Zestawy/akcesoria do zaworów
Parker offers a comprehensive range of accessories to optimize system safety, efficiency, and productivity for hydraulic and pneumatic applications. Direct acting, pilot operated, crossover, and in-line reliefs ensure safe system operation,

1" DS Coil
Parker’s proven 1 inch DS coils are ideal for use in applications that require high flow and/or pressure. The DS coil is available in low and high watt versions for application flexibility and all coils are rated for continuous duty. DS coils are also capable of handling variable current, therefore, they can be used with proportional valves as well as on-off solenoid valves.
Features of Parker’s 1 inch DS Coil include:
• Compact one piece encapsulated design – resistant to moisture, caustic solutions, fungus, and temperatures from -40°C to 200°C (-40°F to 392°F.)
• Numerous voltage options – 12/24 VDC, 120 VAC, etc
• Numerous termination options – DIN, Dual Spade, Dual Leads, etc
• Heavy gauge color coded lead wire with built-in strain relief
• 200°C Class N wire standard
Parker’s 1” DS coil is a robust product that has undergone extensive testing and has a proven application performance record. Combined with Parker’s extensive line of solenoid and proportional cartridge valves, the DS coil is ideal for the most challenging applications and industries including:
• Power Units
• Oil and Gas
• Material Handling
• Construction
• Drills
• Presses
• Mixers
• Agriculture
• Balers
• Combines
• Refuse
• Cranes
• Compactors
• Graders
• Automotive -
1/2" Super Coil
Solidna konstrukcja cewki Super Coil o średnicy wewnętrznej 1/2 cala firmy Parker jest szczególnie odpowiednia do trudnych warunków. Przewody wewnętrzne klasy N zapewniają dłuższą żywotność w typowych temperaturach. Wszystkie cewki mają uzwojenie DC. Dodany wewnętrzny prostownik pełnookresowy prądu przemiennego eliminuje prąd rozruchowy i umożliwia zamienność napięcia. Cewki są oferowane z szeroką gamą zacisków, w tym z integralnie formowanymi złączami, oraz na różne napięcia, co pozwala spełnić wymagania konkretnej instalacji. Cewka pokryta jest termoplastyczną żywicą poliestrową. Dzięki temu wytrzymuje wyższą temperaturę i zapewnia mniejsze zniekształcenia. Żywica jest również odporna na wilgoć, żrące roztwory i grzyby, dzięki czemu chroni uzwojenia cewek. Cewka obudowana jest ocynkowaną ramą ze stali niskowęglowej, co zwiększa gęstość strumienia. Stal niskowęglowa ma lepsze właściwości magnetyczne i charakteryzuje się większą przepuszczalnością. Dostępne są diody zaprasowane w obudowie. Oznaczenie biegunów na cewce ułatwia instalację. Zewnętrzne występy zwiększają powierzchnię cewki, co pozwala na lepsze odprowadzanie ciepła. Cewka Super Coil firmy Parker to wytrzymały produkt o stopniu ochrony IP69K. Urządzenie to przeszło intensywne próby wytrzymałości oraz odporności na zanurzenie w wodzie, rozpylanie wody pod wysokim ciśnieniem i rozpuszczalniki chemiczne.
• Przemysł naftowy i gazowy
• Sprzęt do transportu materiałów
• Sprzęt budowlany
• Maszyny rolnicze
• Sprzęt na potrzeby kształcenia zawodowego i usług komunalnych
• Transport
• Średnica wewnętrzna 1/2 cala.
• Cewka z wbudowanym złączem Deutsch przekracza wymagania stopnia ochrony IP69K.
• Cewka z wbudowanym złączem Deutsch przeszła próbę szoku termicznego i zanurzenia.
• Cewka z wbudowanym złączem Amp Jr przekracza wymagania stopnia ochrony IP67 w zakresie szoku termicznego, wodoodporności i możliwości zanurzania.
• Możliwość pracy w sieci 50/60 Hz.
• Wodoodporna, hermetycznie zamknięta cewka nie wymaga o-ringów ani zestawów hydroizolacyjnych.
