors are analog output , non-contacting sensors that have an angular range of ±10 degrees. To make the sensors suitable for mobile and industrial equipment, we have focused upon such properties as reliability and ease of installation.

    The sensors are utilize Hall Effect technolgy for trouble free operation and a high level of EMI immunity. They are built in a single package with no external moving components and are internally dampened to reduce errors caused by vibration and sudden movements. The sensors are very robust and able to withstand rugged applications The potted design combined with the sealed connector give the sensors IP67 protection for outdoor applications. The mechanical features offered provide for easy installation and removal, even in field conditions.
  • Proximity Sensor
    The PS Series is a proximity sensors for mobile and other applications. The sensor may be combined with our complementary magnet target or any other supplied magnet. To make the sensor suitable for mobile and industrial equipment, we have focused upon such properties as reliability and ease of installation.

    The passive sensors use non-contacting technology, through the use of an internal reed switch, for trouble free operation. They have a threaded aluminim construction which allows for variation during the mechanical assembly of the end application. Switch activation is a function of the strength of the actuator (magnet), how close it is to other ferrous objects, and the alignment between the sensor and the actuator.

    A sealed Deutsch connector combined with potted electronics gives the sensor excellent protection for exposed outdoor applications.
  • Ferrous Proximity Sensor
    The FP Series is a family of proximity sensors for mobile and other applications. They are available with two sensing air gaps and with two different sense surfaces. To make the sensor suitable for mobile and industrial equipment, we have focused upon such properties as reliability and ease of installation.

    The passive sensors use non-contacting technology, through the use of an internal reed switch, for trouble free operation. They have a glass-filled nylon housing for strength and corrosion resistance and extra large mounting holes for easl alignment. A sealed Deutsch connector combined with potted electronics gives the sensor excellent protection for exposed outdoor applications.
  • Gear Speed Sensor
    The GS series is a family of speed sensors for mobile and other applications. The sensors are digital output, non-contacting ferrous sensors that can be used as a speed pickup with a variety of toothed wheels. To make the sensor suitable for mobile and industrial equipment, we have focused upon properties such as reliability and ease of installation.

    The sensors use back-biased, Hall Effect technology for trouble free operation. They contain a self-adjusting, digital current sinking output which is immune to variations in air gap and rotary alignment. The sensors are very robust and able to withstand rugged applications. The potted electronics combined with the sealed connector gives the GS sensor IP67 protection for exposed outdoor applications. These mechanical features offered provide for easy installation and removal, even in field conditions.
  • Tilt Switch
    The RM50 series is a tilt switch for mobile and other applications. The sensors utilize reed switch technolgy and are an environmentally safe alternative to old mercury switch designs. The non-contacting sensors that have an angular range of up to ±10 degrees. To make the sensors suitable for mobile and industrial equipment, we have focused upon such properties as reliability and ease of installation.

    The sensors are built in a single package with no external moving components and magnetic characteristics help to reduce false tripping caused by vibration and sudden movements. The sensors are very robust and able to withstand rugged applications The potted design combined with the sealed connector give the sensors IP67 protection for outdoor applications. The mechanical features offered provide for easy installation and removal, even in field conditions.
  • LS60 Custom and Semi Custom Tilt Sensors
    The LS60 sensor is a dual axis level sensor for mobile applications. The sensor has been designed to create a hermetically sealed device that will survive harsh conditions. The sensor can be configured with custom X and Y trip angle, custom delay for trip angles, normally open or normally closed, and sourcing or sinking.

    The standard top mounted bubble level makes calibration easy, and the mounting bracket offers a couple of mounting options. A variety of connector types are vailable for the standard twelve inch leads, but other lengths may be specified.
  • Uniwersalne czujniki przechyłu — UTS i UTS-G

    Seria uniwersalnych czujników przechyłu (UTS) produkcji Parker Electronic Controls Division to rodzina bezwładnościowych czujników przechyłu do pojazdów i innych zastosowań. Czujniki komunikują się przez magistralę CAN za pomocą protokołu SAE J1939. Czujniki zostały zaprojektowane w technologii mikroukładów elektromechanicznych (MEMS) i charakteryzują się wysoką odpornością na zakłócenia elektromagnetyczne (EMI), co zapewnia ich bezproblemowe działanie. 

    Pojedynczy zespół odporny na korozję bez ruchomych elementów daje czujnikom możliwość pracy w trudnych zastosowaniach. Projekt wykorzystujący spawanie obrotowe w połączeniu ze zintegrowanym, uszczelnionym przyłączem zapewnia czujnikom najwyższe w tej klasie stopnie ochrony IP68 i IP69k do zastosowań zewnętrznych.

