Złącza urządzeń i systemów termicznych
Energy efficiency and compact design play a major role in thermal management applications. As a result of the low pressure drop of Parker coupling systems, energy saving is taken into account at the same time as optimal performance. The red

Dry Break Quick Connect Coupling, Series NSE
Parker's Quick Connect Coupling Series NSE are dry break couplings with flat face valves. The compact design makes it suitable for reduced spaces when high flow is needed. The series NSE is a coupling system with two-hand operation, i.e. both hands are required when connect/disconnect.
- Power generation and conversion
- Electronic cooling
- High flow with low pressure drop
- No spillage during connection / disconnection
- Specific design for cooling applications
- Reduced dimensions compared to flow capacities
- Cooling of electronic components
- Water and coolant lines -
Push-to-Connect Dry Break Quick Coupling, Series NSP
Parker's Push-to-Connect Quick Connect Coupling Series NSP are dry break couplings with flat face valves. The compact design makes it suitable for reduced spaces. The series NSP is a coupling system with single-hand operation. Series NSP can be used either with water and heat transfer oils.
- Molding machinery
- Electronic cooling
- Power generation and conversion
- Low pressure drop
- No spillage during connection / disconnection
- Specific design for cooling applications
- Push-to-Connect function
- Excellent resistance to vibrations and mechanical stresses
- Cooling of electronic components
- Water and coolant lines -
Szybkozłącze sucho odcinające, seria NSI
Szybkozłącza firmy Parker z serii NSI to szybkozłącza sucho odcinające z zaworami z płaską powierzchnią czołową. Kompaktowa konstrukcja sprawia, że nadają się do stosowania w ciasnych miejscach. Seria NSI to system łączenia obsługiwany oburącz, co oznacza, że do połączenia/rozłączenia wymagane są obie ręce. Seria NSI może być używana z wodą i olejami do wymiany ciepła.
– Wtryskarki przemysłowe
– Chłodzenie elektroniki
– Konwersja i magazynowanie energii
– Niski spadek ciśnienia
– Brak wycieków podczas podłączania/rozłączania
– Specjalna konstrukcja do zastosowań chłodniczych
– Doskonała odporność na drgania i naprężenia mechaniczne
– Chłodzenie komponentów elektronicznych
– Przewody wody i chłodziwa -
Push-Pull Dry Break Quick Connect Coupling, Series RNS
Parker's Push-Pull Quick Connect Coupling Series RNS are rigid couplings with flat face valves. They can be mounted on rigid manifolds or tubing and assure connection/disconnection without spillage. Base material is brass and stainless steel. Connection guiding system and compensation of misalignment during connection on rack systems (when both are mounted on rigid devices).
- Power generation and conversion
- Electronic cooling
- Dry break connection/disconnection
- Specific design for cooling applications
- Push-Pull connection with break away function
- Cooling of electronic components
- Water and coolant lines -
Szybkozłącze sucho odcinające, seria NSA
Szybkozłącza firmy Parker z serii NSA to szybkozłącza sucho odcinające z zaworem z płaską powierzchnią czołową. Seria NSA wyróżnia się minimalną utratą płynu podczas łączenia, zapewniając minimalny spadkiem ciśnienia i nieprzedostawanie się powietrza lub pyłu podczas łączenia.
– Chłodzenie elektroniki
– Wytwarzanie energii
– Transport
– Przemysł
– Przemysł obronny
– Sucho odcinający zawór grzybkowy ograniczający rozlewanie podczas łączenia/rozłączania
– Niewielka masa dzięki aluminiowej konstrukcji
– Łącznik Push–Lok do szybkiego montażu – oszczędność czasu
– Rurociągi wody i chłodziwa
– Rurociągi chłodzenia i odpuszczania
– Komponenty układu chłodzenia elektroniki
– Pojazdy wojskowe
– Transport płynów
– Przemysłowe rurociągi hydrauliczne -
NSG Series - Female Couplings
The NSG Couplings are dry-break couplings with flat face valves. The compact design makes them suitable for reduced spaces. Coupling system with two-hand operation, i.e. both hands are
required when connect/disconnect.
- Information Technology
- Electronics
- Data Centers
- Supercomputers
- Flush-face valve design prevents any fluid loss and optimum protection of electrical components
- Reduced pressure drop for superior energy efficiency and system performance
- High resistance to vibrations and rotation
- Broad selection of sealing materials compatible with temperature and fluids
- Manufacturing process that eliminates contamination
- Global manufacturing and service capabilities
- Liquid cooling
- Thermal Management
- Data Centers
- Supercomputers
- Electronics
- Servers
- Rackable Server Systems -
NSG Series - Male Couplings
The NSG Couplings are dry-break couplings with flat face valves. The compact design makes them suitable for reduced spaces. Coupling system with two-hand operation, i.e. both hands are
required when connect/disconnect.
- Information Technology
- Electronics
- Data Centers
- Supercomputers
- Flush-face valve design prevents any fluid loss and optimum protection of electrical components
- Reduced pressure drop for superior energy efficiency and system performance
- High resistance to vibrations and rotation
- Broad selection of sealing materials compatible with temperature and fluids
- Manufacturing process that eliminates contamination
- Global manufacturing and service capabilities
- Liquid Cooling
- Thermal Management
- Data Centers
- Supercomputers
- Electronics
- Servers
- Rackable Server Systems -
Universal Quick Disconnect (UQD) Series - Female Couplings
Universal Quick Disconnect (UQD) based on an Intel inspired open specification. Developed in collaboration with Intel Corporation.
- Information Technology
- Electronics
- Data Centers
- Supercomputers
- Flush-face valve design prevents any fluid loss and optimum protection of electrical components
- Reduced pressure drop for superior energy efficiency and system performance
- High resistance to vibrations and rotation
- Broad selection of sealing materials compatible with temperature and fluids
- Manufacturing process that eliminates contamination
- Global manufacturing and service capabilities
- Liquid cooling
- Thermal Management
- Data Centers
- Supercomputers
- Electronics
- Servers
- Rackable Server Systems -
Universal Quick Disconnect (UQD) Series - Male Couplings
Universal Quick Disconnect (UQD) based on an Intel inspired open specification. Developed in collaboration with Intel Corporation.
- Information Technology
- Electronics
- Data Centers
- Supercomputers
- Flush-face valve design prevents any fluid loss and optimum protection of electrical components
- Reduced pressure drop for superior energy efficiency and system performance
- High resistance to vibrations and rotation
- Broad selection of sealing materials compatible with temperature and fluids
- Manufacturing process that eliminates contamination
- Global manufacturing and service capabilities
- Liquid Cooling
- Thermal Management
- Data Centers
- Supercomputers
- Electronics
- Servers
- Rackable Server Systems