• Dzięki zewnętrznej taśmie ze stali ocynkowanej przewodzącej ciepło (w przeciwieństwie do taśmy w osłonie) cewka wytrzymuje silne szoki termiczne bez pękania.
• Symetryczną cewkę można odwrócić bez wpływu na działanie.
• Zasilacze
• Wiertarki
• Prasy
• Mieszarki
• Belownice
• Kombajny
• Żurawie
• Ubijarki
Aby poznać inne opcje napięć lub zacisków, należy skontaktować się z producentem.
Dodatkowe informacje techniczne:
Cewek o rozmiarze 1/2 cala zwykle używa się z kartridżami o rozmiarze 08 i 09 lub zaworami sterowanymi pośrednio. Cewek o małej mocy zwykle używa się w instalacjach o niskim ciśnieniu (poniżej 3000 psi), a cewek o dużej mocy — w instalacjach o wysokim ciśnieniu (do 5000 psi). -
5/8" Super Coil
The robust design of Parker's 5/8" Super Coil is especially suited for challenging environments. Internal wires have a class N rating, providing longer life at typical temperatures. All coils are DC wound. An internal full wave rectifier is added for AC current, eliminating inrush current, and allowing for voltage interchangeability. Coils are offered in a wide variety of terminations, including integrally molded connectors and voltages to meet your system requirements. Coil is encased in a thermoplastic polyester resin. This allows for higher temperature exposure and less distortion. This resin is also resistant to moisture, caustic solutions and fungus providing protection for coil windings. Zinc plated low carbon steel frame surrounds coil, increasing flux density. Low carbon steel provides better magnetic properties and greater permeability. Internally molded diodes are available. Polarity is molded into coil for ease of installation. External ridges provide a larger coil surface area, which allows for better heat dissipation. Parker’s Super Coil is a robust IP69K product that has undergone extensive water dunk, endurance, high pressure water spray, and chemical solvent testing.
• Oil and Gas
• Material Handling Equipment
• Construction Equipment
• Agriculture Machinery
• Vocational & Municipal Equipment
• Transportation
• 5/8 inch inner diameter
• Integral Deutsch connector coil exceeds IP69K standards
• Integral Deutsch connector coil thermal shock dunk test rated
• Integral Amp Jr. coil exceeds IP67 standards for thermal shock, water resistance and “dunk capability”
• Universal 50/60 Hz operation
• Waterproof coil hermetically sealed, requires no O-rings or waterproofing kits
• External plated steel flux-carrying band (unlike encapsulated band) enables coil to withstand severe thermal shocks without cracking
• Symmetrical coil can be reversed without affecting performance
• Power Units
• Drills
• Presses
• Mixers
• Balers
• Combines
• Cranes
• Compactors
For additional voltage or termination options, please consult the factory for details.
Additional technical insight:
The 5/8 inch coils are most commonly used with 10 and 12 size cartridges. Typically, low watt coils are used in low pressure (less than 3000 psi) applications and the high watt coils in high pressure (up to 5000 psi) applications. -
Cavity Plugs
Parker’s cavity plugs fit all industry standard 8, 10, 12, and 16 size cavities. These plugs function more than just a port plug and can be used in place of any valve that fits in those industry standard cavities. Parker’s cavity plugs can be configured to either block all ports completely or reroute flow to the appropriate ports via several internal spool design options. These valves are ideal for commonizing manifolds across several machine platforms where certain machines may or may not require specific valves and functionality. Cavity plugs can simply replace unused cavities were valves have been removed.
• Miscellaneous Industrial
• Miscellaneous Mobile
• High pressure rating
• 4 Sizes available
• Several flow options
• Blocking a cavity
• Rerouting flow -
Direct Acting Pressure Relief Valve, PLC
For decades, Parker’s approach to pressure relief valves in hydraulic machines of all kind has set the industry standard. Parker’s long experience in advanced hydraulic design combined with quality materials and high precision manufacturing processes result in excellent performance characteristics with fast responses and low hysteresis.
