Mobile Directional Control Valve Series V20EH
The V20EH is a sectional, open center, directional control valve for mobile machines.
• Offered in two work port sizes; SAE10 and SAE12
• A global solenoid (pwm) that can be used for proportional or on/off control. The coils have a molded on Amp Jr. or Deutsch connector.
• Work sections rated to 240 Bar (3500 PSI): 4-way, 3-position; and 3-way, 3-position
The pressure required to move the spools is generated and regulated internal to the V20 valve
Minimal impact on open-center pressure drops when the main spools are in neutral
There is an option to have the mechanical buildup for full on-time operation
A dedicated solenoid drain to the reservoir optimizes solenoid performance.
An extended bonnet for screw-adjustable work port relief valves
Handle with manual override
• Offered in two work port sizes; SAE10 and SAE12
• A global solenoid (pwm) that can be used for proportional or on/off control. The coils have a molded on Amp Jr. or Deutsch connector.
• Work sections rated to 240 Bar (3500 PSI): 4-way, 3-position; and 3-way, 3-position
The pressure required to move the spools is generated and regulated internal to the V20 valve
Minimal impact on open-center pressure drops when the main spools are in neutral
There is an option to have the mechanical buildup for full on-time operation
A dedicated solenoid drain to the reservoir optimizes solenoid performance.
An extended bonnet for screw-adjustable work port relief valves
Handle with manual override