Złącza zamienne z profilem skandynawskim
Parker offers a series of quick couplings with a Scandinavian industrial profile that is characterized by high strength and corrosion resistant coupling system in brass, stainless steel or carbonitride steel. These quick couplings with Scan

Premium Plus Quick Coupling with Scandinavian Profile, Series...
Parker's series 1100 is used mainly for applications in the area of compressed air and liquids. Robust design with small dimensions. Optimally suited to smaller pneumatic systems and to compressed air tools with a consumption of up to 900 litres per minute.
Coupling systems with two-hand operation, i.e. both hands are required when connect/disconnect.
- Machinery Construction
- Automotive
- Aerospace
- Mobile Hydraulics
- Ultra HighFlow valve for optimum flow and low pressure drop - Energy Saver
- Robust design with small dimensions
- Two-hand operation
- Pneumatic Power Tools
- Assembly Lines
- Air compressors
- Fluid Transfer -
Premium Plus Quick Coupling with Scandinavian Profile, Series...
Parker's series 1300 is used mainly for applications in the area of compressed air and liquids. Optimally suited to smaller to medium-sized pneumatic systems and to compressed air tools. The coupling series stands out for its compact design and high flow rates with the Ultra HighFlow valve. Coupling body made of nitrocarburized steel.
- Machinery Construction
- Automotive
- Aerospace
- Mobile Hydraulic
- Ultra HighFlow valve for optimum flow and low pressure drop - Energy Saver
- Compact design
- Pneumatic Power Tools
- Assembly Lines
- Air compressors -
Premium Plus Quick Coupling with Scandinavian Profile, Series...
Parker's series 2100 is used mainly in the area of compressed air. The system is particularly suited to large pneumatic plants and compressed air tools with a very high flow. This series has a special safety function, which requires a turn and push/pull movement during connection and disconnection. It also has an automatic pressure release function, which facilitates easy handling. A coupling system with very high flow rates, robust design, high corrosion resistance and a safety function.
- Machinery Construction
- Automotive
- Aerospace
- Mobile Hydraulics
- Corrosion resistant
- High flow rates
- Robust design
- Available with safety function
- Pneumatic Power Tools
- Assembly Lines
- Air compressors -
Szybkozłącze Premium Plus o profilu skandynawskim, seria 1800
Szybkozłącza serii 1800 firmy Parker stosowane są głównie w układach sprężonego powietrza i płynów. System złączy wyróżnia się solidną, zwartą konstrukcją i dużą odpornością na korozję. Zawór Ultra HighFlow gwarantuje optymalne natężenie przepływu i niewielki spadek ciśnienia.
– Budowa maszyn
– Motoryzacja
– Nauki przyrodnicze
– Przetwórstwo
– Technologia żywności
– Lotnictwo i astronautyka
– Hydraulika siłowa w maszynach mobilnych
Cechy i zalety:
– Solidna i kompaktowa konstrukcja
– Zawór Ultra HighFlow zapewniający optymalne natężenie przepływu i niewielki spadek ciśnienia — sposób na oszczędzanie energii
– Odporność na korozję
– Narzędzia pneumatyczne
– Linie montażowe
– Sprężarki powietrza
– Transport płynów -
Premium Plus Quick Coupling with Scandinavian Profile, Series...
Parker's robust, corrosion resistant coupling system in brass with high flow values for use with liquids in the pressure range up to 50 bar.
Two-hand operation, i.e. both hands are required when connect/disconnect. The main seal of the coupling has a special disc shape, which extends the durability of the coupling. To guarantee greater flexibility, we also offer plugs with no valve.
- Machinery Construction
- Rescue Equipment
- Aerospace
- Mobile Hydraulics
- UltraFlo valve for optimum flow and low pressure drop
- Coupling system made of brass for corrosion resistance
- Main seal with special disc shape for extended durability of the coupling
- Air compressors