The PLC series relief valves improve the performance of the hydraulic system in a wide range of applications. The PLC valves protect hydraulic system from potentially damaging pressure peaks, while simultaneously prevent cavitation in a consumer. When the PCL valve is supplied with a plug an anti-cavitation spring is included to enable the cartridge to function as an anti-cavitation valve to prevent cavitation in a consumer. The PLC’s integrated anti-cavitation function is a great asset in any hydraulic systems that prevent cavitation in a system and will improve the function and life time of the hydraulic equipment.
The pressure setting is permanently set at the factory to ensure reliable, tamper-proof function during a long service life.
Parker’s dual-function threaded PLC valves are used by several leading manufacturers of hydraulic pumps, transmissions and mobile valves. They are available in four sizes with flow capacity up to 300 l/min.
• Automotive
• Construction equipment
• Defense
• Forestry equipment
• Industrial
• Marine
• Material handling
• Mining
• Mobile
• Reach stackers
• Tele handlers
• Fork lift trucks
• Refuse collection vehicles
• Tipper and hook lift trucks
• Truck cranes
• Forestry machines
• Drill rigs
• Mining machines
• Dump trucks
• Loaders
• Excavators
• Dual functions in a single unit with small dimensions makes it easy to install.
• Protects the hydraulic system from pressure peaks.
• Counteracts cavitation to avoid component damage in the system.
• Distinct, fast acting that makes the valve react quickly to pressure surges.
• Low hysteresis equals high precision in pressure maintenance.
• Tamper-proof permanent settings that prevents undesirable changing of the pressure setting. -
Explosion Proof Coils
The Parker HLC family of Explosion Proof Solenoid Coils are robustly designed to function in rugged environments. These coils are well suited for use in potentially explosive or hazardous gas environments. With its modular design due to a rotatable conduit cover and wide range of global certifications, Parker’s HLC series of Explosion Proof Coils are perfect for your most challenging application.
• Oil and Gas
• Power Generation
• Fits standard on/off solenoid products
• Includes terminal block for ½" NPT and M20 x 1.5 conduit connections
• Modular design for multiple valve options
• Multiple global certifications for regional flexibility
• Corrosion Resistant up to 1,000 Hour Salt Spray
• Conduit cover may be rotated in four directions and is removable for ease of installation
• Turbine Process Control
• Specialty Actuators
Additional technical insight:
HLC Series is designed for two position, on-off solenoid valve products in the Parker standard catalog. Consult factory for applications utilizing other products. HLC Series performance varies from the standard Super Coil. Consult factory for valve performance in applying the HLC series Explosion Proof coil. -
ValveMaster® Test Unit Series EX-M05
The EX-M05 ValveMaster® is a compact hydraulic valve testing unit with a wide range of applications. The unit has been especially designed for testing Parker proportional and control valves with on-board electronics as part of the maintenance measures. In addition, machine parts can be fully adjusted hydraulically during commissioning before the programmable logic controller program (PLC) is complete. All functions such as signal measurements or outputting target values can be called up quickly and easily via the clearly arranged operating elements and the integrated display.
The test unit is integrated into a solid, lockable plastic case which protects the electronics and also takes the connection cable supplied in a separate storage compartment. -
Subplates for Directional Control Valve Series A
Subplates series A are used for directional control valves with metric threads. They are available in size NG06/CETOP 03 and NG10/CETOP 05.
We provide short delivery time for all variations. -
Adaptor Plates for Regenerative and Hybrid Circuits Series A10
The adaptor plates A10 allow energy saving regenerative or switchable hybrid circuits for differential cylinders using the following directional control and proportional directional control valves in size NG10 / CETOP 05:
• D3DWR*
• D31NWR*
• D3FBR*
• D31FBR*
• D31FCR*
• D3FPR*
• D31FPR*
Series A10 is available in two versions: code A10-1664 for A-regeneration, code A10-1665L for hybrid function.