    Uniwersalne czujniki przechyłu (UTS) produkcji Electronic Controls Division eliminują potrzebę stosowania nadmiarowych czujników, oferując pojedynczy zespół z dwoma (2) lub trzema (3) wyjściami osiowymi, co obniża całkowite wydatki na elektroniczny system sterowania.

    Najnowszy dodatek do serii czujników przechyłu, UTS-G, zapewnia kompensację żyroskopową zwiększającą ogólną rozdzielczość, powtarzalność i szybkość reakcji w zastosowaniach o średniej i dużej dynamice. UTS-G dostarcza również informacje o przechyleniu i obrocie bocznym zgodnie z protokołem SSI2 J1939, aby zmaksymalizować wykorzystanie urządzenia w każdym zastosowaniu. 

    Dzięki tym cechom czujnik UTS i najnowszy dodatek UTS-G stanowią idealny wybór do każdego zastosowania, w którym wymagane jest niezawodne pozycjonowanie i poziomowanie.

    Cechy i korzyści:

    • Korpus z tworzywa ABS zapewniający odporność na korozję

    • Opatentowana konstrukcja mocowania odporna na błędy   

    • Dwie (2) lub trzy (3) osie przechyłu kątowego: ±10˚ i ±90˚

    • Definiowane przez użytkownika filtrowanie wyjściowe FIR i IIR (tylko UTS)

    • Żyroskopowa kompensacja dynamiczna (tylko UTS-G)

    • Wyjście sygnałów przechyłu i obrotu bocznego zgodnie z protokołem SSI2 J1939 (tylko UTS-G)

    • Brak ruchomych części


    • Sprzęt budowlany

    • Sprzęt do transportu materiałów

    •Samochody ciężarowe i autobusy

    •Sprzęt rolniczy


    • Podnośniki nożycowe

    • Wózki widłowe

    • Żurawie

    • Ładowarki teleskopowe

    • Pojazdy użytkowe

    • Kombajny

    • Miniładowarki

    • Ładowarki

  • Accelerometer and Inclinometer Sensors
    The ACC series is a family of inertial sensors for mobile and other applications. The sensors are analog output , micro electro-mechanical devices that have an inertial range of up to ±1.5G. To make the sensors suitable for mobile and industrial equipment, we have focused upon such properties as reliability and ease of installation.

    The sensors are designed using MEMs technology and a high level of EMI immunity for trouble free operation. They are built in a single package with no external moving components and able to withstand rugged applications The potted design combined with the sealed connector give the sensors IP67 protection for outdoor applications. The mechanical features offered provide for easy installation and removal, even in field conditions.
  • UTS-ID
    Parker’s Electro Mechanical and Controls Division Universal Tilt Sensor – Impact Detection (UTS-ID) is a impact acceleration sensor for mobile vehicles and other applications. The sensors communicate over a CAN bus using SAE J1939 protocol. The sensors are designed using micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology and have a high level of EMI immunity for trouble free operation. A single corrosion proof package with no moving components gives the sensors the ability to withstand rugged applications. The spin weld design combined with an integrated sealed connector gives the sensors IP68 and IP69k for best in class ingress protection for outdoor applications.
    Electro Mechanical and Controls Division Universal Tilt Sensor – Impact Detection (UTS-ID) provides a multi-axis acceleration sensor optimized for mobile hydraulic applications. The UTS-ID accelerometers are used to calculate changes in acceleration, orientation with respect to gravity to compute and communicate impact events. The sensor communicates over CAN bus using SAE J1939 protocol and has an integral Deutsch connector.
    The UTS-ID is IoT ready, fully integrated with Parker’s Mobile IoT solutions to capture, alert and visualize impact events, impact acceleration and orientation, impact geo location and historical data.

    The UTS-ID incorporates accelerometer compensations to enhance overall resolution, repeatability, and response in medium and heavy dynamic applications.

    These features make the UTS-ID and latest addition UTS family, a perfect choice for any application where reliable impact detection is desired.

    • ABS plastic body for corrosion resistance
    • Patented error proof mounting design
    • Three (3) axis range acceleration: ±16g
    • IP rated IP68 and IP69K
    • CANbus ready and configurable
    • User-defined noise suppression filters
    • Integration with IoT systems
    • No moving parts

    • Construction equipment
    • Material handling equipment
    • On Highway truck and bus
    • Agricultural equipment
    • Forestry equipment


    • Scissor lifts

    • Forklifts

    • Cranes

    • Telehandlers

    • Utility vehicles

    • Combines

    • Skid Steer

    • Loaders