High Pressure Stainless Steel Filter 40S Series
The 40S Series stainless steel pressure filter is offered in a variety of micron choices in either fiberglass or stainless steel wire mesh media. Elements are also constructed in a 316 stainless steel with Fluorocarbon or Ethylene Propylene sealing materials depending on application. Indicators consist of 316 stainless steel material on wetted surfaces with choices in either visual or visual/electrical combination. During change outs, the filter’s bowl-up configuration allows for an element to be easily and safely removed.
Multiple porting options (up to SAE-32) allow greater adaptably to current and future system requirements. Integral mounting holes provide additional flexibility to the 40S ease of installation.
Typical Markets & Applications-
Power Gen
Wet Compression
Water injection
Water Wash
Dust Control - Water Spray
Hydraulic Power Unit – Salt Spray Environment
Oil & Gas
Offshore BOP fluids
Surface Control Power Units
Test Stands – DI water
Parts Wash – DI water
Food & Beverage
Caustic Wash Down
DEF Filtration
Multiple porting options (up to SAE-32) allow greater adaptably to current and future system requirements. Integral mounting holes provide additional flexibility to the 40S ease of installation.
Typical Markets & Applications-
Power Gen
Wet Compression
Water injection
Water Wash
Dust Control - Water Spray
Hydraulic Power Unit – Salt Spray Environment
Oil & Gas
Offshore BOP fluids
Surface Control Power Units
Test Stands – DI water
Parts Wash – DI water
Food & Beverage
Caustic Wash Down
DEF Filtration