• To be used in combination with the above-mentioned valves. See also series D31NWR and series D3FB, D3FP, D31FB, D31FC and D31FP
• Port T1 is used as single tank port. Port T2 is separated from port T1 by the elimination of the tank bridge and is used for regeneration into the A port
• The circuit conception can be integrated into the manifold block as well
• Enables to create energy-saving circuits
• Short delivery times -
Subplate for Pressure Valve Series A102
The solid subplate series A102 in size NG10 is dedicated for mounting the following proven Parker pressure valves:
• Direct operated pressure relief valve series VB
• Direct operated pressure reducing valve series VM
• Proven design
• Optimally adapted to the Parker pressure valves
• Short delivery time -
CS06 Sandwich Plates
Sandwich plates for NG06 -
Cover Plates Series D51
Cover plates for NG06 and NG10 -
H06 Sandwich Plates
Sandwich plates for NG06 -
Sandwich Plates for Regenerative and Hybrid Circuits - Series H10
The robust sandwich plates H10 have been specially designed to implement energy saving regenerative or switchable hybrid circuits for differential cylinders to achieve significant energy savings and thus operation cost reductions. They are suitable for the following Parker directional control and proportional directional control valves in size NG10 / CETOP 05:
• D3DWR*
• D31NWR*
• D3FBR*
• D31FBR*
• D31FCR*
• D3FPR*
• D31FPR*
Series H10 is available in two versions: code H10-1662 for A-regeneration, code H10-1666L for hybrid function.
• Industrial
• Compact, proven design that represents our long-term experience in hydraulics - increases reliability
• Industry-standard mountings according to DIN ISO, CETOP and NFPA - for quick, easy integration
• Enable to create energy-saving circuits - resulting in lower operation costs
• Short delivery time for all variations - no warehousing necessary
• To be used in combination with the above-mentioned valves. See also series D31NWR and series D3FB, D3FP, D31FB, D31FC and D31FP
• Suitable for general hydraulic applications
• Port T1 is used as single tank port. Port T2 is separated from port T1 by the elimination of the tank bridge and is used for regeneration into the A port
• The circuit conception can be integrated into the manifold block as well -
Pressure Intensifier - Series SD500
Parker's proven pressure intensifiers series SD500 are used wherever a particular section of a hydraulic system has to be pressurized to a substantially higher pressure than the available primary pressure (clamping functions). With an intensification ratio of 1 : 4 (1 : 2, 1 : 6), the SD500 enables a cost-effective system solution for machine tools, especially in clamping applications, with primary pressures up to 125 bar.
A pilot operated check valve can be flanged underneath the pressure intensifier for quick filling and decompression of the high-pressure section.
• Industrial
• Machine tools
• Compact design, mounting pattern NG06, DIN 24 340 Design A, CETOP,
ISO - for quick, easy integration
• Proven technology, volume flow formed with low pulsation- enables reliable operation
• High pressure up to 500 bar
• Ensures always the right pressure intensification ratio
• Short delivery time - no warehousing necessary
• Check valve attachable to bottom flange
• Suitable for general hydraulic applications
• Machine tools
Main functional parts of the pressure intensifier:
• Piston
• Rocker mechanism
• Slide valve with lock
• 4 check valves which separate the high-pressure section from the low pressure section
• Check valve in the tank port to partition of the tank section from the primary pressure
After the high-pressure section is filled with oil, (e.g. extension of a clamping cylinder), the pressure intensifier begins operation: The low pressure moves the intensifier piston because of the surface ratio and compresses the oil column in the high pressure section. At the end of the intensifier’s piston stroke, the rocker crossed switching position, and the intensifier piston pumps oil from the piston rod area into the high-pressure section. The process repeats itself until the pressure ratio corresponding to the surface ratio has led to a balance of force on the intensifier piston.
The pressure intensifier switches itself off and immediately on again when the high pressure (e.g. due to external leakage) begins to drop (pay attention to the flow characteristics). The switching speed of the slide valve is dependent on the operating speed of the intensifier piston.
• To avoid exceeding the admissible maximum pressure, a pressure relief or pressure control valve must be fitted on the primary side (pressure setting, max. 125 bar / 1 : 4, max. 250 bar / 1 : 2 or max. 83 bar / 1 : 6)
• There must be no pressure peak on the primary side when operating in the maximum pressure range
• It is recommended to mount a 10µm filter on the primary side to ensure damage-free operation -
Adaptor Plates - Series PADA
The proven adaptor plates series PADA for HN10 to NG06 are designed to enable the combination of cartridge components in different sizes and thus to benefit from the wide range of functions of Parker's modular DIN cartridge system. The adaptor plates are available in two versions: connection A-B / B-A or connection A-A / B-B.
