Gas Hose - Propanpress EN ISO 3821 NA/L 20

Propanpress EN ISO 3821 NA/L 20 hose is suitable for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). Orange colored cover to match the EN specs indication for these types of fluids. Can be used either in industrial and domestic application because its high grade materials enable a safe use in all circumstances.

• Industrial
• Construction industry

• Pin Pricked cover to prevent blisters formation and potential explosion during use
• Available in long continuous lengths providing maximun versatility  
• Design Factor 3:1 enhances safety for operators and equipment
• Excellent flexibility for ease of handling

• Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Natural Gas, propylene, propane
Gas Hose - Propanpress EN ISO 3821 NA/L 20

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