Łączniki pilotowe

Parker's range of piloted fittings offers reliability, compactness and time savings in the installation and maintenance of pneumatic systems. The range includes blocking fittings, operated check valves and sensors. It is available in a wide
Łączniki pilotowe
  • Check Valves
    Parker's check valves allow compressed air to flow in one direction and prevent it from flowing in the other. Fitted upstream of the circuit to be protected, they provide total protection. Using different color codes for supply and exhaust versions, these valves avoid any mistakes in the installation process. By making the installation safer and more intuitive, installation costs are reduced.

    • Factory/Process Automation
    • Pneumatic
    • Petrochemical
    • Water and Beverage
    • Packaging
    • Automotive
    • Food Processing

    PLCK & VC Check Valves
    • Lip seals for improved sealing performance
    • Excellent vibration resistance
    • Compact
    • Lightweight
    • Symbol showing the operating direction of flow
    • Safe installation with color codes:
    Green push-button: supply version
    Red push-button: exhaust version

    • Machine tools
    • Assembly
    • Processing
    • Pneumatic circuits safety