• Industrial
• Compact, proven design that represents our long-term experience in hydraulics - increases reliability
• Enables combination of cartridge components in different sizes, e.g. covers in NG10 and pilots in NG06 - allows tailor-made customizations
• Short delivery time for both versions - no warehousing necessary
• O-rings are included in delivery
• Suitable for general hydraulic applications -
Płyty przyłączeniowe do kierunkowych zaworów regulacyjnych —...
Sprawdzone płyty przyłączeniowe serii SPD firmy Parker przeznaczone są do montażu kierunkowych zaworów regulacyjnych z gwintami BSPP (British Standard Pipe Parallel) i zapewniają niezawodne działanie. Dostępne są w różnych wersjach i czterech rozmiarach: NG06 / CETOP 03, NG10 / CETOP 05, NG16 / CETOP 07 i NG25 / CETOP 08.
• Przemysł
• Kompaktowa, sprawdzona konstrukcja będąca efektem naszego wieloletniego doświadczenia w hydraulice siłowej — zwiększa niezawodność
• Mocowania dostosowane do norm branżowych zgodne z DIN ISO, CETOP i NFPA — szybka i łatwa integracja.
• Krótki czas dostawy w przypadku wszystkich wersji — brak konieczności magazynowania.
• Nadaje się do ogólnych zastosowań hydraulicznych -
Subplates for Pressure Valves - Series SPP
Parker's proven subplates series SPP are designed for mounting pressure valves with BSPP (British Standard Pipe Parallel) threads and contribute to a reliable operation. They are available in different versions and three sizes: NG06, NG10 and NG32.
• Industrial
• Compact, proven design that represents our long-term experience in hydraulics - increases reliability
• Industry-standard mountings according to DIN ISO - for quick, easy integration
• Optimally adapted to the Parker pressure valves
• Short delivery time for most variations - no warehousing necessary
• Suitable for general hydraulic applications -
WM Pressure Gauge Selector Valve
The pressure gauge selector valve series WM allows to connect up to 5 or 10 measuring points to one pressure gauge. When measuring is completed, the gauge is pressure-relieved to prevent it from being damaged by pressure surges. The accuracy and life time of the pressure gauge are thus increased considerably.
Pressure gauge selector valve with locking, pressure-relieving piston. Measuring point selection by marked rotary handle and graduated dial.
To select one of the measuring points from 1 to 5 or 1 to 10, the rotary handle is pulled out fully, and turned to the left or right. When the measuring point is selected by means of the handle marking and the dial, the handle is pushed in and the pressure gauge loaded with the pressure present. The piston is locked in the measuring position by a catch. When measuring is completed, the handle is pulled out, to relieve the pressure gauge via the drain line.
- 5 or 10 measuring positions optional
- Extends the service life of the manometer by unloading the pressure -
Przełącznik ciśnieniowy — seria PSB
Wytrzymałe elektrohydrauliczne przełączniki ciśnieniowe serii PSB firmy Parker zapewniają dużą elastyczność przy montażu z blokami zaworowymi, płytami warstwowymi lub bezpośrednimi połączeniami na linii. Hydraulicznie tłumiony tłok zapewnia dokładną reakcję i dłuższy okres eksploatacji. Maksymalne ciśnienie robocze wszystkich wersji wynosi 315 barów.
• Przemysł
• Solidna żeliwna konstrukcja. Wytrzymały, ale kompaktowy produkt — zaprojektowany, aby zapewnić długi okres eksploatacji w wymagających zastosowaniach.
• Cztery oddzielne regulowane opcje zakresu ciśnienia — umożliwiają operatorowi precyzyjne ustawienie żądanego ciśnienia.
• Montaż na kołnierzu lub rurze — możliwość instalacji w niemal dowolnym zastosowaniu.
• Opcjonalna regulacja z blokadą kluczykową — zapobiega manipulacjom lub nieautoryzowanym zmianom w krytycznych zastosowaniach.
• Stopień ochrony obudowy elementów elektrycznych IP65 — zachowuje szczelność mimo obecności wilgoci (rozpylanie lub rozbryzgi).
