Accumulator Kits

For maximum accumulator performance, Parker has designed a wide range of complementary accumulator accessories, which include charging and gauging assemblies, unloading valves, repair tools, port adapters and mounting kits.
Accumulator Kits
  • Support Brackets
    Parker Clamps and Brackets are designed to safely and securely support accumulators in a vertical position. They are available for all accumulator (bladder, piston, hydracushion etc) model weights and sizes and can be designed for hostile environments with protective coatings.

    The Brackets are supplied with a rubber cushion band to protect the shell and any protective coating. Mounting Bolts (M16 x 70) and wahsers (zinc coated or stainless steel) are also included.

    A selection of part numbers have been included however please contact us for more options. All dimensions and technical information for the part numbers included on this page are included in the Accumulator Catalogue which can be downloaded from the Product Support tab.

    For more information please download the Accumulator Catalogue or contact your local Parker Sales Company. Many of our accessories are also detailed in our product brochures.

    Formerly branded as Olaer and Fawcett Christie Hydraulics.
  • Clamps
    Parker Clamps and Brackets are designed to safely and securely support accumulators in a vertical position. They are available for all accumulator (bladder, piston, hydracushion etc) model weights and sizes and can be designed for hostile environments with protective coatings.

    The Clamps are supplied with a rubber cushion band to protect the shell and any protective coating.

    A selection of part numbers have been included however please contact us for more options. All dimensions and technical information for the part numbers included on this page are included in the Accumulator Catalogue which can be downloaded from the Support tab.

    For more information please download the Accumulator Catalogue or contact your local Parker Sales Company. Many of our accessories are also detailed in our product brochures.

    Formerly branded as Olaer and Fawcett Christie Hydraulics.
  • Zestawy do ładowania akumulatorów (Europa)

    Zestaw do ładowania akumulatorów firmy Parker jest niezbędnym przyrządem do sprawdzania, regulacji lub napełniania azotem (N2) większości akumulatorów hydraulicznych dostępnych na rynku.

    Zestawy do ładowania akumulatorów firmy Parker są dostarczane w walizce z tworzywa sztucznego w celu zapewnienia dodatkowej ochrony i zwiększenia możliwości przenoszenia. Zestaw zawiera różne adaptery do przyłączy akumulatora, które mogą różnić się w zależności od kraju i konstrukcji butli z azotem.

    Dostępnych jest wiele opcji, w tym manometry, adaptery, konektory i specjalne węże do azotu.

    Uwzględniliśmy tylko niewielką liczbę numerów części. Aby poznać więcej opcji lub uzyskać więcej informacji, pobierz katalog akumulatorów lub skontaktuj się z nami. Szczegółowe informacje na temat wielu z naszych akcesoriów można również znaleźć w broszurach produktowych.

    Wcześniej pod marką Olaer i Fawcett Christie Hydraulics.


    • Przemysł

    • Urządzenia mobilne

    • Energetyka

    • Przetwórstwo

    • Instalacje ogrzewania, wentylacji i klimatyzacji

    • Przemysł obronny

    • Energia odnawialna

    • Przemysł morski

    • Górnictwo

    • Przemysł naftowy i gazowy

    • Kolejnictwo

    Cechy i korzyści:

    • Opcje obejmują różne zakresy ciśnień, adaptery i konektory pasujące do najczęściej używanych akumulatorów dostępnych na rynku.

    • Produkt dostarczany jest w walizce z tworzywa sztucznego wypełnionej pianką w celu zapewnienia dodatkowej ochrony i zwiększenia możliwości przenoszenia.

    • Kompletny zestaw do kontroli i regulacji wstępnego napełnienia akumulatorów azotem.

    • Stanowi bezpieczne rozwiązanie do konserwacji akumulatorów.


    • Zastosowania hydrauliczne

    • Sprzęt rolniczy

    • Sprzęt budowlany

    • Leśnictwo

    • Transport/dźwigi

    • Samochody ciężarowe

    • Energia wiatrowa

    • Zasilacze hydrauliczne

    • Układy smarowania

    • Wytwarzanie energii elektrycznej

    • Przesył i dystrybucja energii

    • Przemysł militarny

    • Sprężarki powietrza i gazu

    • Platformy badawcze

    • Automatyka do systemów rozrywkowych

    • Formowanie

    • Prasy do tworzyw sztucznych

    • Konserwacja

  • Flexible Separators
    The Parker flexible separators are a cost effective solution for the prevention of contamination into a hydraulic system. A flexible separator is composed of a flexible membrane and metallic stem for mounting in the system tank/reservoir.

    Deteriorating hydraulic equipment fluid had been estimated to be responsible for at least 70% of all hydraulic failures. The Parker separator prevents contaminants entering the hydraulic fluid at the tank. If contaminant particles are prevented from entering the fluid tank the result is cleaner fluid and longer fluid life.

    This will in turn provide a longer life for the filter elements and system components thus reducing downtime and operating costs.

    Our standard range of Flexible Separator is available from 1 to 70 litres. Larger volumes and bespoke units are available on request.

    If no moisture or corrosive gases are allowed to enter the fluid tank the result is:
    • Reduced oxidation and emulsification of the fluid
    • Cleaner fluid/ longer fluid life
    • Longer life for filter elements
    • Reduced corrosion to the inside of the tank and system components.
    • Reduces downtime and operating costs

    • Dusty Environments - sawmills, cement plants, quarries, dessert
    • Marine - marine hydraulic systems
    • Oil & Gas - Offshore HPUs
    • Extreme Climates - High humidity or cold climates

    We have only included a small number of part numbers, for more options and information please download the Flexible Separator brochure or contact your local Parker Sales Company.

    Formerly branded as Olaer and Olaer Fawcett Christie Hydraulics.
  • Charging Sets(AP)
    The Parker Charging kit is an indispensable instrument for checking, adjusting or filling nitrogen (N2) into most of the hydraulic accumulators available on the market.

    Parker charging kits are supplied in a plastic carry case for added protection and portability. The kit includes different adaptors for accumulator connections which can differ depending on the country and nitrogen gas bottle design.

    Many options are available including: - pressure gauges, adaptors, connectors and special nitrogen hoses.

    We have included a small selection of part numbers, for more options or additional information please download the Accumulator Catalogue or contact your local Parker Sales Company. Many of our accessories are also detailed in our product brochures.

    Formerly branded as Olaer and Fawcett Christie Hydraulics.

    • Industrial
    • Mobile
    • Energy
    • Processing
    • HVAC
    • Defense
    • Renewable
    • Marine
    • Mining
    • Oil and Gas
    • Rail

    • Options include different pressure ranges, adaptors and connectors to suit the most commonly used accumulators available on the market.
    • Supplied in a foam filled plastic carry case for added protection and portability.
    • A complete kit for the control and adjustment of nitrogen pre-charge in accumulators.
    • Offers a safe solution for accumulator maintentance

    • Hydraulic applications
    • Agricultural equipment
    • Construction equipment
    • Forestry
    • Handling/Cranes
    • Truck
    • Wind Energy
    • Hydraulic Power Units
    • Lubrication Systems
    • Power Generation
    • Energy Transmission & Distribution
    • Defence
    • Air & Gas Compressors
    • Test rig
    • Entertainment Automation
    • Moulding
    • Plastic Presses
    • Maintenance