• Krótki czas dostawy w przypadku większości wersji — brak konieczności magazynowania.
• Do ogólnych zastosowań hydraulicznych
Obciążony sprężyną tłok jest tłumiony hydraulicznie. Przełącznik PSB zapewnia bardzo dokładną histerezę między punktami przełączania. Wymagane ciśnienie robocze jest regulowane za pomocą śruby nastawczej. Nieautoryzowanym regulacjom można zapobiec, stosując opcjonalny zamek bębenkowy. Układ elektryczny jest mikroprzełącznikiem z łącznikiem migowym. Trzy zaciski umożliwiają działanie urządzenia jako włącznik, wyłącznik lub przełącznik. Połączenie elektryczne realizowane jest przy użyciu 3-biegunowego przyłącza wtykowego zgodnego z normą EN 175301-803 z uziemieniem.
W przypadku indukcyjnych odbiorników prądu stałego należy stosować iskiernik, aby wydłużyć okres eksploatacji. -
Constant Volume Priority Flow Control ValveSeries CFD
As a part of the Mobile Accessory Family, the Parker CFD Flow Divider divides pump hydraulic oil into two separate flows. One, the pressure compensated Controlled Flow (has Priority), and the other, a usable flow which is in excess of the Controlled Flow. The Controlled Flow rate is determined by the metering spool that is installed.
• The CFD is rated at 3000 PSI and the maximum recommend input flow is 20 GPM.
• The fixed Controlled Flow rate is available in six standard options ranging from 1 to 5 GPM.
• Standard porting options are SAE-10, 1/2” NPT, and 3/4” NPT. -
Priority Type Flow Control Series CFQ
As a part of the Mobile Accessory Family, the Parker CFQ Adjustable Flow Divider divides pump hydraulic oil into two separate flows. One, the pressure compensated Controlled Flow, and the other, a usable flow which is in excess of the Controlled Flow. Once the Controlled Flow demand is satisfied, the compensator spool shifts and passes Excess Flow to port EX. The EX flow can be used in a secondary circuit. Additionally, with the EX port plugged, the CFQ can serve as a 2 port restrictive type pressure compensated flow control.
• The CFQ is rated at 3000 PSI with SAE ports and the maximum recommend input flow is 35 GPM.
• The Controlled Flow rate has 3 adjustable ranges, from 0 to 8 GPM, 0 to 16 GPM, and 0 to 30 GPM, over 90 degree rotation of the adjustment lever.
• Standard porting options are 1/2” NPT and 3/4” NPT as well as SAE-10 and SAE-12.
When flow requirements are met at port “CF”, the compensator spool shifts to deliver excess flow to port “EX” for use in a secondary circuit.
The compensator maintains a constant differential pressure of less than 50 PSI (34.5 bar). With port “EX” plugged, the CFQ serves as a 2-port, pressure-compensated flow control. -
Differential Area Crossover Relief Series DWV
As a part of the Mobile Accessory Family, the Parker DWV are designed to eliminate or minimize shock, surge, or overload conditions on hydraulic equipment. The need for anti-cavitation checks is eliminated. Relieved oil is directed to the opposite side of the relief (crossover) preventing cylinder or motor cavitation. It is recommend that the DWV be installed as close to the actuator as practical for optimal performance.
The pressure setting for the DWV is either screw or shim adjusted and is typically ordered preset to one of 4 default settings. Each of the 4 setting options have a usable adjustment range. Custom settings are available via contacting factory.
• The DWV is rated at 3000 PSI with SAE ports and the maximum recommend actuator flow is 30 GPM.
• Standard porting options are 1/2” NPT and 3/4” NPT as well as SAE-8, SAE-10, and SAE-12. -
Hydraulic Pilot Pressure Valve Series HP
As a part of the Mobile Accessory Family, the Parker HP50 Pilot Generation Valve eliminates the needs for a separate pilot pump and relief valve for a pilot system. The HP50 generates pilot pressure via a sequence valve. From there, the pilot oil is then sent to a pressure reducing valve that protects the pilot system from high pressure oil. An optional relief is also available to limit system pressure and protect the main pump.
Additionally, an optional solenoid unloading kit is available that can be energized for 300-500 PSI build up only when needed.
• The HP50 is rated at 3500 PSI and the maximum recommend pump flow is 50 GPM.
• The pressure reducing valve is capable of 5 GPM maximum pilot flow output.
• Standard porting options are SAE-24 for the main Pump/Tank and SAE-6 for the Pilot output port. -
Pilot Operated Check Valves Series LO
As a part of the Mobile Accessory Family, the Parker LO & LOA Pilot Operated Check valves provide load holding where fluid leakage through the control valve may adversely affect the performance of the system such as clamps, outriggers, and work platforms. Additionally, they can be applied to prevent movement of a load while the pressure source is inactive and a control valve is inadvertently actuated.
A control valve with a free flow (motor) spool should be used on any circuit which includes a Pilot Operated Check. This spool option will prevent unwanted pressure build up between the Control valve and Pilot Operated Check Valve.
• Both versions are available in single and double acting versions.
• Both Models are rated at 3000 PSI with SAE ports. The maximum recommend actuator flow for the LO is 25 GPM. The LOA is rated at a lower 8 GPM actuator flow.
• Standard porting options for the LO are 1/2” NPT and SAE-10.
• Standard porting options for the LOA are 1/4” NPT, 3/8” NPT, and SAE-6. -
Selector Valve Series S & H
Series S and SM accessory valves are two-position, three way selector valves. They are designed for directing flow from one single pump to one, or the other of two separate hydraulic lines. An example of this is the operation of two single-acting cylinders, independent of each other.
Series H and HM accessory valves are two-position, three way selector valves. They are designed to be used with a three-position, four way valve to provide a float or free-wheeling condition. Application examples include plows, loaders, and certain winches. -
In-Line Mounted Differential Poppet Relief Valve Series WJL
As a part of the Mobile Accessory Family, the Parker WJL is a compact, low profile relief design that is either shim or screw adjustable from 500 to 2000 PSI. Typical applications include main system pressure limiting as well as actuator protection.
• The WJL is rated at 3000 PSI with SAE ports with a maximum recommend pump or actuator flow of 25 GPM.
• Standard porting options are 1/2” NPT and 3/4” NPT as well as SAE-10 and SAE-12 -
Direct Acting Crossover Relief Series DXV
As a part of the Mobile Accessory Family, the Parker DXV are designed to eliminate or minimize shock, surge, or overload conditions on hydraulic equipment. The need for anti-cavitation checks is eliminated. Relieved oil is directed to the opposite side of the relief (crossover) preventing cylinder or motor cavitation. It is recommend that the DXV be installed as close to the actuator as practical for optimal performance.
The pressure setting for the DXV is shim adjusted and is typically ordered preset to one of 8 default settings. Custom settings are available via contacting factory.
• The DXV is rated at 3000 PSI with SAE ports and the maximum recommend actuator flow is 10 GPM.
• Standard porting options are 3/8”NPT, 1/2” NPT and 3/4” NPT as well as SAE-8 and SAE-10. -
Pilot Operated Releif Valve Series RPL
As a part of the Mobile Accessory Family, the Parker RPL is a compact, low profile relief design that is screw adjustable from 500 to 5000 PSI. Typical applications include main system pressure limiting as well as actuator protection.
• The RPL is rated at 5000 PSI with SAE ports with a maximum recommend pump or actuator flow of 60 GPM.
• Standard porting options are 3/4” NPT and 1” NPT as well as SAE-12 and SAE-16. -
In-Line Mounted Pilot Operated Relief Valve Series RPJL
As a part of the Mobile Accessory Family, the Parker RPJL is a compact, low profile relief design that is screw adjustable from 500 to 5000 PSI. Typical applications include main system pressure limiting as well as actuator protection.
• The RPJL is rated at 5000 PSI with SAE ports with a maximum recommend pump or actuator flow of 25 GPM.
• Standard porting options are 1/2” NPT and 3/4” NPT as well as SAE-10 and SAE-12. -
Flow Divider - PD Series
Series PD and PDC accessory valves are pressure compensated flow dividers. They are designed for applications where two separate hydraulic circuits are to be served from a single pump. The valve splits the flow in three ratios between the two hydraulic lines. Flow through the series PD flow divider cannot be reversed. Flow through the PDC flow divider can be combined in the reverse direction and synchronized in both directions.
Series PD and PDC flow dividers will divide the inlet flow to ±10% of the specified outlet flow when used within recommended capacities. In addition, many actuators can displace fluid different from the ratio of the divider. -
Priority Flow Control Series DC25
As a part of the Mobile Accessory Family, the Parker DC25A Adjustable Flow Divider divides pump hydraulic oil into two separate flows. One, the adjustable Controlled Flow (pressure compensated), and the other, Excess Flow which over and above the Controlled Flow. Once the Controlled Flow demand is satisfied, the compensator spool shifts and passes Excess Flow to port EF. The EF flow can be used in a secondary circuit. Additionally, with the EF port plugged, the DC25A can serve as a 2 port restrictive type pressure compensated flow control.
• The DC25A is rated at 3500 PSI and the maximum recommend input flow is 30 GPM.
• The Controlled Flow rate is adjustable from 1 to 26 GPM via 12 detented positions while rotating the adjustment knob over 360 degrees.
• Standard porting options are 1/2” NPT and 3/4” NPT as well as SAE-10 and SAE-12. -
Double Selector Valve Series DS
As a part of the Mobile Accessory Family, the Parker DS Double Selector Valve diverts the A & B input ports into two separate circuits. In one position, the A & B ports are directed to C & D, and in the other position, A & B ports are directed to E & F.
This selectable circuitry permits operation of two, double-acting cylinders with:
- one four-way control valve or,
- four single-acting cylinders with two three-way control valves
• The DS is rated at 3000 PSI with SAE ports and the maximum recommend input flow is 25 GPM.
• Standard porting options are 3/4” NPT as well as SAE-12.
• The valve spool is of the open crossover type. This means that at mid stroke, ports A, D, and E are momentarily connected.
• The valve should be shifted prior to applying system pressure. -
Pressure Compensated ByPass Type Flow Control Valve -Series CFDA
As a part of the Mobile Accessory Family, the Parker CFDA Adjustable Flow Divider divides pump hydraulic oil into two separate flows. One, the adjustable pressure compensated Controlled Flow, and the other, Excess Flow which over and above the Controlled Flow. Once the Controlled Flow demand is satisfied, the compensator spool shifts and passes any Excess Flow to the Excess Flow port. The Excess Flow port is not a work port and must be returned to tank.
• The CFDA is rated at 2500 PSI and the maximum recommend input flow is 20 GPM.
• The Controlled Flow rate is adjustable from minimum to 15 GPM over 6 turns of the adjustment knob.
• Standard porting options are SAE-10, 1/2” NPT, and 3/4” NPT. -
1/2" Short Coil
Parker’s robust SW7L coils are available with a 1/2" inner diameter. The 1/2" coils correlate with the 08-size proportional pressure reducing and relieving cartridge valves, the EPR083R valve series. The SW7L coil is available in 12- & 24-volt versions, both rated at a standard 14-watt current for continuous duty. This coil can be used across the full pressure range of the EPR083R valve, controlling from zero all the way up to 5,000 psi. All coils are manufactured with DC windings and feature a hermetically sealed design with redundant internal O-rings to prevent water ingression under all conditions. The outer shell is zinc plated to prevent rust and is manufactured using low carbon seal, with the entire coil exceeding the IP69K standards. A select variety of termination styles are available including the most common Integral Deutsch, Double Spade, and Dual Lead wire connections. SW7L Coils are optimized to be used with proportional valves but may also function as on-off coils when required by the application.
• Aerial
• Agricultural Machinery
• Construction Equipment
• Material Handling Equipment
• Miscellaneous Industrial
• Miscellaneous Manufacturing
• Miscellaneous Mobile
• High flow capacity
• Multiple switching pressure options
• Sealed pilot option available
• Hardened working parts for maximum durability
• All external parts zinc plated
• Bypass flow paths
• Diverter for hydrostatic transmission cooling or filtration
• Enabling/disabling functions
• Enabling/disabling hydraulic subsystems
• Regen functions